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Author Topic: Tub shopping...HELP!  (Read 11508 times)


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Tub shopping...HELP!
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:37:36 pm »
So I've been lurking around here several weeks trying to make sense out of the whole tub shopping conundrum only to find myself ever more confused with each showroom I visit. To date we've visited Bullfrog, Hot Springs, Caldera, Master Spa, Artesian, Marquis, Maax, Coleman, Sundance and Jacuzzi... there may even be another one or two that I don't recall just now..

I came within an eyelash of pulling the trigger on a Limelight Flair recently, but didn't because I was already going to the Bullfrog dealer the next day and wanted to at least see what they had to offer, and true to form, I came away as befuddled as ever. They all look and sound so good in the store... and most of the sales people I've dealt with have been perfectly pleasant and fun to talk with and I'd do business with just about any of them, but I just can't decide. I've looked at them all except D-1 who doesn't have a dealer near enough to me that I'd care to visit, (long story). I fear I'm stuck in the "paralysis of analysis". The differences between the competing spas just really aren't that great and at the end of the day I don't think I'd go too far wrong with most of the companies and models we've looked at so far.

In any event, having reached the end of my rope, I found myself surfing around on Craigslist and came across a warehouse operation that sells these pinnacle spas. I don't know who they are, but this guy's pricing is like half of what I was prepared to spend at any number of brand name dealers, and at least by the website they seem like they make real hot tubs... Before I call the guy to "schedule an appointment" at his warehouse, I was hoping someone could give me the low down on weather or not I should even bother. I'm not really excited by the "warehouse" aspect of it, but it's literally a few thousand bucks difference and like they say... a few thousand bucks, is a few thousand bucks... but only if they're worthy of consideration.

Should I take a look at these, or should I just get off the pot and make a decision from the "A" list that we've already seen and/or been in?

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« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 01:33:04 pm by wmccall »

Hot Tub Forum

Tub shopping...HELP!
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:37:36 pm »


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 12:51:23 am »
And how long have you worked for Pinnacle?

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2012, 01:24:52 pm »
Geez Chas what's your act? 

Because I don't know the story behind a "too good to be true" offer and have the audacity to ask a group who may actually have some insights,  you feel it's appropriate to assail my character.  Maybe that's how they define a "nice guy" in Southern Calif, but up here in Maine  at least some of us think a bit differently... or maybe it's just all the awards that Hot Springs bestowed upon you that lets you believe in your own superiority but whatever it is, I am unimpressed.

Since no one seemed to know the answer, or were afraid to incur your wrath for offering advice or assistance to a mere neophyte, I decided to undertake a brief search on my own and learned that Pinnacle is but one of the many nameplates offered under the umbrella of Premium Leisure, which itself appears to be the spawn of a messy bankruptcy of Hydro Spa who simply went away and left many owners without warranty or support when they dissolved.  Not exactly my kind of people...

As it appears that the same Hydro Spa players are now involved with Premium Leisure, I will most assuredly NOT be spending my money with people of that ilk.  So to answer your question, no I don't work for them, and knowing what I know about them now, I would not work  for them either. Sorry to burst your snide self assured bubble, but just because I don't know the intricacies of the spa industry or I'm not from Southern Calif, I'm not automatically a "bad guy" irrespective of your personal view or agenda.

I'm sure I've already seen and soaked in the tub I will eventually buy, and when I do, I'm sure I will be looking elsewhere for support and online camaraderie after the warm welcome you extended to me here as a newcomer.


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 05:37:20 pm »

Seriously though - welcome to the forum, sorry it was such a rough intro.  (Honestly, he really wasn't THAT mean to you).

You will find good people here who are very helpful, or at least try to be.  You'll probably never read this since you said you weren't coming back, but you should hardly judge a board by 1 member, or 1 post.  If/when you buy your tub, if you have questions we might have answers.



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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 07:09:21 pm »
welcome to the forum....as with anything in life, you get what you pay for...its no secret to anyone and its no different in the spa game.  If your not comfortable spending 7 or 8k+ for a good spa from a reputable dealer I would look into something slightly used and save yourself the "hit" you take buying new.  I would recommend something used from a topline company like Hot Spring or Jacuzzi before I would recommend some brand new Chinese junk for 3k from some warehouse with no dealer support, a junk warranty and horrible build quality


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 11:50:00 am »
Sorry! You did sound like a dealer. It happens.  :-[


« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 03:35:58 am by Chas »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 04:26:02 pm »
I have just purchased a Luguna Bay spa on-line and I am wery pleased. I have had it about a month and it is actually better than I expected. It is 240 volt but not hard to wire (I would highly recommend an electrician however). On that note I had to have an electrician help me trace a problem when I wired mine... I wired it correctly but because the wire has to be 6 gauge it is not very flexible and when I put the cover back on the cut off box the cover pushed against the wires and pulled one side of the 50 amp fuse off of the bar. Any way I got it for $3800.00 and it comes with 2-6 HP pumps 81 jets and has more pressure than any other hot tub I have been in, although it has not been many. The tub heats up fairly quickly and has economy settings to conserve power. I am not an employee of the company and rarely read or respond to blogs but I know how hard it was to research this when I looked. I will admit that I was concerned about ordering this online but I got what I ordered and I am happy with it. The only problem that I have had is that one of the jets popped out and needs to be replaced. I cantacted the company and sent them a picture and they are sending out a replacement. This could have been jostled in transit. I am including a link if it helps. I am not by anymeans speaking in regaurds to the long term durability of this as I have not had it that long but so far so good.

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« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 05:39:20 pm by wmccall »


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 06:05:25 pm »
New spas selling out of storage units using Craigslist or the Pennysaver as their method to find people fall into the category of "you get what you pay for". That selling method is not new and the results are far too often a major disappointment. I love the tagline you often see of "$8k spa selling for $4k new and never unwrapped". I'd like to think people see though that type of salesmanship but I guess there are enough people that will think they're stumbling onto a bargain.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2012, 10:33:05 am »
Totally my opinion here, and of course I'm very biased so take this how you should, as my opinion.

Things to consider and the order I would do it in when buying a hot tub:

Quality of Construction
  • What's under the hood?
    Where is it built?
    How is it built?
    What is it built from?

  • Does it have the massages I want?
    Does it have the sanitation and filtration capabilities I need?
    Does it have the lights, cup holders, etc I want?
    Is it comfortable?
    Does it allow me to set it up the way I like with JetPaks  :) (sorry, had to throw that one in)

  • Does it have the right capacity for my needs?
    Does it have comfortable seats I like?
    Does it fit in the space I have for it?

I think you will find that in hot tubs you will largely get what you pay for (a few exceptions). I agree with what another poster mentioned about starting with reputable brands - Hot Spring, Jacuzzi, Bullfrog also.

Now for the biased part - I've owned most of these or have had them at properties I've managed and have been under the hood of all of them. There's a reason I like Bullfrog hot tubs. No wood in the frame, Made in the USA, best quality and fewer worries and maintenance. I would check out their site for more info on what makes them different:

Also, feel free to ask any questions you would like. If you feel like you should go another direction, great.

Best wishes and happy hot tub ownership to you!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 05:30:00 pm by wmccall »


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2012, 07:21:08 pm »
Totally my opinion here, and of course I'm very biased so take this how you should, as my opinion.

There's a reason I like Bullfrog hot tubs. No wood in the frame, Made in the USA, best quality and fewer worries and maintenance. I would check out their site for more info on what makes them different:

We're all here in part to give our opinions and I believe you'll find this a pretty tolerant site but I do have to make one comment. While we all have our favorites and reasons behind our thinking, I think you'll find the use of the word "Best" tends to rub people the wrong way here since it’s such an ultra-definitive and totally unsubstantiated term in this industry. While I wouldn't call myself a Bullfrog fan, I'm also not a Bullfrog detractor so it’s not about your choice of favorite spa, it’s just my distain for use of that B-word because when I hear it I just think "salesmanship" and tend to disregard the validity of the person speaking/typing. Just my opinion of course.

I'm not the welcoming committee but welcome aboard.
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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2012, 09:21:22 pm »
Totally my opinion here, and of course I'm very biased so take this how you should, as my opinion.

There's a reason I like Bullfrog hot tubs. No wood in the frame, Made in the USA, best quality and fewer worries and maintenance. I would check out their site for more info on what makes them different:

We're all here in part to give our opinions and I believe you'll find this a pretty tolerant site but I do have to make one comment. While we all have our favorites and reasons behind our thinking, I think you'll find the use of the word "Best" tends to rub people the wrong way here since it’s such an ultra-definitive and totally unsubstantiated term in this industry. While I wouldn't call myself a Bullfrog fan, I'm also not a Bullfrog detractor so it’s not about your choice of favorite spa, it’s just my distain for use of that B-word because when I hear it I just think "salesmanship" and tend to disregard the validity of the person speaking/typing. Just my opinion of course.

I'm not the welcoming committee but welcome aboard.

MAAX Spas have an all steel frame with no wood, made in the USA.  However, they have something Bullfrog doesn't... they are "Appliance Grade!"  Clearly the best.

Joshing of course... I think people tend to make a huge deal out of what the frame is made of.  Shoot, I've had spas forever with wood frames and have had zero problems.  Use to have Hot Spring Vanguard, now have a Prodigy, and love it.

Since you opened up the door Mr. Bullfrog, do you work for them, or just a crazy happy owner?  Cause if you do work for them, their website is meh.  I was looking at their energy efficiency comparison and it just flat out sucks.  They show me a big flashy number of on $12.36 to run and compare other spas.  However, what are the real numbers tested?  How did they test it?  How'd they get that number?  Just sayin... I live in AZ and I seriously doubt my energy bill would be that low on average unless I didn't use it.

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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 02:03:38 pm »
Totally my opinion here, and of course I'm very biased so take this how you should, as my opinion.

There's a reason I like Bullfrog hot tubs. No wood in the frame, Made in the USA, best quality and fewer worries and maintenance. I would check out their site for more info on what makes them different:

We're all here in part to give our opinions and I believe you'll find this a pretty tolerant site but I do have to make one comment. While we all have our favorites and reasons behind our thinking, I think you'll find the use of the word "Best" tends to rub people the wrong way here since it’s such an ultra-definitive and totally unsubstantiated term in this industry. While I wouldn't call myself a Bullfrog fan, I'm also not a Bullfrog detractor so it’s not about your choice of favorite spa, it’s just my distain for use of that B-word because when I hear it I just think "salesmanship" and tend to disregard the validity of the person speaking/typing. Just my opinion of course.

I'm not the welcoming committee but welcome aboard.

MAAX Spas have an all steel frame with no wood, made in the USA.  However, they have something Bullfrog doesn't... they are "Appliance Grade!"  Clearly the best.

Joshing of course... I think people tend to make a huge deal out of what the frame is made of.  Shoot, I've had spas forever with wood frames and have had zero problems.  Use to have Hot Spring Vanguard, now have a Prodigy, and love it.

Since you opened up the door Mr. Bullfrog, do you work for them, or just a crazy happy owner?  Cause if you do work for them, their website is meh.  I was looking at their energy efficiency comparison and it just flat out sucks.  They show me a big flashy number of on $12.36 to run and compare other spas.  However, what are the real numbers tested?  How did they test it?  How'd they get that number?  Just sayin... I live in AZ and I seriously doubt my energy bill would be that low on average unless I didn't use it.

We've made spas with wood frames for years and they hold up very well. I've seen many 20 plus year old Hot Spring spas with the frame still in fine shape. We've also made spa with frames made of steel and ABS so its not like I only have one perspective. If your main selling point is wrapped around a negative sell about your competitors wood frames being a problem then you don't have much of a selling point IMO.


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Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 02:20:47 pm »
Totally my opinion here, and of course I'm very biased so take this how you should, as my opinion.

There's a reason I like Bullfrog hot tubs. No wood in the frame, Made in the USA, best quality and fewer worries and maintenance. I would check out their site for more info on what makes them different:

We're all here in part to give our opinions and I believe you'll find this a pretty tolerant site but I do have to make one comment. While we all have our favorites and reasons behind our thinking, I think you'll find the use of the word "Best" tends to rub people the wrong way here since it’s such an ultra-definitive and totally unsubstantiated term in this industry. While I wouldn't call myself a Bullfrog fan, I'm also not a Bullfrog detractor so it’s not about your choice of favorite spa, it’s just my distain for use of that B-word because when I hear it I just think "salesmanship" and tend to disregard the validity of the person speaking/typing. Just my opinion of course.

I'm not the welcoming committee but welcome aboard.

MAAX Spas have an all steel frame with no wood, made in the USA.  However, they have something Bullfrog doesn't... they are "Appliance Grade!"  Clearly the best.

Joshing of course... I think people tend to make a huge deal out of what the frame is made of.  Shoot, I've had spas forever with wood frames and have had zero problems.  Use to have Hot Spring Vanguard, now have a Prodigy, and love it.

Since you opened up the door Mr. Bullfrog, do you work for them, or just a crazy happy owner?  Cause if you do work for them, their website is meh.  I was looking at their energy efficiency comparison and it just flat out sucks.  They show me a big flashy number of on $12.36 to run and compare other spas.  However, what are the real numbers tested?  How did they test it?  How'd they get that number?  Just sayin... I live in AZ and I seriously doubt my energy bill would be that low on average unless I didn't use it.

We've made spas with wood frames for years and they hold up very well. I've seen many 20 plus year old Hot Spring spas with the frame still in fine shape. We've also made spa with frames made of steel and ABS so its not like I only have one perspective. If your main selling point is wrapped around a negative sell about your competitors wood frames being a problem then you don't have much of a selling point IMO.

never sell your product based on a  single "point" 98 customers out of 100 don't care about...the only thing an ABS or Steel base adds to a spa is cost..nothing more, nothing less

« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 04:52:55 pm by TwinCitiesHotSpring »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Tub shopping...HELP!
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 02:20:47 pm »


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