So trying to get ahead of the cold in SE Pa, I drained and cleaned out my hot tub the other day. Many other complications that day prevented me from doing anything but a refill and a very quick strip test of my unfiltered well water test at 54 degrees. The next day when the tub had heated, I repeated my test and found that there was a change in my ph as well as alkalinity..and the water was now almost perfect!!! The only thing that I had done was add a sequestering agent as the tub filled to get the iron out. I took my strips and water sample to my dealer who basically confirmed that the water was almost perfect, and my strips matched the computerized testing that they perform...but that was quite a change from the water that I tested at 54 degrees about 20 hours before. I have had this same thing occur with my fish tank water and I use elaborate water testing methods. So geniuses of the chemistry world..could it be:
The temperature?
The fact that oxygen is allowing some sort of chemical changes in the well water..maybe allowing something to dissolve?
I guess that I want to know because I will do this every time from now took very little adjustment to get my water spot on..and that has never been the case before.