Hi, this is my first post, please excuse me jumping in an asking for help straight away, but I'm really struggling! Just bought a used 2005 Beachcomber 740 which I'm really pleased with, apart from a couple of issues. The main one is the clock. I can set the time but it doesn't seem to enter, it always stays on the time I set it to. This means it never goes into a filtration cycle, because the timer never advances to start one, although I have programmed two in with no problems. The SET TIME display, and the two little dots between the hour and minutes display dont flash either, which makes me think the timer is just not working. The tub has a hush pump which supposedly runs all the time, and continuously filters, but often I check and its not running. Is there an easy fix, or can I go into a filtration cycle manually? Also sometimes the panel goes into LOC mode, then it won't really do anything, I have to shut the power off to get out of it. Any help or advice would be much appreciated! Thanks.