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Author Topic: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.  (Read 10867 times)

ATC Buckeye

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2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:49:05 pm »
Hello all, getting pretty frustrated over here with my Sundance Cameo.  I bought it about 6 weeks ago from the original owner who kept it since new in a sunroom.  It's in perfect condition.  I replaced the filter, pillows and cover, and fired it up.  We really love the tub but I'm getting really frustrated trying to keep it maintained.  We are using the Spa Frog bromine system, and my chemicals have been totally out of whack.  These test strips that came with my starter kit I bought from Litehouse are incredibly frustrating. They always showed bromine either non-existent or very low no matter what.   So I bought the Taylor kit and finally am making some headway with keeping things in line.  My wife has had rashes a couple of times, and I chalked that up to my ph and alk levels being real low.  I've got that better now with the Taylor kit. 

Anyway, tonight we hopped in now that I'm confident that I've got the chem levels pretty good, and now when we hit the jets and blower we got all this white tissue paper looking crapola all over the place in the water.  Gross. 

Also, when I had the tub connected, I had the electrician connect it to a 60amp service so I can run everything together without the heater cutting off.   Well, tonight I happened to be looking at the panel when I turned both pumps on high and I see that the heater doesn't stay on.  I think there's a jumper that probably never got moved.

So, please, talk to me like I'm an idiot because that's how I feel right now. 

1.  What's the easiest way to get rid of this white floaty stuff which I'm pretty sure is water mold, or white mold, or something like that.  I better get cracking cuz I'm in Cleveland and winter is upon us.  Am I looking at multiple drains and fills?  I sure hope not or I'm gonna have a skating rink for a backyard.  But I'm not getting back in it until this sh!t is gone.

2.  How do I convert the tub to run properly on this 60amp service?

I feel like once I've got a hang of the chemistry I'll be able to maintain it fine, but I'm quite frustrated right now.  I've done tons of searching about the white water mold, and my head is spinning trying to figure out what to do about it.  Some say pour bleach in, others say run some spa flush stuff, others say tons of chlorine and multiple drains and refills....

Please help, first hot tub and really annoyed. I just want to soak!  But I'm totally skeeved out by this mold.

Hot Tub Forum

2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:49:05 pm »

ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2012, 08:46:45 am »
Did some more searching and I think I see now which jumper to set. I'm headed back to the dealer today to try to formulate a mold combat plan.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 04:01:39 pm by ATC Buckeye »


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2012, 11:06:21 am »
step #1 is to ditch the spa frog and go on a chlorine system, cheaper, less finicky, and easier to maintain clear fresh smelling water


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 12:46:19 pm »
Moving away from the strips was a good start if you're struggling.  I can only offer what works for me.  I'm not expert, but haven't had any trouble yet and my routine is pretty simple.  If I was having mysterious goo, here's what I'd do.

Shock the heck out of the system with Chlorine.  Then dump the water and start over.  (If there is anything in the pipes you're trying to kill/clean out, I'd spend a few dollars on chlorine just to be safe.  Maybe the water change would be good enough, but why not zap it just to be safe)

Use Chlorine:  http://amzn.to/TPD8l0
I use a few teaspoons when getting out of the tub.  Enough to get the water levels to 3ppm or higher. 

Check your alkalinity.  I typically have to add some baking soda.  Your mileage may vary. 

Wait a few hours and then check your PH.  I happen to use SpaDown most often

Once a week shock it:

That's about it for me.  I don't endorse any of the above brands, but thought the links might be helpful.  Goodluck to you.

ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 04:00:11 pm »
I went to Litehouse and they sold me something called Spa Purge. They say it'll clean out the plumbing back to new. Said they always recommend it for people with a preowned spa. It seems pretty simple to use and reviews are good. So I'm going to run that thru and drain and start over.

I always thought bromine worked better for hot tubs?  Don't know why I thought that though. If I can't get this new water balanced right I may make a switch. But I have 3 refills that I'd like to use up and not waste.


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2012, 06:46:37 pm »
Well, for ease of use, some are likely tired of my plug for EcoOne, but it requires nothing more than one bottle of a natural product poured in monthly, then one sanitizer packet when you get out.  I've never had an issue, nor purchased other chemicals to add to my water.  Good luck with things.


ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2012, 06:48:10 pm »
Seriously??  I'd like to hear more about a product that simple to use.


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 07:04:55 pm »
Seriously??  I'd like to hear more about a product that simple to use.

I posted this recently...What I use for our hot tub...

1) EcoOne Spa Monthly - all natural, you pour one bottle in per month.


2) EcoOne Spa Shock - simply chuck in one packet when you exit the hot tub; and once a week, every Wed/Thurs. when I get out, I chuck in two packets.  I stand inside my back door as I finish toweling off and toss in a packet; then just after 5 min. or so, I go back outside and turn the jets off and cover my hot tub until next time.


That's it; your levels will be spot on everytime.  EcoOne is simple to use and it works perfectly and assures that you are not putting in too much, just what is necessary and never a need for any "fixing" chemicals, etc.

I swap out our filters every few weeks.  I replace with 2 clean ones, then soak and clean the other ones, then put those on the shelf to go back into the hot tub next time I swap out filters.  By the way, I have never had a scum or water line, zippo.


ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2012, 10:18:38 pm »
Gotta be honest, that seems too good to be true.  There's no catch?  Jeez I've been chasing levels all over the place with this spa frog system. And I do feel dry and itchy when I get out, but then again I'm probably covered in mold!


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 11:21:14 pm »
Gotta be honest, that seems too good to be true.  There's no catch? 

Nope, no catch, what I described is exactly what I do.  :)  I never spent a minute trying to trouble shoot anything, nor made any trips to my local shop to spend money to buy additional products in order to play "chemist" in my hot tub.  ;D

I own a Viking 2 hot tub which is 250 gallons; one packet is good for 250 gallons (perhaps a little more); if your tub is much larger, you might need to toss in two packets; or alternate with use, using one packet, then the next time, two packets - that's about the only thing I can think of that might be different with your tub vs. mine.  Everything else is the same; their Spa Monthly is good for a 500 gallon tub and using the entire bottle for a smaller tub is fine.

If EcoOne sucked, I wouldn't tout it the few times I have and I would have done a review stating it doesn't work and one should avoid it.  But, it works and it's simple.


PS.  I haven't felt itchy or anything, nor have had any mold issues; water always looks good.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 11:24:20 pm by JohnnyK45 »


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2012, 09:20:47 am »
Buckeye - if you try this, and it works for you, come back and share the results.  I'm sure Johnny would like the company.  :)


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2012, 10:06:59 am »
Buckeye - if you try this, and it works for you, come back and share the results.  I'm sure Johnny would like the company. 

YES, please do if you give it a try!  :)  Always glad to share info on a product that has worked great for me; especially coming off of regular postings about others having trouble maintaining their spa's levels and other related issues.


ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2012, 10:16:18 am »
Well, I'm tempted.  But, I've still got 3 Frog refills that I bought, and the Taylor Bromine test kit that I just got recently, so I'm not crazy about giving up on all that stuff.  But, I'll do whatever it takes to sort this thing out.   I gotta be honest though, reading about the product, it sounds snake-oily to me.  Not saying it is, but that's just how it comes off to me.  I certainly appreciate the input tho Johnny, but I'm gonna think it over a bit more.

I'm real hesitant now that I searched for a local Eco One dealer, and the only one that comes up in the Cleveland area is Northeast Factory Direct, which is one of those dumb places that posts 100 times daily on Craigslist, and puts up those fake handwritten signs on street corners for $10k spas for $3500.   Ugh.


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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2012, 10:48:34 am »
You're like me; doing your homework before buying things and approaching things with a slight skeptical eye.  :)

I did the same thing; not only with my hot tub and cover caddy, contacted both with my list of questions, but with EcoOne, talked to them as well before placing my first order.

I can tell you they are the real deal; I live in WI and they are headquartered in Kenosha WI - that's not why I use their product though.  For ordering, I just use their main EcoGeeks website - http://www.ecoonespa.com/store-locator/ecoone-available-online/

The place I bought my hot tub from carries 30-40 other products and fixing chemicals, etc. that I've never heard of, but don't stock EcoOne - my gut feeling, is there either isn't enough mark-up room for them to warrant stocking it vs. other products in which they can make more (and I understand that), and/or if they did carry the EcoOne product, could they lose $500-$1,000+ in sales per month from customers who are coming in to buy "fixing chemicals" and enhancers, etc.?  Or, it could be they just aren't familiar with the product either; just as there are a ton of spa mfg, there are also a ton of spa treatment offerings out there too.

Anyway, if you continue to have issues with what you have on-hand and you give EcoOne a shot; please do report back with how it worked for you.


ATC Buckeye

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Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2012, 11:58:42 pm »
Well hell.  I used Spa Purge, drained, wiped everything down real good with some spray spa cleaner, refilled, and everything looked great.

We got in to soak tonight, I hit one of the pumps, and bam, tub full of white flakes again.  GRRRRRRR.

So tomorrow I'm going to do the super chorination routine I read on another tub forum.   And drain again, and refill, again.

This tub is supposed to be relaxing!  This is a royal PITA.  The price I'm paying for buying used, I suppose.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2004 Sundance Cameo, need help please.
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2012, 11:58:42 pm »


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