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Author Topic: Newbie needs help - Sundance Cameo lacks force/power/output from jets  (Read 7433 times)


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Re: Newbie needs help - Sundance Cameo lacks force/power/output from jets
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2012, 11:08:23 am »
You removed the diverter cap and the pump "pushed water 2' to 3' into the air.  That tells me the pump is pushing water.  IF it is not coming out the jets (??) the jets could be rotated in the closed position.

2nd spa with the same problem (??), same owner, same dealer, 2 technicians look at it, try taking your filter out being sure nothing can be sucked into the pump like leaves or toys (??) could that have happened before (??).  Run the jets without the filter restricting suction and flow.

Thank you, I know why you say this and you must think we are as mad as the dealer thinks we are.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe they came out of the factory on the same Friday afternoon and someone actually left something inside them to jam the water pipes.

No leaves go into the spa, I tried everything with the filter removed and not I am getting a red error light on the front with a FLO error message on the control display.

This tells me something IS wrong with the flow even though water pumps 3 ft into the air out of the diverter and the pumps sound as if the are working.

I had thought about maybe faulty impellers on all the pumps but I can here the water flowing out of the pumps.

99% of the time a faulty impeller refers to an impeller that has "spun" off the shaft and/or cracked/broken..if either is the case the pump would not be able to shoot water 3' in the air out of a diverter valve.....if you have described the whole situation accurately the only thing it could be is something stuck inside your plumbing restricting flow

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Newbie needs help - Sundance Cameo lacks force/power/output from jets
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2012, 11:08:23 am »


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