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Author Topic: Montreal Newbee: Jacuzzi J-375  (Read 5532 times)


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Montreal Newbee: Jacuzzi J-375
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:24:42 pm »
So the wife and i are lookin to join the rest of you, we went to the
local pool/spa supper store. they sell Jacuzzi, Sundance, viking, destiny river and Maxx.
a good selection of brands. within half an hour we find ourselves comparing the Jacuzzi
J-375 and the sundance 880 cameo. the wife likes the seating, look and feel of the Jacuzzi!
shes sold, i like to do my home work! ive spent the last week reading posts in this site and visiting
alot of manufactures web sites. wish i had"nt, more confused now than ever! is the J-375 a good spa?
it has the same warranty as the more expensive J-400 series, does is have the same major components?
pumps, controls, titanium coil heater? are the radios any good? from what i read radios have a high failure rate in
hot tubs in general. my local dealer has one 2011 left on the floor, with the optional radio and stainless steel jets, for
$8600.00. am i beter off ordering a 2012, with no radio and adding the smart seal insulation? the 2012 will also have the
clear ray UV-C purification system!

i thank you for your thoughts, Dave

Hot Tub Forum

Montreal Newbee: Jacuzzi J-375
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:24:42 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Montreal Newbee: Jacuzzi J-375
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 12:27:49 am »
 Both made by the same mnfg so it's all good there.    The Cameo 880 series is suppose to line up with the 400 series in the Jacuzzi line up so apples to apples not really but very close.
    The J-375 is a very nice spa, how much of a price difference is there is you go with the 2012 J-375 it offers the clear ray system and it also comes with a high flow circ pump same as the 400 or 880 series.  It also has the same titanium heater for the most part as well.    I would skip the smart seal system and stereo.  I don't have to replace many stereos but for the price I wouldn't do it unless it's thrown in, then sure why not.     I have sat in quite a few different spa's and I think the Jacuzzi jets are some of the best feeling out there.  They do give you some nice diversity in the seats.     Not to mention a happy wife is well a "happy" wife  ;)     Both would be fine choices. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Montreal Newbee: Jacuzzi J-375
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 12:27:49 am »


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