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Author Topic: ace saltwater system vs ozone and ever fresh  (Read 4396 times)


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ace saltwater system vs ozone and ever fresh
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:56:23 pm »
any comments would be helpful. Thinking about going with the salt system. Dont know if its worth the added expense. almost a thousand. Is it harsh on the tub and components?

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ace saltwater system vs ozone and ever fresh
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:56:23 pm »


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Re: ace saltwater system vs ozone and ever fresh
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 09:51:58 am »
Here are my experiences - I have only sold about a dozen. One had a failure just after the one-year warranty, but Customer Service sent me a new cell at no charge because they had made some design changes to get rid of the exact problem that customer had. He was thrilled, I was thrilled, (I gladly went and installed it for him at no charge) and it has been working perfectly ever since - in fact it had been working fine until the cell clogged up.

Another customer has been having issues with the salt level. There is a 'check salt' feature built into the unit, but what it really checks is the "conductivity" of the water. If the water has enough conductivity to allow the system to work correctly, then the actual salt level doesn't matter. But this one customer has gotten it into his head that when the test strips and the machine don't agree (as on his tub) then there has to be a "problem." He is very upset. Mind you - I have been to his house five times, and the system is working flawlessly every time, with sparkling clean water - no odor, no problem other than the note on the panel. As is usually the case, he lives in a world were everything is perfect. His wife understands and just likes to sit and enjoy the tub - but only when he isn't there complaining about the fact that it is telling him to 'check cell/salt level.' Still working on that one - I am convinced that it is a customer problem and not a system problem - and so is the factory since he has been sending them email every couple of days...

But all my other customers - and I admit I have fewer out there than most HS dealers - have loved the results.

Having said all that - I have hardly ever had a problem with the standard ozone/FreshWater system which comes standard, and I have thousands of those out there. It seemed like a very complex system when it first came out decades ago - but it is soooo simple by comparison - it just does a fine job.



Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: ace saltwater system vs ozone and ever fresh
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 09:51:58 am »


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