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Author Topic: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?  (Read 6258 times)


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$9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« on: May 19, 2004, 07:42:12 pm »
I was about to purchase either a Hot Springs Vista-$9,400 or Envoy @ $8,500 but decided to look at other products to be sure.  I went to another realer and found a comparable spa-a Coast Spa Wailea for $5,500...could the differnce really be that great?  Is the Hot Spring dealer just giving me a high price from which to negotiate?  Is there a discernable difference between tubs?  FYI, I live on the North Shore of Long Island!  Thank You!

Hot Tub Forum

$9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« on: May 19, 2004, 07:42:12 pm »


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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2004, 07:56:31 pm »
mowgli,     ;D 8) ;)

There is an enormous difference between good or excellent hot tubs and those that are poor in quality and service.  Take some time to read this site and others to learn what some of the significant issues are.  You can get good or excellent quality for a reasonable price.  But, you can goof up and get a really poor tub without realizing it, if you focus on the external pretty neat things.

Hot Springs is considered one of the best tubs and you pay for it.



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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2004, 08:27:29 pm »
Checkout Harrows and get the Jacuzzi J-355 with lounger steps cover and chems....I payed $5995 for mine and they want $7200,make sure they come down on the prices and stick to your guns because they are all like car salesmen.And the Jacucci J-365 $6495.If you pay more make sure they give you a stereo with it.long Island have many spa dealers so check them out and don't get a no name.johnny Thunders


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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2004, 10:01:34 pm »

I agree with johnnythunders about Jacuzzi.  The Jacuzzi hot tubs are an excellent value for their normal price.

Take a look and try wet testing one or more.  You may stop there or continue looking at others in relation to Jacuzzi.  In most cases, you should check the dealers offering price against ones you'll see on this site.  But, individual dealers have different margins to support their business and some areas of the country are less
or more expensive than others.



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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2004, 10:17:52 am »
Yes, the difference can be that great.  Hotsprings as noted earlier is the top of the line and will give you years and years of worry free tubbing.  Coast Spa I am not so sure about.  You also will need to consider operating costs once you own the spa.  you may well end up paying more for the Coast Spa through increased electric bills over time.  You get what you pay for and with the HotSpring you will get a quality tub that you can enjoy worry free for many years to come.  Just so you know I am not a dealer, I have owned my HS Landmark going on 2 years with absolutely no problems.  


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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2004, 12:21:19 pm »
 Is there a discernable difference between tubs?  Thank You!

Is there a discernable difference between a Kia sitting in its dealer lot and a onda in its. The Kia will look pretty darn good at he time of the sale and in reality isn't bad for its price but there are reasons the Honda costs more.

If you want the Coast spa go for it if that suits you but don't kid yourself into thinking you're getting a spa that is equal to the Hot Spring.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2004, 01:14:53 pm »
OK, so what's behind the quality claims for Hotsprings?  Is the shell thicker?  Is the frame sturdier?  Are the pumps of higher quality?  Is the warranty longer?  Does it cover more stuff?

Inquiring minds want to know!


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Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2004, 01:42:49 pm »
600,000 proud owners.   Where is the next closest competitor?  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: $9.4 for Vista or $5.5 for Coast spa, huh?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2004, 01:42:49 pm »


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