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Author Topic: Leak behind main pumps/heater.  (Read 2653 times)


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Leak behind main pumps/heater.
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:22:54 am »
Hey guys, some of you may have already helped me out with a couple leaks that I have already fixed, and I really appreciate all of the feedback! I have so far fixed two major manifold leaks, I laid the tub on the ground on top of styrofoam blocks, put a bunch of knife valves on the external motor, and started filling it up.I am seeing water drip EXACTLY behind the external motor (inside the tub). I have a beachcomber 580 model (2002), and the external motor sits behind a large plastic piece that sits on the side.

What I am wonder is: is there any way to fix this leak without turning the tub on the side again? As in, is it possible that it's leaking at the connections, but on the inside? I guess what I am asking is, is there anything I can check externally before flipping it over? Thanks!

Hot Tub Forum

Leak behind main pumps/heater.
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:22:54 am »


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