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Author Topic: 1991 hot springs classic model f just bought, bare copper wire not hooked up  (Read 5515 times)


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Just got a 91 classic f. Looking through the guts, i found one bare copper wire, looks to be maybe a ground wire, it is not hooked to anything, all the other ones are hooked up. This ones looks like maybe it went from the circulation pump, to maybe a black box with other bare copper wires going into it. Before i plug it in, does anyone have a diagram, or know if i need this wire?

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Just got a 91 classic f. Looking through the guts, i found one bare copper wire, looks to be maybe a ground wire, it is not hooked to anything, all the other ones are hooked up. This ones looks like maybe it went from the circulation pump, to maybe a black box with other bare copper wires going into it. Before i plug it in, does anyone have a diagram, or know if i need this wire?

My guess without pics, could it be a bonding wire? 


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Bare copper wire is usually a bonding wire - there may have been one to the jet pump, the circ pump, the heater, and an ozone if there is one or if there WAS one.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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there are similar looking wires going to the heater, the jet pump, but not the circulation pump. Do i need to re hook this up before i plug it in? I will take pics and post. thanks


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It depends on how old the circ pump is. There are ground wires inside the power cords to each of those items, the bonding wires are needed unless you have one of newer pumps which are double-insulated (plastic). However, if the wire is there, and it will reach to the circ pump, AND if the circ pump has a bonding lug, why not hook it up?


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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