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Author Topic: Anybody own older model of Coast Spa with Gecko Board? Need Help Please!  (Read 4161 times)


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We just moved to accommodate our growing family last fall and we got lucky with our Coast Spa tub sitting dormant without water. We need help on a fix and need anyone that owns an older model Coast Spa or has a TSPA-1 Gecko board to look at their board for some info we need.

Go to your board. There is a capacitor on your TSPA-1 board that we burnt and we can't read numbers on it to buy new one, it is blue. Write the numbers down from this capacitor and post back here.

Thank you in advance! This would save us  $350 on buying a whole new TSPA-1 board! We tried calling Gecko to see if they would give us the info on the capacitor that we need to replace and of course they won't tell us, as they would like us to buy a whole new board!

Text or call Mike if have further questions or want to help us! 505 six 2 zero 98 four six

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Welcome to the forum. Hopefully someone can help you out. As you seem to be aware Coast uses some parts that are also used by other manufacturers. Are there burn marks on the board or do you see it only on the cap itself?  Is it a tear drop shaped capacitor or would you say it looks like a small cannister? The reason I ask is I deal with computer power supplies that have varistors that look like capacitors. The protect powersupplies from incoming power spikes by basically committing suicide and absorbing the spikes.  The system will power up without them, but its good to replace them as soon as you can. (I May be totally offbase here.)
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I'm a big DIY too.  I got a big HD flat screen for $300 on Craigslist. I had done a Google search based on the model number and serial number, and they all seem to blow the power supply caps. Two new caps at $3 each, a few moments with the soldering iron, and it has served us for a couple of years now. I went to buy another one just like it, but people have snapped them up, repaired them and are asking more money. Bummer.

But as to your board, if all else fails, you could send it to Horizon Spa Parts. They have a web site which is very helpful, and they are good folks. I know you would like to do this for less, but it might be easier in the long run to have them fix it for you, and I don't think their prices are outrageous at all.

Just a thought -


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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