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Author Topic: 2002 Sundance 850 Altamar  (Read 3162 times)


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2002 Sundance 850 Altamar
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:31:17 pm »
Ok I have a 2002 Sundance 850 Altamar the tub worked fine yesterday today we went out to use it (its 14deg here) my son lifted the lid then tripped and dropped it back down not sure if this has anything to do with it but thought i would mention it. I started getting a flo and flow 2 error message. I replaced my circulator pump 2 weeks ago as it was shot. I checked my flow switch with my fluke and it opens and closes fine circulator pump turns on I open the wires it turns off when i turn on my pump 1 1st speed OK 2nd speed it shuts down turn on light it shuts down turn on pump 2 shuts down air blower works fine by shut down i mean any pump previously on turns off when I hit the pump 2 or light i get a -l 8 -l F on my display screen is my control panel bad maybe from the cover dropping on it in the cold weather. when the circulator pump was bad i was still able to turn all of my jets on without a problem tub is heating fine stayed at 98 -96 all night and it dropped down to -4 last night. I checked pump 2 and its free i can not frozen. I ordered a new flow switch but i cant see where it is bad ohms open and short closed. Any ideas

Hot Tub Forum

2002 Sundance 850 Altamar
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:31:17 pm »


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Re: 2002 Sundance 850 Altamar
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 01:15:43 pm »
Hot tub now has the watchdog error and nothing is happening I checked the temp sensor looks life as the ohm meter reading at 84deg is 26400 ohms so I think the main control board is shot checked transformer and power all ok ran power directly to circ pump works fine reset power multiple times still in watchdog nothing on the board looks fried no smell of burned electronics tested both pumps ok guess i need a new board. Is there anything else I can check before shelling out the money for a new board?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2002 Sundance 850 Altamar
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 01:15:43 pm »


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