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Author Topic: Ok, this must be Rocket Science.....HELP!!  (Read 5483 times)


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Ok, this must be Rocket Science.....HELP!!
« on: July 05, 2012, 12:57:13 am »
New tub was filled Wednesday....my Nature 2 start-up kit arrived yesterday...first soak last night. I installed the Nature 2 filter. I didn't think they had included any DIClOR, so I wasn't able to add any until tonight. When I got home this evening, the water had a slight light green tint...no odor. My test kit has not arrived, so I really can't test what I am dealing with. ( Once I read the bottle, I realized I had the DICLOR...) What do I need to do? No one peed in it. I may have mentioned that I had used Baqua-spa before, and I hated it. ( not in this one)

So, I guess I will go to the pool store and buy a test kit tomorrow...I really want this to be easy and simple, as you guys have all attested to.

Could something have been lest in it from the factory....it is brand new.

Thanks for any and all help....

Hot Tub Forum

Ok, this must be Rocket Science.....HELP!!
« on: July 05, 2012, 12:57:13 am »


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Re: Ok, this must be Rocket Science.....HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 09:43:01 am »
Wow - NEVER go into a spa, new or old, without knowing the status of the water in terms of sanitation and water balance. Shame on your dealer for not including a set of start-up supplies or at least balancing your water upon delivery! Let's hope your tap water had a good strong level of Chlorine out of the hose!

You have owned a tub before... You should know better than this!  >:( (I'm 'scolding' you for your own good here...  ;) )

OK - all kidding aside, you really should not have taken the chance. Tub was hopefully water-tested before you got it, and can have all sorts of fun things in the tubing, mostly from the time it spent wrapped in shipping/handling after it left the factory. It might very well be easier to start fresh. Changing water is not a really big deal - it can easily be cheaper than dosing up with a whole lot of other chems.  I think I saw a similar post on another forum, so you may have this tub nicely balanced by now, (and I hope you are getting to enjoy it  :D ) but it really is easy.

At least it WILL BE - like anything else, it will take a few weeks to get into a pattern which will make it easy. And I have recommended for years that our customers do a one-time water change at the end of the first month of ownership. This so-called "Chas' Law" really seems to make things go much easier. In that first month you do have much more to contend with, from things left in by the tub maker to the skin oil which gets deep-cleaned out of your skin ( a very nice side effect of tub ownership ) to the 'learning curve' of owning a new tub, even though it sounds like you have had one before.

Most of all - enjoy your new tub! Welcome to Spatopia!

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ok, this must be Rocket Science.....HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 09:43:01 am »


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