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Author Topic: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling  (Read 6227 times)


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2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:42:46 am »
Hi, I have a brand new Sundance Optima that just arrived last week.  As I understand it you can set the circ pump to run in "standard mode" (which defaults to midnight turn on and 24 hour duration, thus 24/7) or "economy mode" where you can program length and start of 4 circulation events per day.  I have changed the "standard mode" start time to 7 PM with an 8 hour duration, and also programmed the 4 economy modes to 1.5 hour duration starting at 7 PM, 10 PM, 1 AM, and 4 AM (trying to avoid anything running when electricity is expensive from 7 AM to 7 PM).

Now here's my problem, no matter whether I have the tub running in standard or economy mode with the above settings, the circulation pump is ALWAYS ON when I go to check at 8 AM in the morning.  It is typically off when I get home at 5PM so something is realizing it should turn off and it isn't running 24/7, but why the heck is it still on at 8 AM!!!?  It has achieved the set temp (and heater icon is off) but usually the sanitizer logo is on at 8 AM, is there some sensor or minimum sanitation mode or something that would cause this?

I really want to understand this tub....

Other than that I had a leaking hose to the UV filter right from the factory and a disconnected RF (remote) module to the radio.....hope it's smooth sailing from here on out.


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2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:42:46 am »


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 05:40:58 pm »
Yup I have same issue. I have mine set in standard for 24hrs but when I do switch it over to economy no matter what times and durations I have set it runs the circ pump all the time. It will turn off if I set it for shorter than 24hrs in standard but in economy it keeps going.  Is this a known issue for 2012 Sundances?

On a side note I like your username, we could be a crime fighting duo! : )
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 05:43:21 pm by pooch »


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 06:08:52 pm »
Got an update: I putz around with the circ settings and figured out that it is working on both modes. The circ pump will turn off if I turn the temp down a couple of degrees. I have it set at 98 which it is currently at, it would only stop if I brought the temp down to 96. It wasn't showing the heater icon when it was running so I assume that wasn't why it wouldn't stop. Your guess is as good as mine why it's doing this.


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 10:06:37 am »
I've realized three things since posting this though I still think there's an issue.

1 - Documentation says that in STANDARD mode, even outside of the programed window for circ operation, the circ pump will come on if the temp drops below the set point.  Standard mode basically means heat whenever you need to anytime of day to keep up, but only run the circ for circulation purposes (where heat is not required) during the set window.

2 - Econo mode is NOT supposed to act the same according to a call to Sundance tech, they say in that mode it should only run the circ (and heater if necessary) during the programmed 4 windows, no excuses (save 3 below).....so this one sounds to be violated on mine and yours for some reason.

3 - Buried in the fine print on "summer mode" of all places is a line saying that the Optima has a mandatory circ cycle everyday between 9-11 AM, it doesn't say this anywhere else in the manual far as I can tell and I have no clue why they'd pick that time of day, but just in case you checked during 9-11 AM then that's the one window where this would be justified.

Damn new optima is more complicated than the spaceshuttle with minimal documentation!  Ha ha



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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2012, 11:44:21 am »
I have the same tub at my weekend place.  When we leave on Sunday I turn it down to 90, and then when we show up Fridays I turn it back up to 102.  I haven't futzed with the circulation settings.  I'm curious, how much do you anticipate saving by programming economy mode?  Basically wondering if its worth the effort or not.


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 12:19:35 pm »
Well were I live, in Canada, the price of electricity is double from 7 AM to 7 PM what it is from 7 PM to 7 AM, and (in Canada) it gets damn cold.....so presuming that the heater is the majority of the energy consumption, one would expect to save 40-50% of the cost to run the tub.  This logic of course neglects the energy spent to run the big pumps when the tub is actually used....but you see my thinking/motivation.


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2012, 12:20:28 pm »
my advice since you just dropped 10k or so with them would be to call them and ask if someone can come out and do an orientation with you on operation of your overly confusing control system


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 01:46:50 pm »
Agreed, if only the local dealers had any clue how to run them!  They all just said to use 24 hour circulation, and beyond that to read the manual....at this point I'm teaching them!


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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 01:58:56 pm »
Agreed, if only the local dealers had any clue how to run them!  They all just said to use 24 hour circulation, and beyond that to read the manual....at this point I'm teaching them!

I guess different companies have their own view of how "customer service" is defined.  :o another option if you haven't already tried would be to call Sundance tech support and have one of the techs explain/walk you through it.

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Re: 2012 Sundance Optima Circulation Pump Odd Cycling
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 01:58:56 pm »


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