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Author Topic: Brett Aqualine em-203 just failed? what did I do? no jets or heater  (Read 4981 times)


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I just moved into a house with an old hottub... found out the controller and heater was Brett Aqualine em-203.

Heater was completely burnt up ....like melted.  So i got a new one and replaced it.

Filled it tonight...and turned it on for the first time....kind of wacky loud sounding... tested all the functions...appeared to be working...

went in for a bit...was going to check in a few hours to see if temp was going up... came outside and it was empty...

Turns out they had this strange hidden valve on back side...water went under ground...never knew it was draining...(long story)

Soooo i refill it... try to turn it on ... but now nothing from the jets...and the heater light won't turn on...  it sounds like the circulating pump is running, but there is no force coming from them.  Did I break it?

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you never want to turn on the heater in your jacuzzi with out water in it.  also, heater will not activate if the pump is not circulating water.  i just fixed mine. same model.  you might have tripped the 20amp circuit breaker or the heater circuit breaker.  if so unplug power, fill up jacuzzi, and make sure everything is off.  then reset breakers and plug in.   i had to replace the 20 amp circuit breaker and the two switches under the timers, they were all stuck, and my circuit breaker kept tripping for no reason.  it looked old too, so i just ordered parts and replaced them, from a local place here in san diego.  they had to ship them out of la vegas.  took a few days.  place was called spa parts depot, in el cajon ca. 92020  (800) 927-6110   they carry and know alot about this unit.  maybe they can help you.  good luck

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