Ok so I have a 16 x 20 Deck on my house through bolted leadure board with 2 1/2 carriage bolts every 24 inches. 12 feet from the house is a beam supported by 2 2x10s with 6x6 post 5 feet apart.
My plan is to sink (4) 30 inch deep footers 16 diameter then post to a cross beam 4x6 beam. I will add 4 more 2x10s to double up my joist to my 2x10 joist that are existing. So there will be a post under each corner of the hot tub sitting on a footer.
My question is can I use 4x4 post under the tub or do I need to go with 6x6 post. I have 4x4s already and would like to use them and I think it will be adequate support but I want to be sure? I also have a long 4x6 for a beam or do I need to use 2x10s bolted together? I believe us using up what you have instead of buy more if it is enough support. yes I am cheap like that .

Thanks for your input this is my first hot tub DIY project.
Oh the deck is about 6 feet above the ground on the down hills side. I can also do cross bracing.