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Author Topic: South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model  (Read 9532 times)


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South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:36:01 pm »
I'm new to the forum, have been a Softtub owner and user for 10 years and have just wet tested 4 new tubs to replace my aging Softtub. After testing, I can't believe I enjoyed my Softub for so many years--but can't wait for the upgrade I'm about to make. I live in Toronto, Canada where the winters are cold (as low as -20 celsius sometimes). I started at the Nordic Retreat plug and play and now focusing on the Sunrise-built Freestyle S103 vs. the Artesian-built South Seas 748L 2013 model. I also wet tested the Coyote Maricopa. All three were huge upgrades on my 2-seater Softub (obviously) and represent a huge jump in price, as well as additional $1000 for electrical. My issue is this, my local Artesian dealer has given me what I believe to be an amazing price to hit the budget I told him he has to hit (to get the same price (even a bit lower than the Freestyle). But at this price, it's not worth it for him to move/fill/drain tubs so that I can wet test it. He had me test a higher model (I believe it is the Island Spa Antigua with 52 jets and single foot blaster)-), and the quality of the jets and unique/different massage experiences in each seat felt far superior to the Freestyle or even the Coyote. The dealer was telling me that the South 748L is very similar/therapy jets/accumassage jets. The pumps on the 748L are 2 X 5hp, vs 2 X 6 for the one I tested. The model i tested had diverters--the 748L does not. I'm wary to buy a tub without wet testing it (so much of it is fit, comfort, not floating in the seats). But i believe the South Seas quality is high and the deal is really good--being reasonable, I can't blame the dealer for his unwillingness to rearrange and go through trouble on a deal he isn't getting much margin on. I need some feedback on the 748L and what differences to expect from the Island Antigua (higher model) that he had me wet test. I don't want to be disappointed when it arrives. There are no Artesian dealers near me except this one, and no opp to wet test. I just can't find user reviews or good comparisons to the model I was actually able to wet test. I'm willing to take a leap of faith--if I can be assured that South Seas is a quality brand, durable, and the 748L has an experience close to the one in the Antigua (minus foot blaster and push button air pressure vs. dials). Can somebody out there (another Artesian dealer, a 748L owner?), help me?

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South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:36:01 pm »


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Re: South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 07:47:49 am »
I wouldn't buy a spa I hadn't wet tested. The only thing which would come close to convincing me otherwise is to wet test a similar model from the same maker.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 11:50:09 am »
I'm new to the forum, have been a Softtub owner and user for 10 years and have just wet tested 4 new tubs to replace my aging Softtub. After testing, I can't believe I enjoyed my Softub for so many years--but can't wait for the upgrade I'm about to make. I live in Toronto, Canada where the winters are cold (as low as -20 celsius sometimes). I started at the Nordic Retreat plug and play and now focusing on the Sunrise-built Freestyle S103 vs. the Artesian-built South Seas 748L 2013 model. I also wet tested the Coyote Maricopa. All three were huge upgrades on my 2-seater Softub (obviously) and represent a huge jump in price, as well as additional $1000 for electrical. My issue is this, my local Artesian dealer has given me what I believe to be an amazing price to hit the budget I told him he has to hit (to get the same price (even a bit lower than the Freestyle). But at this price, it's not worth it for him to move/fill/drain tubs so that I can wet test it. He had me test a higher model (I believe it is the Island Spa Antigua with 52 jets and single foot blaster)-), and the quality of the jets and unique/different massage experiences in each seat felt far superior to the Freestyle or even the Coyote. The dealer was telling me that the South 748L is very similar/therapy jets/accumassage jets. The pumps on the 748L are 2 X 5hp, vs 2 X 6 for the one I tested. The model i tested had diverters--the 748L does not. I'm wary to buy a tub without wet testing it (so much of it is fit, comfort, not floating in the seats). But i believe the South Seas quality is high and the deal is really good--being reasonable, I can't blame the dealer for his unwillingness to rearrange and go through trouble on a deal he isn't getting much margin on. I need some feedback on the 748L and what differences to expect from the Island Antigua (higher model) that he had me wet test. I don't want to be disappointed when it arrives. There are no Artesian dealers near me except this one, and no opp to wet test. I just can't find user reviews or good comparisons to the model I was actually able to wet test. I'm willing to take a leap of faith--if I can be assured that South Seas is a quality brand, durable, and the 748L has an experience close to the one in the Antigua (minus foot blaster and push button air pressure vs. dials). Can somebody out there (another Artesian dealer, a 748L owner?), help me?

I also don't like the fact that they must be listing BHP on the pumps instead of true HP


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Re: South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 01:03:47 pm »
The 748L and Antigua are apples to oranges. While the insulation etc. is the same the pumps, jets and way they filter are completely different. The ounger in the 748L is completely different. It's two completely different tubs. Spending that kind of money it isn't unreasonable to have a dealer prepare the tub for a wet test if they want the deal. Realistically how hard is it to pump the water from one tub to another and hook up the hydro? Just my opinion.


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Re: South Seas/Artesian 748L 2013 model
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 01:03:47 pm »


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