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Author Topic: Can not decide on tub upgade.  (Read 6002 times)


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Can not decide on tub upgade.
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:00:42 pm »
I have an old hotspot with only 5 or 6 jets (250gal) no lounge. Time for a new tube. Can not decide with all the new models i have been seeing around. Started looking into Hot-Springs envoy but found others i like just as much. Problem is, there are only 3 or 4 dealers in south Louisiana so i can not water test materspa, clearwater, and ebay models. I budget is around 10k (+ or -). I will be solo most of the time. Do not like the look of the smaller tubs so i am leaning on a 5 or 6 person tub. I will be going to local dealers in the next few weeks and plan on buying one within 3 or 4 months. (want to do my research first as this has to last a good 10 years or so).

Maybe some people can help me decide on one of these are add to the list. Please add an average price if you can.

1. Hot-Springs Envy  5 person, 450gal, 33 jets. No calf jets on the lounger. (seen average around 9k to 11k)
2. Hot-Springs Aria   5 person, 365gal, 35 jets.
3. ClearWater St. Andrew Signature 5 person, 340gal, 66 jets. ( but no lighted removable bistro table)
4. ClearWater Cabo - Signature        5 person, 330gal, 92 jets (this has the table)
5. Caldera Spas

to many to list but that is my top 5 so far.  I was dead set on Hot-Springs as there are 2 dealers about 60 miles from my house. But Clearwater has nice models at a cheaper price. Just no dealers within 100 miles. I can handle minor spa repairs like wiring and plumbing. Would like to test seats as i do not want a lounge that i fill float away from. O I forgot, the spa has to have a lounge (why do a lot of people hate lounges)

Hot Tub Forum

Can not decide on tub upgade.
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:00:42 pm »


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 11:15:54 pm »
Personal preference would lead me to the Aria, especially if you are going to be alone most of the time.  The Aria has some serious jet action.

Are the Hot Springs dealers both the same dealer?  Or two different ones?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 12:43:17 am »
   Jacuzzi would be my first choice  ;D
 But Clearwater, Hot Spring and Caldera are a good start not in any particular order.  With your budget if true?  Stay away from the EBAY spa's unless you want some POS that no one will work on for free/warranty.   If the Master spa's is actually a MS dealer and not some POS carney selling spa's from a stadium you might be fine, but check out how long they have been around and selling Master.  I still wouldn't even pick M,spa's if it were me.    Wet test if you can and a 7X7 would prolly work for you.


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 01:02:44 am »
I have an old hotspot with only 5 or 6 jets (250gal) no lounge. Time for a new tube. Can not decide with all the new models i have been seeing around. Started looking into Hot-Springs envoy but found others i like just as much. Problem is, there are only 3 or 4 dealers in south Louisiana so i can not water test materspa, clearwater, and ebay models. I budget is around 10k (+ or -). I will be solo most of the time. Do not like the look of the smaller tubs so i am leaning on a 5 or 6 person tub. I will be going to local dealers in the next few weeks and plan on buying one within 3 or 4 months. (want to do my research first as this has to last a good 10 years or so).

Maybe some people can help me decide on one of these are add to the list. Please add an average price if you can.

1. Hot-Springs Envy  5 person, 450gal, 33 jets. No calf jets on the lounger. (seen average around 9k to 11k)
2. Hot-Springs Aria   5 person, 365gal, 35 jets.
3. ClearWater St. Andrew Signature 5 person, 340gal, 66 jets. ( but no lighted removable bistro table)
4. ClearWater Cabo - Signature        5 person, 330gal, 92 jets (this has the table)
5. Caldera Spas

to many to list but that is my top 5 so far.  I was dead set on Hot-Springs as there are 2 dealers about 60 miles from my house. But Clearwater has nice models at a cheaper price. Just no dealers within 100 miles. I can handle minor spa repairs like wiring and plumbing. Would like to test seats as i do not want a lounge that i fill float away from. O I forgot, the spa has to have a lounge (why do a lot of people hate lounges)

People sometimes hate lounges because they take up room and often don't work well for the owner because too few people wet test so you are wise to state you plan to do so. I would stay away from Ebay and am not a fan of Master. Be careful buying from someone 100 miles away, thats pretty far. Ask what kind of trip chrage you would incur.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 01:07:38 pm »
how did you like your hot spot.  watkins has really stepped up the product and made it more in line with their other offerings.  of your hot spring models i like the envoy the best.  if you are considering caldera the geneva has more jets and depth for around the same price.  the martinique might also fit your needs and get you in well below budget. 


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 06:33:05 pm »
60 miles east of my house, there are

1. Sundance dealer
2. Caldera Spas dealer that sales Hot Spring Spas & Tiger River Spas
3. Jacuzzi dealer
4. I think one other HotSpring dealer

60 miles opposite direction
1. the same Caldera Spas dealer that sales Hot Spring Spas & Tiger River Spas as above
2. Life spas

That is all the info i can find online. I am in love with the ClearWater St. Andrew Signature 5 person, 340gal, 66 jets. ( 2012 model has the lighted removable bistro table).

Problems I see are
1.Can not wet test this unit. I am almost to the point of getting this in a few weeks without a wet test. I like how all the piping is not sealed in foam. (easier to find a repair a leak).
2. Not many local dealers. I would have to try and order this online somewhere.
3. Hot-Springs to me does not have the WOW factor the clearwater has. I have not priced them yet but i am sure hot springs are a lot more money.

I will travel to 1 or 2 dealers Monday and look around. Has anyone ever heard of or think that one of the dealers can get the clear water even though they do not sell that brand? I am sure at the right price, they will sell you anything you want.


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2012, 06:36:23 pm »
I have a Caldera Moorea (2007) has a lounger and love it!! Have had some some problems but no problems getting them fixed under warranty, except that my dealer went out of business and have to work with 2 different new dealers. The current dealer has been great and considering I didn't buy from him makes him greater!! ::)


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 01:14:51 pm »
my only recommendation is to do yourself a favor and wet test the Aria


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Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 05:56:07 pm »
60 miles east of my house, there are

1. Sundance dealer
2. Caldera Spas dealer that sales Hot Spring Spas & Tiger River Spas
3. Jacuzzi dealer
4. I think one other HotSpring dealer

60 miles opposite direction
1. the same Caldera Spas dealer that sales Hot Spring Spas & Tiger River Spas as above
2. Life spas

That is all the info i can find online. I am in love with the ClearWater St. Andrew Signature 5 person, 340gal, 66 jets. ( 2012 model has the lighted removable bistro table).

Problems I see are
1.Can not wet test this unit. I am almost to the point of getting this in a few weeks without a wet test. I like how all the piping is not sealed in foam. (easier to find a repair a leak).
2. Not many local dealers. I would have to try and order this online somewhere.
3. Hot-Springs to me does not have the WOW factor the clearwater has. I have not priced them yet but i am sure hot springs are a lot more money.

If he still has some Tiger River spas on hand you might try and negotiate on one if you like it seeing as they have been discontinued.

Take a look at the LimeLight Flair. Seats like the Envoy and a comparible warranty but not as much $$. Lots of WOW factor.   :)
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

It IS as bad as you think and they ARE out to get you.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Can not decide on tub upgade.
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 05:56:07 pm »


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