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Author Topic: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage  (Read 15914 times)


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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2012, 01:37:24 am »
OK. So I've been in 3 tubs and am ruling out the Hot Spring SX.  DID NOT LIKE IT.  I'm so glad I wet tested them.  The jets were so strong I had to turn them down and I felt like I was yelling to talk to the salesman.  Totally wrong spa for us.

Now I'm really torn between a Freeflow Passport with lots of jets for about $3000 (2 year warranty) and a gently USED Marquis Mirage (from 2009) which will come with a full 5 year warranty at around $4500.  It's used, but from a dealer.  Honestly, I liked the jets better on the Freeflow.  But the Mirage is SO much prettier to look at all around, and has some nice features like a big enough ledge to sit on if you just want your feet in, as well as the ozonator.  All in all, they are VERY similar and I'm really not sure what to do.  Is 3 more years of a warranty work $1500?  How much do you care what the exterior looks like?

This is harder than buying a car.

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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2012, 01:37:24 am »


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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2012, 11:40:40 am »
OK. So I've been in 3 tubs and am ruling out the Hot Spring SX.  DID NOT LIKE IT.  I'm so glad I wet tested them.  The jets were so strong I had to turn them down and I felt like I was yelling to talk to the salesman.  Totally wrong spa for us.

Now I'm really torn between a Freeflow Passport with lots of jets for about $3000 (2 year warranty) and a gently USED Marquis Mirage (from 2009) which will come with a full 5 year warranty at around $4500.  It's used, but from a dealer.  Honestly, I liked the jets better on the Freeflow.  But the Mirage is SO much prettier to look at all around, and has some nice features like a big enough ledge to sit on if you just want your feet in, as well as the ozonator.  All in all, they are VERY similar and I'm really not sure what to do.  Is 3 more years of a warranty work $1500?  How much do you care what the exterior looks like?

This is harder than buying a car.

just curious, how are you getting a 5 year warranty on a spa that is 3 years old?


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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 07:39:24 pm »
The story I've been told is that it was bought 3 years ago and sat in storage.  Then they set it up, used it for a year, but had to move so they asked this same dealer they bought it from if he would buy it back.  So he's considering it 1 year into the warranty, but is willing to offer it at the full 5 years.  He's going to service it himself.

Suddenly I'm nervous about it.  He didn't tell me on the phone that the one he had to show me was used and an older model, and now I'm suddenly bothered by it.  He had said something about "giving me a good deal on the floor model" but not that it was used.  And I drove about 50 minutes to see this tub for it to end up NOT being the tub I thought I was going to see.  The newer model has a lot more bells and whistles (and jets). He also says the new ones cost $6600, while over the phone he said it was in the $5000 range.

It's kind of making me like the Freeflow better.  I at least feel like I know what I'm getting.  I'm just nervous about the only 2 year warranty, and if that means as soon as 2 years are up, the thing it breaking down all the time.  I've never owned a hot tub before, so I haven't the faintest idea how much one should expect to have to "service" it.

Any ideas?

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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2012, 07:53:40 pm »
 The Marquis would probably be fine, sounds like the dealer is double talking a bit.   Between the two the freeflow I believe has the same waterway jets and the same balboa equipment as the Marquis.  I think it would come down to how I feel about the Marquis dealer and would want to SEE the spa I was buying not one like it.  And get any warranty stuff in writing.    Personally I would be leaning towards the Marquis but the freeflow is nice and well we sold quite a few, couple shell cracks here and there but function wise they held up well!   


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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2012, 01:22:11 am »
The story I've been told is that it was bought 3 years ago and sat in storage.  Then they set it up, used it for a year, but had to move so they asked this same dealer they bought it from if he would buy it back.  So he's considering it 1 year into the warranty, but is willing to offer it at the full 5 years.  He's going to service it himself.

Suddenly I'm nervous about it.  He didn't tell me on the phone that the one he had to show me was used and an older model, and now I'm suddenly bothered by it.  He had said something about "giving me a good deal on the floor model" but not that it was used.  And I drove about 50 minutes to see this tub for it to end up NOT being the tub I thought I was going to see.  The newer model has a lot more bells and whistles (and jets). He also says the new ones cost $6600, while over the phone he said it was in the $5000 range.

It's kind of making me like the Freeflow better.  I at least feel like I know what I'm getting.  I'm just nervous about the only 2 year warranty, and if that means as soon as 2 years are up, the thing it breaking down all the time.  I've never owned a hot tub before, so I haven't the faintest idea how much one should expect to have to "service" it.

Any ideas?

This comes up occasionally. There is not a direct relationship between warranty length and quality. A spa with a 5 year warranty won't necessarily have fewer issues than one with a 2 year warranty and in some cases the one with 5 year warranty have more bells and whistles and more chances for things to come up. Also, warranties are not really "free" but rather they are included in the price. Top of the line models give you a 5 yr wrranty and roll the cost of it into the price. A line like Freeflow keeps the cost of the spa down paritally by only giving you a 2 year warrranty but its not like they know it will have issue at the 25th month so they only give you a 2 year warranty. If they gave you a 5 year warrranty with it they'd probably have to charge you a few hundred $ more and then you'd be thinking "I think this spa is a bit overpriced".
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 12:21:37 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2012, 03:59:25 pm »
We bought a cooperage 103 in June. The spa itself is great. However, we've had issues with the dealer and faulty panelling from the start, which is ongoing. If the dealer wasn't shady I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue, but so far it's been a nightmare. The manufacturer is now involved mediating the entire mess.


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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2012, 12:04:14 pm »
OK so the closer I get to buying, the more I'm getting concerned.

So in trying to find the specs on the Marquis, it now looks like it's a 2007 model, which means it isn't a Mirage at all, but is a Limited 520M.  So this spa this guy us selling me has gone from a Marquis Mirage Floor Model, so a 3 year old unit that was only use for a year, to a 5 year old 520M.  The more layers I peel back, the more I'm worried I'm not getting the whole story.

That said, he's still offering me a 5 year warranty on it from his shop.  Parts and Labor included.  So should any of this matter?

Also, now I feel like the price should come down.  We were agreed at $4500 including tax, delivery, step, cover, and I got him to throw in a cover lifter too.  But my research on various forums shows that this spa was under $6, and I think closer to $5 when new.  So should I be paying this much for it 5 years old, regardless of how used it actually is.  Or does the fact that he's giving me the warranty mean that's what I'm paying for and it doesn't matter?

And then I realize if I haggle with him too much over the price, what kind of service am I going to get when I DO need to use that warranty?  Will he ignore my calls for a week?  Will it take me forever to get it serviced??  It's not like negotiating a car price where once the negotiating is done, the relationship ends?

I really don't want to get taken advantage of.  I still like the spa, but I want to pay for it what it's worth and I want to get good service.  I am considering switching over to the Freeflow again just because this dealer is starting to make me worry, and at this point, I trust the other guy more, even if I have less confidence in the quality of the product.



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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2012, 05:34:11 pm »
A 5 year old floor model? That whole thing would make me uneasy. Also, the warranty is from him, not the manufacturer, I'd be hesitant to consider that equal. If a spa has a major issue the good manufactures take care of their customers because its a single spa out of thousands they sell. If the dealer has to cover that himself its more of an issue plus do you really know he is covering everything to the same degree?
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Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2012, 09:46:19 pm »
A 5 year old floor model? That whole thing would make me uneasy. Also, the warranty is from him, not the manufacturer, I'd be hesitant to consider that equal. If a spa has a major issue the good manufactures take care of their customers because its a single spa out of thousands they sell. If the dealer has to cover that himself its more of an issue plus do you really know he is covering everything to the same degree?

You hit the nail on the head with this post.  What happens if the dealer goes out of business?  Doesn't sound like he sells many tubs and the warranty is between you and the dealer so you would be screwed.  Plus the fact that his story is changing so often would make me very uneasy.  Offer him$3000 it's probably worth that

Hot Tub Forum

Re: HELP! Stuck between a FreeFlow, a Hot Spot, and a Cooperage
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2012, 09:46:19 pm »


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