I actually went with the Bullfrog 151R. I went back and sat in it again, and climbed in from a different side. So when I stepped onto the footwell, I was stepping on floor and not tripping over foot jets, and it was entirely different. I think that fumbling over the floor jets the first time I got in just threw me.
It has a little more variety in jets and depths than the Nordic, and I liked that. And in spite of the long distance, I really like the dealer better.
I'm planning to show off some pictures after my fence goes up. Right now there's construction stuff around. Delivery was MUCH less dramatic than most of the pictures on here. He pulled over off the side of the alley, unhooked the trailer, pushed it up to my porch, the tub slid off and got pushed into place.
I'm fumbling with the water chemistry, which isn't helped by the lack of daylight. (Santa's Electric Light Parade is tomorrow, it starts at 4:30. And yes, it'll be dark then.)