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Author Topic: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer  (Read 4695 times)


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Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:24:48 am »
As I have said before I use Bromine because I have around 50 lbs of it I received free. Anytime I shock my hot tub with a non chlorine shock, The smell on our bodies becomes obnoxious. I leave the top off when shocking for 2-4 hours but the smell on the skin is there.

 Also, After 2 weeks my Hot Tub is not clear when running the jets. It goes from super clear to not being able to see the bottom. When I turn off the Jets, It goes back to super clear,,,,, Really weird.

My wife says to change........ So I need advice. I have been married 35 years because I mind what the wife says/wants. LOL

I have a 2010 J-465 Jacuzzi. No salt generator etc. Sanitizer is dispensed with a small floaty.

What is recommendations for a beautiful clear Hot tub without using Bromine?

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Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:24:48 am »


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 11:33:35 am »
chlorine 1-3x additions per week depending on usage (over time using test strips to check levels will give you an idea of how much demand you'll need, rule of thumb is 1.5tsp per person, per use)...shock with MPS/non-chlorine shock once a week, keep water balanced, keep filters clean and that's all she wrote   8)


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 05:26:57 pm »
I changed from bromine to chlorine and am very happy with it. Read my post bromine v chlorine



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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 09:18:38 pm »
Did you ever check the pH level.  That is why you smell it.  Bromine is naturally low on the pH scale.

To paraphrase, "What recommendations would be suggested for a beautiful clear Hot tub without using Bromine?" 

OZONE, but that is another subject.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 06:42:05 am »
1. Change the water. Bromine is a salt and stays in the water, so to 'go off' bromine requires a good, thorough flush of the entire spa and plumbing.

2. Water balance is very important - keep your pH at around 7.4 and the TA at about 100.

3. Change the water - once you get onto chlorine, you will still want fresh water every four months, give or take. This time, however, a quick drain and fill is fine: you don't have to flush every little nook and cranny.

4. Never use a floating feeder. Bromine tablets are largely chlorine anyway, but Trichlor tablets will do serious damage to your tub, it's cover and other things. A floating feeder is NOT automatic in any sense: in fact it dispenses more in active water and less in still water, and Bromine by it's very nature dissolves more rapidly into the water as the bromine level climbs, so it is all geared toward massive overfeeding in a covered spa. That overfeeding is what adds to the normal tendancy of bromine to 'entrain' air and that is why you can't see the floor when the jets are on. 

Dichlor is a granulated chlorine product, and has a pH close to 7. It is the perfect type of sanitizer for a covered tub, and it's what TCHS was talking about above: "1.5 tsp per person, per use." You add it every time you exit the tub, leave the cover open with jets raging for about ten minutes or so, and THEN close the lid. Next time you come out to use the spa, it will be sparkling, and should NOT smell at all. Most fun is this: YOU will not smell when you exit the tub, either!


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 07:25:46 am »
Did you ever check the pH level.  That is why you smell it.  Bromine is naturally low on the pH scale.

To paraphrase, "What recommendations would be suggested for a beautiful clear Hot tub without using Bromine?" 

OZONE, but that is another subject.

My PH was always kept in the correct zone and bromine still smells!


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 08:05:02 am »
Did you ever check the pH level.  That is why you smell it.  Bromine is naturally low on the pH scale.

To paraphrase, "What recommendations would be suggested for a beautiful clear Hot tub without using Bromine?" 

OZONE, but that is another subject.

My PH was always kept in the correct zone and bromine still smells!

My PH is also correct. I have found out that th smell gets worse over time. I try hard to keep my bromine at the lowest level ppm (3ppm) possible but with time and shocking with non chlorine shock the smell comes and sticks to your skin

I have 4 lbs of Spa Essentials Bromine Concentrate in granular form. It is 82.5% Sodium dichloro-s -triazinetrione and 14.5% Sodium Bromide. Can I use this since is has a high Dichloro level? If so, Is the 11/2 teaspoon still apply?


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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2012, 11:27:59 am »
Did you ever check the pH level.  That is why you smell it.  Bromine is naturally low on the pH scale.

To paraphrase, "What recommendations would be suggested for a beautiful clear Hot tub without using Bromine?" 

OZONE, but that is another subject.

My PH was always kept in the correct zone and bromine still smells!

My PH is also correct. I have found out that th smell gets worse over time. I try hard to keep my bromine at the lowest level ppm (3ppm) possible but with time and shocking with non chlorine shock the smell comes and sticks to your skin

I have 4 lbs of Spa Essentials Bromine Concentrate in granular form. It is 82.5% Sodium dichloro-s -triazinetrione and 14.5% Sodium Bromide. Can I use this since is has a high Dichloro level? If so, Is the 11/2 teaspoon still apply?

doubtful...decent "branded" chlorine is 99% dichloro-s

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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2012, 01:45:37 pm »
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals

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Re: Okay, Ready to change sanitizer
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2012, 01:45:37 pm »


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