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Author Topic: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.  (Read 13301 times)


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Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:18:03 am »
I bought a Cabana Cove 744l which I think is a renamed Dynasty Bay Hill.  Ive had it for a couple of weeks and it seems to heat up pretty quick but at night if we are using it in the cold weather, it starts to lose temperature.  It has a 4 kw heater.  It is 350 gallons and the temp outdoors last night was 20 degrees.  It was not very windy either.  I got in at 97 degrees.  I didnt let it heat all the way up.  Over about an hour the tub temp went down to 94 degrees.  We had to get out.  When I put the cover back on the temp went up to 102 in about an hour and a half.  Should this happen?

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Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:18:03 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 12:21:14 pm »
  Alot depends on how long you stay in,how long the jets ran and how many people were in the spa. Is there a blower?   Outside temps will make a difference as well.

   The tub I am assuming is on a 220v circuit?   Most spa's not set up with out the right amperage like say 60 amps, the heater will shut off with both pumps running once again assuming it has 2?   If you look at the topside heater icon does it stay on with just one pump running in high speed if not than you don't have enough amps or it's just the way the spa is.   Not a bad thing but that is one of the main causes for the spa cooling down.


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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 03:55:32 pm »
Jim, I think I know what you are saying, but it is a bit confusing.  ??? Maybe Creektrails can give us more info on the tub and you can clarify a little more. I'm not trying to be critical, but do you mean maybe the tub is not set up right? or do you just mean if it's not 60 amps it can't run a pump and heater? (that's what I think you mean) ;)
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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 06:46:32 pm »
Thanks for the replies.  It is a Dynasty tub.  It has two 5 hp motors and a 4kw heater.  It has an ozonator and the air was being mixed last night with both motors on.  It is 220 and has plenty of amps and power getting to the tub.  It could be  that since fresh air is mixed with the water when the jets are on and the air is on, maybe the 20 degree air was bringing the temp down.  It was just real upsetting that the water temp would fall with the heat on.

I just went out and ran both pumps with the heat on and the heater stayed on so its not shutting off.
This is pretty  much the identical tub http://www.dynastyspas.com/tabid/56/Spas/SpaDetail/tabid/65/series/Club%20Series/Spas/SpaDetail/tabid/66/xmid/10189/Default.aspx


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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 09:39:37 pm »
I am betting that it is the air. I get angry with my kids for leaving the air on when they exit the tub because it will be on even during filtration cycles, cooling the water as the tub tries to heat it. So the air being drawn into the water is probably the issue. Try soaking without your air on.  Alternately, you might set your tub for a higher temp before you get in. At 20 degrees, 97 in the tub isn't really that warm at all and you are more likely to feel the drop in temperature. Try getting in at about 101 and leave the air off. I bet your tub will maintain the temperature just fine..it may drop a degree but it will recover faster without the air on.  Hope this helps :)
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Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 10:59:16 pm »
 So with both pumps running on high the heater is on?  Check and make sure before you answer.  Also 5hp BHP is more like a 2.5 hp continues.    What size breaker is in the box?

  I will add also if you got in at 97* body temp is 98.6 so I could see why after a bit the tub seemed cold.   Let it heat up to 102 average temp for a spa and see if there is a difference.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 11:08:31 pm by Jacuzzi Jim »


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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 07:02:11 am »
Where do you live that you set the tub to 97 in the winter? I don't even turn mine down that low in the summer.  I own a Dynasty tub, a larger one with a 5.5kw heater, on the coldest nights (below about 15) if we are out there an hour it can lose a few degrees, but your starting with luke warm water only anyway.  Why not start at 101 and at least get 30 minutes use out of it?
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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 08:13:26 am »
My wife and I got in last night.  The outside temp was around 27.  Not quite as cold as the last night.  I turned the air off and just ran one pump.  THe water temp maintained with no problem at all.  I hope we get another few reaaally cold nights so that I can test the air being off and running both pumps in those conditions.  I have full year warranty and if there is a problem I might not know till its too late.

Jaccuzzi Jim,  I'll check this evening to make sure the heat is on with both pumps but I think is was.

On another note.  And Im sure this has been covered extensively.  But is it most cost efficient and better for the tub to keep the temp at 102 or if your going to use it sporadicaly wouldnt it be better to turn it down 10 degrees or so and turn it back up an hour or two before use?


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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 09:23:07 am »
I keep my tub around 98 when I know it won't be used for a while. You don't want to drop your temperature too low in the winter in case you lose electricity or something goes wrong. And I am pretty sure we all agree that you won't save money dropping the temp and reheating the tub for each usu.  I use a spa blanket to add a layer of insulation in my tub (but I am one of the few on here that sees value in that). So although it is a little extra effort to remove that cover too, I feel like I am doing all I can to save energy.  ;)
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Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2012, 12:53:19 pm »
My wife and I got in last night.  The outside temp was around 27.  Not quite as cold as the last night.  I turned the air off and just ran one pump.  THe water temp maintained with no problem at all.  I hope we get another few reaaally cold nights so that I can test the air being off and running both pumps in those conditions.  I have full year warranty and if there is a problem I might not know till its too late.

Jaccuzzi Jim,  I'll check this evening to make sure the heat is on with both pumps but I think is was.

On another note.  And Im sure this has been covered extensively.  But is it most cost efficient and better for the tub to keep the temp at 102 or if your going to use it sporadicaly wouldnt it be better to turn it down 10 degrees or so and turn it back up an hour or two before use?

  Just leave it at what ever temp you want.  And like Bonibelle said turn it down a couple of degrees when you leave or you can put it in an economy mode,you should have that option.     And if the heat stays on with everything running great,if not no biggie.       The more you get use to the spa you will figure things out as they go.


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Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 03:19:59 pm »
I keep my tub around 98 when I know it won't be used for a while. You don't want to drop your temperature too low in the winter in case you lose electricity or something goes wrong.

Bonnie makes a great point, I lost power for 36 hours one winter and I didn't lift the lid on the tub the whole time. The tub was kept at 104, but after 3 days was down to 98.  So that might give me a couple extra days without power before I have to worry. (But the temp in the plumbing outside the tub probably was a bit colder.
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: Help, Im losing heat in the cold.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 03:19:59 pm »


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