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Well, I checked out the spa today and it appears to be in good shape. It also comes with a cover lift and radio which i wasn't expecting. The water wasn't hot (IN ECONOMY MODE) so im going to go back tomorrow and check i t again. Now for the funny part. The spa was a replacement for a 2005 model that had the same crazing issue mentioned above
The seller is firm on their price. I am leaning towards purchasing but Spatech_tuo's comment about wanting to get it for less than $5k made me pause. I've searched all over the web to find sales to compare pricing but that isn't exactly easy. Most posts are years old, for different model years and different ages of the spas.I'm going to spend time tomorrow getting pricing on converting my 110 line to 220. I have the name of the dealer that sold the spa originally and will give them a call to get prices on moving it. Maybe I can put that all together and come to a final decision soon.Brian