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Author Topic: D1 Meridian vs. HS Prodigy vs. J345...  (Read 7042 times)


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D1 Meridian vs. HS Prodigy vs. J345...
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:13:08 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Modified the title because my knowledge is increasing and the search is narrowing ....

We're searching for a spa for our 20th anniversary and we've narrowed it to 2 good dealers and a couple brands and then tubs within the brands.  The 2 dealers are both reputable and have been in business 25 yrs and 11 yrs.  One sells D1 and LA spas, the other one HotSpring. 

Researching on this site it sounds like both make good tubs.  It was between the HS Pulse and the D1 Meridian.  We wet tested the D1 Nautique which has similar jets and layout / size and like it.  The Meridian has the shelf and whirlpool feature as well.

1 - Any thoughts on these two tubs (the HS Pulse and D1 Meridian) compared to each other?

2 - Is $7k a good price for a fully loaded D1 Meridian? 

Included in the price is the water purification system, lights, steps, cover with ez lift and delivery and set up.


« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 12:15:45 am by A_C »

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D1 Meridian vs. HS Prodigy vs. J345...
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:13:08 pm »


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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 01:44:53 am »
First, Happy Anniversary! 

I don't have any d1 dealers around me, but for what that spa is and who it is made by, I'd say $7k is appropriate for a fully loaded version.

Between the Pulse and the D1, they are similar in size and configuration.  Pulse would be slightly deeper since it is 38"H vs. 36".

However, I will say the Pulse would be more $$$.  You didn't write a quote, but the Pulse has a circulation pump and a longer warranty.  Features that some may not care to much about, but that's the beauty of choice!

The only thing I would want to point out is the Nautique that you wet tested, is in the Reflections line of D1, and the Meridian is in the @home, which I believe is designed to be more of a value line spa.  To do this, a lot of manufactures exclude certain jets, warranties, and features. 


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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2012, 11:38:04 pm »
Yes, I know it wasn't the same level.  Jets appeared to be the same and shell was the same material, but it doesn't have the third pump.  Really like the bench idea w/whirlpool and the size.

What would be comparable in price on the HotSprings line?  The Pulse dealer seemed to be generally higher in price.  D1 Meridian was about $2,000 off list.

Great forum with a lot of information, I've learned a lot.



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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2012, 12:25:06 pm »
Yes, I know it wasn't the same level.  Jets appeared to be the same and shell was the same material, but it doesn't have the third pump.  Really like the bench idea w/whirlpool and the size.

What would be comparable in price on the HotSprings line?  The Pulse dealer seemed to be generally higher in price.  D1 Meridian was about $2,000 off list.

Great forum with a lot of information, I've learned a lot.


Pulse will be higher because it has more jets, bigger pumps, more lights, more warranty, etc...in the Hot Spring line there isn't really a spa that is a direct apples to apples comparison but you could look at the Hot Spot Rhythm which is a 2 pump, 35 jet tub with an open seat design...only problem is that doesn't quite have some of the features of the D1, but of course you'll pay less for it.  Here is a link: http://www.hotspring.com/shop-hot-tub-models/hotspot/rhythm


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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 10:31:16 am »
We're headed to the local HS dealer today to wet test two models that have the same jets but not the exact layout as 2 Hot Springs spas we are interested in.  I think one is the Flair.

Limelight line appears to have almost the identical warranty to the top of their line and lots of value for the $.


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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2012, 01:12:55 pm »
Let me know what you think of the D1 if you go there.  They were on my short list 10 years ago.  This time around I checked and they don't have a dealer within 80 miles of me. Three are about that far away, all in smaller towns.
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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2012, 11:07:15 pm »
So we wet tested some more today during a visit to the jacuzzi and a sundance dealer.  Like the J345 the best, but now found we like a foot dome too.   Maybe 365...

Optima was nice, but didn't like the $11k price.  Don't like the waterfall on the 700 series.  Good thing we wet tested because you figure out a lot of things you like and don't like while doing it.

Short list is now the Jacuzzi (like its jets the best) j345 priced at $8000 after the rebate which apparently ends today.  Or the 365 which is a little bigger for $700 more.  Do they extend these rebate deals?   And are these decent prices?

Also saw the JLX which looks really nice on the outside, but not one available to wet test.

By far our favorite dealer is the one with D1 spas.  Second is Jacuzzi and distant third is HS.  We need to go back to D1 dealer and try some other models around $8,000 or so.  Researching the Meridian shows that it is in their lesser line @home spas.  Want to look at apples vs apples.  We wet tested the Nautilus, but my wife still needs to try it.

Too many choices...

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Re: Price check and feedback on a Dimension 1 Meridian
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2012, 11:07:15 pm »


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