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Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
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Topic: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks (Read 39910 times)
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #75 on:
September 27, 2012, 02:49:59 pm »
90 minutes later it was up 11 degrees. 77 now. Quick recap while i look at pictures.
Call last night, Dealer's earlier appointment had to cancel, so they asked if I wanted an earlier delivery. YES! They call at 10:30 show up at 10:50. The tub looked tiny on their trailer. They got my old one out quickly then got the new one in place pretty quick. Within an hour they had everything set up and ready for me to do electric and fill it. 325 gallons I can fill in 30 minutes with 2 hoses. The delivery was extremely professional and exactly as promised. I've got a 5 mile run set for this evening Soak around 8:30
Member since 2003. Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012. Sundance Majesta from 2012-current
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #75 on:
September 27, 2012, 02:49:59 pm »
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #76 on:
September 27, 2012, 03:17:06 pm »
Ok, here is how my day went.
First the Dynasty is hauled away.
Here comes the Majesta
Putting it in place.
The finishing touches and its nearly ready to fill
It only took me 30 minutes to fill using 2 hoses. (American Made hoses from Goodyear!)
Finally -ready to hook up, This might be my only minor disspointment. I would have been more impressed if the wires were dressed making easier access to the terminal block for power. If this is my big dissapointment I'll be doing allright. Ok, I also thought they could have vaccumed up more sawdust inside the tub before shipping.
I can't say it enough, from initial shopping, through testing, and installation. All Seasons was great to deal with. Since my last post, I've added a few chemicals, time to check the temp again. i think it was an hour ago I said 77. Its now 84 so 7 degrees an hour seems about right.
Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 03:36:32 pm by wmccall
Member since 2003. Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012. Sundance Majesta from 2012-current
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #77 on:
September 27, 2012, 03:31:55 pm »
Ok, one more.
Member since 2003. Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012. Sundance Majesta from 2012-current
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #78 on:
September 27, 2012, 03:49:50 pm »
The Majesta looks good in your backyard.
Thanks again for your business and enjoy your soak tonight.
Your warranty and the factory incentive has been initiated.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #79 on:
September 27, 2012, 04:19:42 pm »
90! Oh, yea the rebate. That will more than cover my airline tickets to Fort Lauderdale.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #80 on:
September 27, 2012, 04:33:48 pm »
Let us know how the first soak goes Bill.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #81 on:
September 27, 2012, 04:47:39 pm »
Quote from: Tman122 on September 27, 2012, 04:33:48 pm
Let us know how the first soak goes Bill.
Currently scheduled for 8:30pm tonight.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #82 on:
September 27, 2012, 08:57:46 pm »
Woohoo! Pictures!
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #83 on:
September 29, 2012, 11:25:20 am »
Quote from: Tman122 on September 27, 2012, 04:33:48 pm
Let us know how the first soak goes Bill.
The first two soaks were good and great. The first night we were re-familarizing ourselves with our decision. Last night the second one was wonderful, I'd taken the day off work and played 18 holes and then rode with friends up to Cleveland. I got home around midnight fatiqued and went for a relaxing soak by myself and explored the tub and all of its features and cotnrols. I'm confident we found a good tub we can live with for a long time and I'm enjoying how good it looks and having a new spa again.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #84 on:
September 29, 2012, 12:22:21 pm »
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #85 on:
September 29, 2012, 05:36:00 pm »
On my soak today I continued to look at all the jets and controls, but this time in daylight. I did come to a conclusion that the design in well thought out. On my Dystasy, there was at least two jets that were worthless and one congtrol that did nothing. Then I noticed the Sunscent Aromatherpy holder. On my Dynasty, this feature was totally worthless and very poorly designed. The Sundance has an air bubbler system. At first I thought it was probably one feature I would seldom use and that may be the caseu. I can get a good massage without it. I did figure, i'll use it when I add chemicals to the tub as a more energy efficient way of circulating those chemicals. But knowing the aroma therapy system was probably tied to that bubler, i thought maybe it might work better so I took the cover off the holder and yes, there is a lot of air forced through there. I'm guessing it will work much better. I'll find out tonight.
You remember those start up kits your get with tubs? Yea, I got one too. Well it happens the kit is from Robarb, which happens to be a line of chemicals my dealer carries.. I'm use to them and find them to work fine, so now I have extra. It did contain Robarb's test strips. I thought I'd give them a try today. I don't use regular test strips mainly because I think you need to be more accurate with PH than you can be with strips. That said, I do use strips, but I use teh Aqua Check meter with thier strips. Apparently their tester can read the strips more accurately than I can. I bought this from Dr Spa and its been one of my favorite accessories. A test with that told me my PH was low. I normally would throw in some baking soda, but since I have free bottle of PH up, I used it. That was 7 hours ago, I think I'll check it again now.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #86 on:
September 29, 2012, 06:24:33 pm »
Oh, on the subjective subject of design, one small thing that I know was a small factor in our decision when it came down to this tub and the Vanguard which was my first choice going in. Some might call this nit-picky, but when two people are making the decision you have to weigh the factors and these tubs have many factors. On the Vanguard, the heater puts water into the hot tub on the floor in a locatio where we tend to put our foot when we get out of that tub. Now, I'm sure this is not a safety issue, but putting your foot down on hot water is uncomfortable. Mentally it maybe that your mind thinks you might get burned as its hotter than the water your in. On the Majesta, the outlet is on the side of the tub near the floor so you don't step on it.
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #87 on:
October 02, 2012, 09:34:37 pm »
The bottom fitting is a big deal in that it is our main drain when you hook up a garden hose to empty the tub. It drains the thing right to the bottom. They use the same fitting for heater return, and as you noted, it does tend to put out hot water when the tub is heating. It is also the spot where the ozone system returns water to the tub, and they wanted it as close to the center of the tub as they could.
It's a judgement call, of course: do you want the tub to drain all the way to the bottom, or do you want the hot water to hit the side of your foot/leg?
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #88 on:
October 02, 2012, 11:06:17 pm »
This thread still has a noticeable lack of photos!
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Re: Sundance Majesta on order, going to be a long 4 weeks
Reply #88 on:
October 02, 2012, 11:06:17 pm »
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