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Author Topic: Sunrise spa constantly overheats  (Read 9832 times)


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Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:27:07 pm »
I bought a new Sunrise spa less than a year ago. Dealer has been replacing heaters and gecko parts for about 3 months and cant seem to fix the problem. It's a Sunrise Journey. Here's what happens...

1) Starting water temp is in the low 80's
2) I turn the spa power on and adjust the set-point to a low setting such as 85F
3) Within 48 hours the spa water is 108-109F and the display reads OH (Overheat) and displays the service icon.

There is nothing unusual about the install, sits above ground, covered by shed style roof, great ventilation. Problem is repeatable every time regardless of outside temperature.

After months of trial and error, the manufacturer cant figure it out so they're saying its caused by ambient temperature. They're telling me to take all the panels off and remove all the insulation. I took half the insulation out but no change whatsoever. Next they're saying I should cut circulation vents into the side panels. But it's only 7 months old, I just want a spa that works.

I spent $6000 for the tub and haven't been able to use it for over 3 months. Has anybody else come across anything like this?

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Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:27:07 pm »


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 08:41:55 pm »
Specifically, what Gecko parts has the dealer replaced?  Also, what is the filtration set for?  I am a Sunrise dealer and have not had that issue with Sunrise or LA which uses the same Gecko electronics.

I am not a service tech and maybe someone else can chime in, but I would think it would either be in the sensors or the circuit board.


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2012, 09:52:57 am »
I'm not entirely sure what they've done, but I think they've replaced the heater twice and the main control pack at least twice. They haven't replaced the LCD keyboard yet. They replaced a bunch of parts including the pump initially as well because they couldn't get it to run. I've only used the tub about 20 times, but the thermostatic control has never functioned correctly and now not at all.

They cant figure it out so they've given up. They tell me this is normal operation and I need to take all the insulation out and re-install when the weather gets colder. This cant be normal!? Do Sunrise Spas have CSA/UL approval? A spa that heats up to 109 without any control presents a serious health risk, doesn't it?


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 10:17:40 pm »
The electronics only allow the temp to be set up to 104 with no way to override that.  This summer I have seen tubs creep up to 106 or 107 if in direct sun light because of how warm its been but to always heat up to 109 is not normal.

How long do you have the tub set to filter and how many cycles daily?  The control panel should not have anything to do with overheating.  I will try to talk to my tech tomorrow otherwise I am gone til Thursday on a mini vacation.  If nothing else, I would contact Gecko as it is their electronics and maybe their tech support will prove better than your dealers.


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2012, 08:08:30 am »
Running your jet pumps with the lid closed will heat up almost any spa.

I would see if you can program the thing to NOT run ANY filtration cycles and see if it stops the temp. runaway.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2012, 12:53:03 pm »
Assuming the your filtration is not set to run 24 hours a day or close to that, my tech said that the spa pack or pump are the only two components that could cause this issue.  If there was a problem with the pump and it was running hot then that could cause this issue as well as faulty sensors or circuit board.

The fact that they have been replaced twice would lead me to think that we don't have faulty components any more.  Have you physically seen the dealer replace the parts or are they just telling you they replaced the parts?


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2012, 06:58:33 pm »
Do your own test: put in a remote thermometer. Available from Radio Shack -

Do this so you don't have to open the lid to get the temp. Very important.

Shut off the heater - set it low, or if you want to really be sure, pull one wire off the pressure switch.

Run the jets. The same jets that the filter cycle runs, and shut off air to those jets.

Watch the temperature climb - come out every hour and check it.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 10:50:39 am »
Thanks for ALL the helpful feedback. I just turned the power back on after being off for close to a week and the temperature has dropped back down to 88F. Therefore, ambient temperature does not appear to be a factor since it always drops 20+ degrees into the 80's when its left off, even in very warm weather. Set-point is 85, so heater should not come on at all.

Somehow, electrical energy is being converted into heat energy and transferred to the pool water.

Re. above questions:
I have never altered any of the programming or setup since the installing dealer did that and I did not want to invalidate any of their testing while they tried to solve the problem.
The spa is exposed on all 4 sides, but does have a roof overhand that protects it from direct sunlight (and snow).
I have seen the dealer arrive with parts in boxes, but did not witness the actual change-out.
The pump does not seem to run too hot.
There is also an Ozone unit installed, AquaSun XL-80 (could it malfunction and dissipate heat??)


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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 05:16:34 pm »
I still think you should begin by checking and adjusting the filter cycles. It is free, easy, and could save the dealer a return visit if it turns out to be the problem. It happens a lot to customers here in SoCal, and I did read that you have not changed any settings from the dealer's - yet I still wonder: why not? Turn off all filter cycles and see if you have solved the problem.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Sunrise spa constantly overheats
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 05:16:34 pm »


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