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Author Topic: Just bought a D1 Meridian  (Read 3089 times)


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Just bought a D1 Meridian
« on: January 24, 2013, 11:54:22 am »
Hi All,
I've been on the forum checking reviews and doing research for a while, want to thank all of you for your advise and reviews. It really helps out in the whole process.
I'm new to the hot tub scene, have a family of 5 and decided we were going to get a tub. I like researching everything - didn't realize I'd be doing as much research on these tubs as I did. After searching the internet for a month or so we felt like we had the tub brands narrowed down to HS, Jacuzzi, Sundance, D1, and were even considering Aquaterra (costco).
We wanted to stay between 5-7K for budget, and like most other families we wanted the most bang for the buck without sacrificing quality. After calling the local dealers I was and feeling them out I was pleasantly surprised at the "no rush" attitude! We live in So Cal and are fortunate to be surrounded several manufacturers.
So we felt like we had the research down, now it was time to wet test. The wet test list was HS Rhythm, Jacuzzi 365, Sundance Chelsee, and D1 Meridian. The D1 was at the bottom of our list simply because of cost, in general we are a "chevy" family, not a "mercedes" family  :)
I had spoken to the local dealers, all seemed to be professional and "straight up" with me. We don't have a local D1 dealer but the D1 factory is an hour away (Vista) and I thought I would at least put a call in to feel out the Meridian. I spoke to JT @ D1 for 45+ minutes, I was impressed with his attitude and how much time he was willing to give me on the phone. After the phone conversation D1 was no longer at the bottom of my list.
So I made the drive to the D1 factory and figured I'd do a wet test and be done in an hour or so. LOL, I was there for 5 hours! I met with JT, he is as nice in person as on the phone. spent an hour or so checking out the showroom then he offered to give me a factory tour. At this point I was sold on the appearance of the Meridian, but now I get to see IMO the most important part - how the product is made. We spent a couple hours touring, I was absolutely amazed at the quality and workmanship that goes into each hot tub! The employees there all seem to be happy and not only enjoying their job, but taking pride in what they do. I also learned D1 has a program that rewards their employees when a suggestion is given and used to constantly improve the tubs. This is already going to be a long post so  I won't go into details, but there are so many inspection points and details that go into every tub, I can see why these tubs are recommended by most people on the forums. And if you own a D1, know that you have a solid product - not just by outward appearance, but from the inside guts! If any of you are considering a D1 or own a D1 and are able to make the trip to Vista, Ca I encourage you to tour the factory, it really is an amazing experience!
So after the tour, I did the wet test. Keep in mind after seeing the workmanship that goes in these tubs, I was pretty much sold before the wet test.
I ended up spending an hour wet testing, tried all the jets and must have asked a thousand questions. An absolutely amazing experience all together!
Did all the paperwork, picked colors, etc....and we are now owners of a D1 Meridian! Did we go outside of our 5-7k budget? Yes... (added circ pump, ozone, vision cart, included was cover, ez lift, steps, chems, ultralife shell, delivery. $7,700 before tax). I know this spa will last us a long time and feel confident we purchased a quality product!
Just to clarify, I am a consumer, have no affiliation with anyone in the hot tub business. I'm not getting a bonus or discount for writing this experience. I wrote this lengthy write up to assist anyone on the fence like I was. I'm just passing along my experience.
I'm sure the other brands and models I mentioned are great, I have no negatives or positives on them because I only tested the D1. Just know if you are considering a D1 or own a D1, it is a solid product!

Hot Tub Forum

Just bought a D1 Meridian
« on: January 24, 2013, 11:54:22 am »


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