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Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
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Topic: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted (Read 6693 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 34
Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
April 10, 2012, 08:05:42 am »
Ok, wife and I are both so overwhelmed at this point between seating configurations, water sanitizing systems and filtration, not to mention price points, she feels like giving the whole idea up.
I'll try to make it brief. We went into this with a 4k budget. Quickly realized, for a new tub and a 4-5 seater, that was not possible. Upped our budget to 7k. We went to three dealers yesterday, thought we settled on tub (hydropool 495) with bottom filtration unit (self cleaning model) and a salt water sanitation system (extra money) and a smaller configuration than we originally wanted. Quote came out to 8500. We get home, start to talk and think and wonder if the salt water system and bottom filtration (self cleaning) either one of those feature not worth the extra money. Looks like we could get a 6 seater for 6900 (Serenity pool, 6000) if we just skip those two features.
Hot Tub Forum
Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
April 10, 2012, 08:05:42 am »
Junior Member
Posts: 34
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #1 on:
April 10, 2012, 08:09:36 am »
Accidently sent before I was finished, I apologize...
Anyways, is the salt water sanitizing system as nice as the dealers claim? Can go 12 months without draining? Less chemical smelling and more natural all around? Better for the skin?
The bottom filtration - cleans 100% of the water ever 15 minutes supposedly. Adds some life to your water also.
The seat configurations have us totally stumped. We sat in many yesterday and quite honestly all the seat molding felt uncomfortable in all tubs. Must be a totally different experience when its full of water.
Any help on any of this so we can make a decision already would be greatly appreciated.
One other big question I have is in order to consider Hot Springs, I have to drive 50 miles. Is it a bad idea to deal with a dealer that far from home?
Thanks again.
Full Member
Posts: 156
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #2 on:
April 10, 2012, 10:00:59 am »
50 miles away could be a issue. I would definitely review the service work. I have problems and I live 30 miles away. From my experience, I would factor this as a negative because the locals will get 1st nod.
I would never leave water in a Hot for a year. I change my water every 6 weeks. It is very easy to drain and refill.
I have a top of the line Jacuzzi; a J 465. I use Bromine as my sanitizer with great/easy results. WAY to much emphasis is placed on sanitation; It is not hard to keep a HT under control. It is a Big Bath Tub.
Quit worrying about the self cleaning which I think is a joke. I only clean a scum line every time I drain and it is minimal because I use HTH enzyme cleaner. I never vacuum my J 465 and it stays perfectly clean due to the filtration system being excellent.
You are being overwhelmed by a salesman. Even the thought of going 12 months without changing water make my skin itch and your TDS will be high and your water will be cloudy.
Maintenance on a HT is very simple. Use a regular sanitizer and do not worry about "self cleaning". Quit worrying about something that is simple. Remember, It is a huge bath tub 300-500 gallons not a 17000 gallon swimming pool. You will enjoy your Hot Tub.
Leave the unnecessary whistles and bells off the Hot tub.
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Hot water is Cool.
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #3 on:
April 10, 2012, 10:12:39 am »
Salt systems have some benefits - but only you can decide if those benefits are worth the money to you. And they can be added after the delivery - so live with a simpler system first and see how easy it can be. Soft water, smoother feeling, electronic controls instead of bottles to open, a certain level of "automation," although not completely 'automatic.'
Running a tub on Dichlor is cheap and easy, and if you do it right, you should have no chlorine odor. If the tub has an ozone system and a Nature2 cartridge, you can soak chlorine free, using chlorine to do a 'shock' once a month, or when you have guests in the tub.
I tell people over and over (and I still sense that they don't believe me), sitting in a dry tub tells you NOTHING about comfort. You can gauge size, depth, and find out where the jets will hit you, but NOTHING AT ALL about comfort. As a sort of an example, let me say this:
As a HotSpring dealer, I sold the "Classic" model from 1987 until it was discontinued in about 2000. It was not comfortable empty - and yet we sold more of those tubs than many other tub manufacturers combined. Because they were comfy when warm and wet. In fact, they were very 'open,' with no real buckets or seats to speak of up until the final couple of years. I still get people who come in asking for a tub like their old "Classic," and they see the family resemblance in the "Vanguard," which is the direct descendent of that tub - and still a popular unit.
And I have many customers who still have their Classic tubs after twenty years.
So - wet test. Even if you have to drive to a distant dealer - be sure to let your local dealer know you are doing so, it might encourage them to step up and fill the model you are interested in. Also - many tub makers do copy seats from model to model, so you can get a very good idea of how comfortable one model is by trying a similar model wet.
As to the 50 mile question - the dealer makes all the difference. If I sell a tub that far away, I am careful to explain that I will charge for drive time - $50 minimum in most cases - but that I service what I sell, and I do my very best to live up to that. But with the price of gas going up up up, I will also try to schedule the service call when I have something else in that area, or at least in that direction. My customers have been understanding with this so far.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
Junior Member
Posts: 34
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #4 on:
April 10, 2012, 11:03:54 am »
Smackman - you hit the nail on the head. We are being overwhelmed by sales pitches left and right. We are going to widen our territory and keep looking. I figure, if we buy a quality tub, our need for traveling assistance should be minimal, correct?
Chas - I like what you said about the classic seating. We will definitely look into wet testing a bigger variety of seating.
I have noticed the vanguard before, but I think its out of our budget.
What are your (anyone?) thoughts about refurbished hot tubs w/ limited warranties? There seem to be some great deals on those.
Thanks again.
Full Member
Posts: 156
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #5 on:
April 10, 2012, 11:25:27 am »
Besides speakers, I have needed 1 Service call in 2 years that has my HT down. It has been 42 days and my HT is still not functional over a bad flow switch.
Speakers going out suck but that does not keep the water from flowing. I live 30 miles from the dealership.
I would walk in and tell them you are not interested in the expensive "whistles and bells" at this time period. You are in control. Nothing will discourage me from buying from anyone than a pressure salesman. YOU are in control.
Buy a quality Hot tub; Forget the self cleaning, salt water sanitation system etc. Like I stated earlier my J465 is loaded with great jets, Hydrotherapy, great at self cleaning etc but I only use Bromine as a Sanitizer because it is more stable at high temperatures but that is a personal choice.
I also have 2 40 lbs buckets of bromine tablets I acquired years ago from the company I worked for who actually distilled Bromine from Brine Water using Chlorine and Steam to separate the molecule.
Good Luck; Do not get stressed over the small things in life. Take control; It is your money.
Junior Member
Posts: 34
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #6 on:
April 10, 2012, 11:46:11 am »
Just scheduled two out of town trips to look at some refurbs by various makers and some new Hot Spring/Hot Spot.
To the person who rec'd Hot Spot - my tub will be located outdoors on a covered patio in NE climate (4 seasons, some winters can get bad) so insulation is a top priority - will Hot Spot still be worth a look?
Thanks again for the advice.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Feeling so overwhelmed feel like giving up the dream! Help wanted
Reply #6 on:
April 10, 2012, 11:46:11 am »
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