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Author Topic: Master Spa - OHH error  (Read 3384 times)


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Master Spa - OHH error
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:53:13 am »
Hoping that someone here can provide some info. I have a 2004 Master Spa / Down East / Exeter SE with a 3 pump system. An error - OHH showed up on the panel. The manual states it's an overheating problem, spa has shut down, one of the sensors has detected 118F.  It says that once the heater has cooled, reset by pushing any button. This didn't work. I let it sit for 24 hrs, still no go.
A few years back, I had to replace the system control pack due to a heater malfunction. The relay blew and lost the 240 volt circuit. The unit is a MS2000, manufactured by Balboa. I still had the old one and took the temp probes from it and tried them in the one on the spa, all to no avail. It was a long shot, but figured I try. I'm hoping I don't have to replace this unit again as it was very expensive - $560 the last time, probably more now. I removed the circuit board from the old system pack and from where the sensors are, it doesn't look like I could use the old for any replaceable components. The wiring diagram doesn't show (at least to me) where the temp sensors are connected to. There are at least five fuses on the board that I can see.
I've called the guy who services my pool. He has serviced the spa a little, but I think his first inclination is to replace the system control pack - he doesn't have to shell out the $560+. I was hoping to troubleshoot a little more before I go that route.
Any help here? Thanks in advance!

Hot Tub Forum

Master Spa - OHH error
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:53:13 am »


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