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Author Topic: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences  (Read 21254 times)


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Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« on: July 13, 2012, 02:21:37 pm »
I have read this forum for many years and found the information invaluable while choosing my first hot tub. I just wanted to give alittle back to this great forum! After many years of research I finally purchased a hot tub a year ago in August.  I bought a 2010 Jacuzzi J470 brand new from the showroom floor. I looked at many tubs and really wanted a Bullfrog tub, but the price of the jacuzzi was too good to pass up. The shop selling them was getting out of hot tubs and blowing the remaining ones out at unheard of prices. I knew Jacuzzi was a top three brand and jumped on the deal. The first question that comesto your mind is...you wanted a Bullfrog tub??? I did, they have alot of well thought out features and I like to be different....the bullfrog is certainly different, right?

Back to the Jacuzzi. The deal was cash and carry so I trailered it home about two hours with the options I picked up like covermate lifter,ozone generator and breaker uninstalled. There was no remote with the tub, but after houndingthe shop for a couple weeks I did get the remote! I really wanted it since I could monitor the tub from the house in winter weather. Installing the ozone was easy with help from the forum and the coverlifter was also a fun install with the wife helping. The tub wired up nicely and all was ready to go. I have used the three step bromine for beginners info on the pool and spa chemistry forum. It is a sticky over there and I have had very little problem with water since the begining. I can leave the tub for 10 days with no worry on vacation.

The J470 is a large tub with lots of room for 6 or more adults. We only go in with our three kids or another couple so room is always plentiful. We have the sand colored shell, it is textured and has been really easy to clean. It looks goodwith the lights, but I think the smooth light color shell looks classier, especially with the lights. The dark synthetic skirt looks great and is easy to clean. The optional covermate 3 (?) lifter works perfect and makes using the tub so easy there are no excuses. It seems to be of good quality it worked good even in minus 30 C weather.

My wife and I had not wet tested any tubs and had only been in hotel tubs so we were not really prepared for the experience when we finally got in to our new tub. The smiles and " hey you have to try this seat" went on for a few days. Everyone that tried the tub got that same look of amazement and felt the same way. UNBELIEVABLE!! I can't compare to other hot tub brands, but thejets and massage are unreal in the J470. All the power you could possibly want, incredible massage and very adjustable for each seat. The air injection works perfect and makes the seat totally adjustable. I really don't know how it could be better. The lights and waterfallreally are nice and there is a foot volcano, only a couple of people find it useful. The hump on the floor has lights and jets for your feet. The jets are nice an the hump helps to keep you in your seat. It also helps to keep people's feet from touching all the time, my wife and I like the floor bubble for all those reasons.

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Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« on: July 13, 2012, 02:21:37 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 02:26:43 pm »
 I would have to agree with you!!  ;D    Glad you like it. 


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 02:48:39 pm »
Sorry I am using a tablet and it is alittle quirky. The story continues..

Funny/Sad sidebar, we were using the tub with another couple about a week after I installed the tub. After a few drinks I brought the remote into the tub to play around with it. I forgot the remote in the tub and it sunk to the bottom over night and never worked again. If any of you dealers have one for sale or know how to fix mine give me a pm with details!

Anyway back to the tub. We used it all winter in western Canada. It was a mild winter, but still some minus 35 days. I used the tub once at about minus 30 it stayed warm and the heater kept up pretty good.

The standard Jacuzzi cover is very good quality. Our tub has a curved higher end and the cover seals very well, I never noticed any leakage around the middle seam because of the higher end. My neighbors Costco tub had tons of steam coming out of the covers middle seam during the winter. My buddies dynasty tub isn't installed yet but the cover on mine is very well made compared to his.

This tub is well made and efficient. I estimate about $25-$30 per month to operate. We have long cold winters so I think that is pretty reasonable. The tub is noisy when running, it can be hard to hear people outside the tub. I don't know if they are all like that or not. It is super quiet the rest of the day, the circumstances pump is perfectly quiet. Water care has been really easy. I have a great Taylor test kit and use Bromine. I can leave my tub for a 10 day vacation and not worry aboutwater chemistry. The pool and spa forum has a great bromine for beginners post, follow it and you will never have any trouble with your water...or at least it will help you if you are struggling.     
This tub has been trouble free and a real quality tub, in my opinion you cannot go wrong buying a Jacuzzi brand hot tub!


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 03:08:59 pm »
nice review and good choice...nothing wrong with taking a good deal on the Jacuzzi, they also have a little stronger warranty than the bullfrog: 5yr component warranty vs. 3yr on bullfrog and a 7yr. shell surface warranty vs. 6yr on the bullfrog, something you hopefully won't need to take advantage of but its a nice little piece of mind at least


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 05:42:46 pm »
nice review and good choice...nothing wrong with taking a good deal on the Jacuzzi, they also have a little stronger warranty than the bullfrog: 5yr component warranty vs. 3yr on bullfrog and a 7yr. shell surface warranty vs. 6yr on the bullfrog, something you hopefully won't need to take advantage of but its a nice little piece of mind at least

Bullfrog Boy disagrees with you.  The warranty is better on Bullfrog for unknown reasons.


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2012, 09:00:34 pm »
nice review and good choice...nothing wrong with taking a good deal on the Jacuzzi, they also have a little stronger warranty than the bullfrog: 5yr component warranty vs. 3yr on bullfrog and a 7yr. shell surface warranty vs. 6yr on the bullfrog, something you hopefully won't need to take advantage of but its a nice little piece of mind at least

Bullfrog Boy disagrees with you.  The warranty is better on Bullfrog for unknown reasons.
Again, I find myself just setting the Bullfrog record straight.  Bullfrog has a very good warranty.  The above stated portions are correct that Jacuzzi's warranty is better. 


Jacuzzi warrants the shell structure for 10 years, Bullfrog warrants theirs for lifetime of original owner.

Bullfrog's warranty on equipment and controls, although only three years is what they call "Blamefree" (a trademarked term) which includes almost anything except intentional damage. 

Jetpack plumbing which includes much of the piping in the larger Bullfrog tubs (mine only has one jetpack so a lot of mine is in the walls of the tub) has a lifetime warranty against leaks.  Jacuzzi covers their plumbing components for 5 years.

Again, Jacuzzi has a very good warranty, but so does Bullfrog.


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2012, 09:28:30 pm »
nice review and good choice...nothing wrong with taking a good deal on the Jacuzzi, they also have a little stronger warranty than the bullfrog: 5yr component warranty vs. 3yr on bullfrog and a 7yr. shell surface warranty vs. 6yr on the bullfrog, something you hopefully won't need to take advantage of but its a nice little piece of mind at least

Bullfrog Boy disagrees with you.  The warranty is better on Bullfrog for unknown reasons.
Again, I find myself just setting the Bullfrog record straight.  Bullfrog has a very good warranty.  The above stated portions are correct that Jacuzzi's warranty is better. 


Jacuzzi warrants the shell structure for 10 years, Bullfrog warrants theirs for lifetime of original owner.

Bullfrog's warranty on equipment and controls, although only three years is what they call "Blamefree" (a trademarked term) which includes almost anything except intentional damage. 

Jetpack plumbing which includes much of the piping in the larger Bullfrog tubs (mine only has one jetpack so a lot of mine is in the walls of the tub) has a lifetime warranty against leaks.  Jacuzzi covers their plumbing components for 5 years.

Again, Jacuzzi has a very good warranty, but so does Bullfrog.

they have been around long enough to have full confidence in their warranty, but I think to warrant some of the prices of their top models they need to step up with the big boys and move that component warranty up to 5 years, everyone in the industry knows that is the most important part of the warranty esp. nowadays with the expensive components going into these massive higher end spas.  I know as a manufacturer they save many thousands of dollars but I would imagine they also lose sales esp. to the analytical folks where details like warranty are huge because any competitor is going to hammer that esp. in anything in the 8k+ range...these are just my thoughts, please correct me if I'm way off base


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 09:35:29 pm »

Again, I find myself just setting the Bullfrog record straight.  Bullfrog has a very good warranty.  The above stated portions are correct that Jacuzzi's warranty is better. 


Jacuzzi warrants the shell structure for 10 years, Bullfrog warrants theirs for lifetime of original owner.

Bullfrog's warranty on equipment and controls, although only three years is what they call "Blamefree" (a trademarked term) which includes almost anything except intentional damage. 

Jetpack plumbing which includes much of the piping in the larger Bullfrog tubs (mine only has one jetpack so a lot of mine is in the walls of the tub) has a lifetime warranty against leaks.  Jacuzzi covers their plumbing components for 5 years.

Again, Jacuzzi has a very good warranty, but so does Bullfrog.
I find myself selling against "lifetime" warranties from time to time. And they sound real good. But there isn't a single lifetime warranty in the spa industry. None. They ALL require something on the part of the owner, after a specified length of time. If you are going to call a warranty 'lifetime,' I feel it should cover the product with in-home repair or complete replacement for life. Here's what I mean - read this section from the Bullfrog warranty (and it's not just BF,  several other makers do the same):

Lifetime JetPak™ Plumbing Warranty

Bullfrog warrants the Bullfrog Series I & Series II Spa JetPak™ Plumbing System not to leak for the life of the original retail purchaser of the spa. This warranty specifically covers leaks from all JetPak jet fittings and all JetPak plumbing. After three years from the spa purchase date, any defective JetPak components must be sent to Bullfrog for repair or replacement.

Lifetime Shell Structure and EnduraFrame™ Warranty

Bullfrog warrants the Bullfrog Series I & Series II Spa shell not to leak and the EnduraFrame (injection- molded cabinet frame) against degradation for the life of the original retail purchaser of the spa. After six years from the original spa purchase date, the defective spa must be sent to Bullfrog for repair.

I'm well aware that some makers are offering these types of warranty, and that the cost of shipping a spa across the country and back, and then having it removed and replaced into your yard may well be only a quarter the cost of a new spa, even less in some cases. So call it something like - "six years Plus," or whatever. It just ISN"T what most people expect when they hear "Lifetime warranty."

I like that BF will fix your jet packs if you send them back. The repair will most likely cost them far less than you will pay for shipping, but you'll have it done by the same folks who made it in the first place.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2012, 11:55:53 pm »
I agree with Chas, I like a good warranty on components!   With any good mnfg like Jacuzzi,HS,Marquis and yes even Bullfrog and a few others, the structure and shell very rairly ever fail.  I have seen 2 Jacuzzi's and 1 Artesian where the shell developed a very small crack.   With FreeFlow I saw several, but the owners were always "well" really really large and they cracked in stress spots where the step in was.     Component wise any spa can have a problem, I don't care what brand or how much someone paid for it, chit happens.      I would never worry about shell or structure warranty's unless it's some POS from China.    Now a person that doesn't know the difference it would sound pretty good, but to sell against a spa with a 3 year component warranty vs a 5,  a 5 year will win out every time.     


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2012, 07:45:24 am »
Good discussion gentlemen.  All good points. 

When I see Lifetime warranty, I don't necessarily see the need to use it over that course of time.  I see the idea that they do not expect to have to fix it over that course of time.  For example, I design/engineer mechanical and plumbing systems for a living.  One of the products I like to use on commercial properties has a Lifetime residential  warranty; but only a 10 year warranty on the exact same product used commercially.  I believe they will have a good functioning piece of equipment at least through the 10 year period, probably much longer.

I have to admit, I would not like to have to send a spa on a cross country trip for a repair, but I also believe they do not want to see one arrive at their doorstep either.

I also agree they should and probably could step up their component warranty to 5 years, they use quality parts such as Balboa controls, Wellspring heaters, pumps and Ozonators, so it probably wouldn't hit them too bad to do so.  They aren't built with junk, but equipment does sometimes fail prematurely.


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2012, 11:02:19 am »

Lifetime Shell Structure and EnduraFrame™ Warranty

Bullfrog warrants the Bullfrog Series I & Series II Spa shell not to leak and the EnduraFrame (injection- molded cabinet frame) against degradation for the life of the original retail purchaser of the spa. After six years from the original spa purchase date, the defective spa must be sent to Bullfrog for repair.


Another company with a "lifetime" shell warranty where after a certain number of years the customer has to send the spa back to the manufacturer. Its not like the owner can see if he has a box in his garage to put his spa in so he can go to the UPS store and send it back.

The idea of sending the jetpacks back is palatable but every shell warranty that has "lifetime" in it ends up being a sales ploy. The customer would be FAR better off to get a standard 10 year shell warranty than a Lifetime*-6 year warranty (IMO).
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 11:06:24 am by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2012, 08:01:48 pm »
The customer would be FAR better off to get a standard 10 year shell warranty than a Lifetime*-6 year warranty (IMO).

Not if it breaks in the 11th year.  ;)

I agree that it's a sales ploy, and I would be tempted to just let it go and get a new one after 11 years, but then again, I would hope to get at least twenty years out of my investment.  So, it may not be ideal, but there is some recourse to getting it repaired if it is a structural failure of some kind. 


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2012, 08:17:45 pm »
I'm all for tub makers adding additional coverage after the 3, 5 or 6 years that they fully cover a tub or equipment. But I don't like them calling it "lifetime" when you have to ship the tub to the plant.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2012, 09:22:26 pm »
  What exactly is "lifetime"?  The life of the spa,the life of the owner what?  I guess if the shell cracks then the life of the spa is up?     Also correct me if I am wrong but don't most states limit lifetime?  For instance lifetime in Washington state is only 7 years..


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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2012, 08:28:09 am »
  What exactly is "lifetime"?  The life of the spa,the life of the owner what?  I guess if the shell cracks then the life of the spa is up?     Also correct me if I am wrong but don't most states limit lifetime?  For instance lifetime in Washington state is only 7 years..

Bullfrog warranty on the structure/shell is lifetime of original purchaser, with the aforementioned 6 years caveat.  I read somewhere that if the purchaser is a corporation it is limited to 10 years, can't remember if that was the Bullfrog site or another company.

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Re: Jacuzzi J470 Thoughts and Experiences
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2012, 08:28:09 am »


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