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Author Topic: newbie: new/first tub choice  (Read 4592 times)


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newbie: new/first tub choice
« on: January 06, 2013, 12:21:15 am »
Never had a hot tub before... but it's time!  Looking for a four person.. don't have any big needs, we're pretty low maintenance. 

Four tubs we're considering:  marquis mirage; maax 461; hotsprings bolt; sundance camden

The maax and the marquis mirage don't have circulation pumps.  That was a big concern, but then I heard the maax 461 in the half speed mode, and it was definitely quiet enough to not disturb us (or neighbors) at night when it runs. 

I know most people put marquis, hotsprings, and sundance in the same quality level... but sounds like maax is less respected.  Why is that?

The mirage and 461 are about the same price.. the other two are more expensive, the camden is about 1500 more... that's a lot to me.  The maax isn't full foam, but they had some numbers from a study that showed their tubs were more energy efficient than the others. 

My dry test showed the 461 to be the most flexible design.. comfortable and efficient.  Haven't wet tested any of them yet.
I like all the dealers... though the maax dealer I really like, small family owned company, been in business 25 years. 

Anyway, really this is a gut check... any reason why I should reconsider the maax? 
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 12:12:54 pm by psalad »

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newbie: new/first tub choice
« on: January 06, 2013, 12:21:15 am »


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 06:23:11 pm »
  The maax isn't full foam, but they had some numbers from a study that showed their tubs were more energy efficient than the others. 

Of course they do but I'm not buying it. I'm also not saying you should skip them but they've got to say that so they do.
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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 12:50:33 am »

Of course they do but I'm not buying it. I'm also not saying you should skip them but they've got to say that so they do.

Ya that is what makes it so difficult!!  I have no idea what is correct!


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 09:56:26 am »
I have a Sundance Certa, a 780 series tub like the Camden, and the Certa has a circulation pump. I even checked Sundance's website, and the Camden IS listed as having a circ. pump.


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 12:13:41 pm »
I have a Sundance Certa, a 780 series tub like the Camden, and the Certa has a circulation pump. I even checked Sundance's website, and the Camden IS listed as having a circ. pump.

You are right, I corrected it to read the marquis doesn't have a circulation pump... what I meant to say!

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 12:48:16 pm »
I have a Sundance Certa, a 780 series tub like the Camden, and the Certa has a circulation pump. I even checked Sundance's website, and the Camden IS listed as having a circ. pump.

You are right, I corrected it to read the marquis doesn't have a circulation pump... what I meant to say!

I prefer circ pump spas and fully insualting with foam so I'd certainly look toward the Bolt or Camden but one thing I find odd is that those two spas have no lounges yet the Maax and Marquis choices you list are small lounge spas. Just be sure that the lounge is what you want and what works for you because there is nothing worse than having a lounge and not using it because you float, are too short...


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 03:12:33 pm »
The maax is the only one with a lounge... we actually aren't that interested in the lounge, but the layout of the maax is such that a lounge doesn't seem to get in the way like it does on other spas. 

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 04:17:01 pm »
The maax is the only one with a lounge... we actually aren't that interested in the lounge, but the layout of the maax is such that a lounge doesn't seem to get in the way like it does on other spas.

Maybe you meant another model but the Marquis Mirage definitely has a lounge as you can see on their website and the video they have for it even mentions the lounge.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 05:25:07 pm by Hot Spring Ace »


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2013, 04:41:22 pm »
I know most people put marquis, hotsprings, and sundance in the same quality level... but sounds like maax is less respected.  Why is that?

From what I have seen the quality of the Maxx is a level below Hot Springs, Marquis and Sundance. The insulation on the Maxx is also a bit lacking scientific study or not. I'm not a big fan of metal frames even though I know they have figured out how to get most of the rattles/vibration noise out at least when they are new. I see galvanized metal rust faster than treated wood rotting. I hate it when they say metal will last longer even though wood will out last any spa for some reason you need metal? I've gone through 2-3 barbecue grills on the same wooded deck. A metal frame is cheaper material and cheaper to build. And finally the confining molded seating is to limiting for me.


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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 08:11:59 pm »
From what I have seen the quality of the Maxx is a level below Hot Springs, Marquis and Sundance.

Thank you for that... good information. 

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Re: newbie: new/first tub choice
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 08:11:59 pm »


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