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Author Topic: Delivery delayed because a part was used from our tub to fix another tub?  (Read 6320 times)


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Hey yall - got another concern I'd appreciate your thoughts on.

Put 10% down on a hot spot Relay, due to be delivered this weekend.  Had a 4 week wait because we agreed to let ours sit on the floor until new ones arrived to take its place.

Got word today they may have to delay our delivery because the pump was taken out of ours to repair another model.  They are now waiting for the new pump to arrive to be put in the tub we bought.

First question:  Is this a common practice?  Using parts from the floor models to do repairs?  Does it effect the value or quality of our tub?

Second question:  Should I be concerned that there is another 2012 tub out there somewhere, just like mine, needing a pump replaced already?

Thanks in advance.

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Jacuzzi Jim

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 Shouldn't be the norm but it --it happens, we have done it a few times with spa thats not sold though.   As far as a problem or affecting the quality of yours I wouldn't worry about it, if you are then tell them you want one of the new ones coming in.

  I would be more mad at them holding up the delivery of my new spa after waiting 4 weeks. 


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JJ - thanks!  Yeah, its probably not a big deal.  We were upset, but we're cooling down.  Its just a big letdown when you've looked forward to something this long.  He did offer some extra chems to accommodate, so thats cool.  Been a great guy to work with, even through this. 

Jacuzzi Jim

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 There is a good chance somebody (service tech) did it with out his knowledge, take him up on the chem offer for sure! 


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Yep, it does sound like it was something of that nature.


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not common, but they could have been in a "pinch" and/or a simple lack of communication within the company...make sure they take care of you with some extra chems...

#2 unless they told you so, them taking a pump doesn't mean its going in another brand new spa, and if it is well I hate to break the news but mechanical motors/pumps/seals/circuit boards...etc can fail regardless of how old they are, brand, how much you paid, etc. that is why having a good dealer backing you up with warranty is important.

#3 good choice on the new 2012 Relay...the new 2lb. foam and all vertical cabinet design are 2 nice features that have been improved for 2012 vs. 2011
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 06:14:03 pm by TwinCitiesHotSpring »


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The mistake was not ordering the replacement motor as soon as it was 'borrowed.'

Boy does this give you ammunition though: if anything does go down on your tub in the future, you know they will be there right now to fix it, even if it means taking the part off a showroom model!! Oh yeah!

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Jacuzzi Jim

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  If they asked you to wait 4 weeks why didn't they just order you a new spa?   Sounds like they wanted to sell the floor mdl but how old was it?    Hopefully you got good money off compared to a new mdl..


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JJ - thanks!  Yeah, its probably not a big deal.  We were upset, but we're cooling down.  Its just a big letdown when you've looked forward to something this long.  He did offer some extra chems to accommodate, so thats cool.  Been a great guy to work with, even through this.

You can play the upset card in favor of future favors  ;)  If my site would be ready I wouldn't want to wait 4 weeks for a replacment to come in. To me, the dealer could always say "I can't keep them on the sales floor", but when I bought, it took me two weeks to get concrete poured and my electric run, so it can be a two way street.
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don't worry about it damaging the integrity of your tub.  in the showroom its a pretty simple swap out.  the positive to take from it is they could do the same for you if your spa has issues after delivery.  to delay your delivery is pretty weak though.  they should have the pump shipped overnite and pick up the tab for shipping. 


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I'd be hitting up the dealer for some feebies. (chemicals, accessories etc)  They should be willing to do something for inconveniencing you.  Remember that what they give you costs them about half as much as it would you.  If not free, something that you want for their cost.

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