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Author Topic: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy  (Read 6822 times)


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'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:42:17 pm »
So I bit the bullet and got a new tub. I ended up getting a Hot Springs 'Hot Spot' Relay. We've had the tub for one full month and use it on a daily (sometimes twice) basis. It's getting more use than normal but not by many people. I'm following the directions from my dealer and adding 1-2 doses of Simple Blue Spa Power Boost (I believe this is dichlor). I also add about 3 doses of Simple Blue Spa Manager. My PH holds steady at around 7.2, my alkalinity stays steady around 90ppm. Here's my problem/question....  My chlorine is high, around 10/20 ppm. My dealer tells me to simply back off on the chlorine and to not add any until it gets down to where I can add some. BUT... my water tends to get slightly cloudy and more importantly when I open the cover I notice a slightly 'stale' or 'musty' odor. I rinse the filters at LEAST every week (and rotate them since I have a new spare).

Things were going along great for the first three weeks but then I was getting 'itchy' due to the high chlorine. So now I back off the chlorine and get the musty water with a slight cloudiness.

Any advice ??  Thanks in advance !!!

Hot Tub Forum

'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:42:17 pm »


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Re: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2012, 06:47:24 pm »
cloudy water can come from more than just a lack of chlorine...is your water balanced? what are your alkalinity, pH, and Calcium levels at? have you or your wife been bringing a lot of oil based products into the tub? like lotions, makeup, etc....if a filter is clogged with some heavy oils hosing it does not always work because oil and water do not mix so a "filter clean" soaking solution is recommended


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Re: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 06:54:17 pm »
Thank you for the reply !  Our PH, Alk and Calcium are all dead-on. I had the water tested at the dealer and he just said my chlorine is high. To your point on makeup, etc...  My wife does go in with makeup on her face and probably lotion on her hands that she forgets to wash off. This makes sense. While I do rinse the filters maybe I do need to invest in a filter cleanser to enhance the process.  Now... To the point about the odor. What could be causing this ?  While it's certainly not overpowering it just doesn't smell "Clean". I know I don't want to smell any chlorine odor I also don't want to smell the slightly 'funky' odor. I don't know what it is and I don't know how to get rid of it without blasting the tub with dichlor.

Thanks again.


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Re: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 12:48:01 am »
In my experience, shock will clear up odors -- I've encountered an off odor when everything tested well -- but a super shock made things smell good too :).



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Re: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 09:21:03 am »
Thanks Nancy. Since I've only had my tub for a month I've obviously still a novice. I ended up changing my water after my last issue. This obviously cleared up odor and clarity issues. Now that I've had my water changed for about a week things have been better but I'm already noticing a slight odor coming back. Also a slightly cloudy appearance. Neither issue is anywheres near as bad as previously though.  My chlorine level is low and I want to keep it that way. My dealer sampled my water last time and said my chlorine was "a little high" and that I should just wait things out and not add any chlorine. I couldn't wait the "week or two" that he told me to so I just changed the water. My problem going forward is that I don't want to slam my tub with chlorine and run in to the same trouble as last time (too high a level of chlorine while still having odor and clarity issues).

I wish I could learn how to keep things clear and odor free without dumping a ton of chlorine in.  Any ideas ?  Anyone ??

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 'Stale' smelling water and slightly cloudy
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 09:21:03 am »


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