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Author Topic: just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235  (Read 9479 times)


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just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:41:44 pm »
hello all, let me introduce myself.  My name is Timmy E, I am 35, live on long island NY and have just purchased my first hot tub ever!---- I am the kind of guy that goes in a hot tub ANY chance I get and I know that this is something I will be in at least 5 times a week until it dies. 

I was looking at Jacuzzi and Hot springs.  I went to a home show today and bought a 2012 Jacuzzi j 235.  It has a lounger (i need that), 2 - 2.5 hp pumps, no circ pump, 35 jets (classic, not power pro) its 84' x 84'.  It comes with the clear ray system and I added the pro clear system. 

Anyway, it is a special order, I got the Platinum shell and the roasted chestnut cabinet and it will be delivered in 3 to 4 weeks!

I look forward to meeting you all---

Hot Tub Forum

just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:41:44 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2012, 09:40:26 am »
 Congrats and welcome to the place!   The J-335 is a nice spa. 


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Re: just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2012, 10:16:03 am »
Welcome to Spatopia! Well, at least, as soon as the tub arrives and is hot. You purchased the most recognized name in the hot tub realm - you'll enjoy it I'm sure.

Couple of tips to make sure it all goes well:

Have your electrical sorted out in advance if you can: either use the electrician your dealer recommends, or be sure that they talk to each other. Even if you don't have it pre-wired, at least be sure all parties are on the same page.

Make room - it takes a lot of space around corners and through side yards to maneuver one of theses things on delivery day, so be sure to make as much room as you think it needs, but then go back and make lots more!! ;)

If your delivery team is going to cross lawn or planted areas, be sure to turn off any watering systems and/or sprinklers a day or two in advance. OK - I have friends from the north east, and they laugh at us Californians for even HAVING sprinkler systems, but if you do, you want to be sure they don't come on just before the tub gets moved in. If it rains heavily, be sure to allow for rescheduling, or let the dealer know if your path to bliss is all concrete, etc.

And take pictures for us to see!

May you soak long and prosper.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 10:37:43 am »
Thank you guys.... yes, I have my Electrician on board and have the only path measured out for delivery ...its big enough for delivery but there will not be a bunch of extra room... my dad had a Jacuzzi brand back in the 90's..... I was seriously considering a limelight ..... but I got this last night.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: just purchased a 2012 jacuzzi j 235
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 10:37:43 am »


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