Dont make me pull over this car...

Remember those days?
Collectively, there are four members that have been posting to our moderated board that are skirting the thin line of spa forum oblivion.
There are limits to the type of conduct that will be tolerated on this board, let me enumerate them for you.
1) Please, keep your contributions germain to the orginal thread topic. If the thread diverges from the topic, off topic posts may be deleted and the topic locked.
2) Posters will conduct themselves with courtesy, self-control, and will not resort to name calling, throwing barbs or insults. Continued infractions will result in exile into the internet ether or an invitation to leave. (Sorry, no one is voted off the island here- Think 'dictatorship' rather than 'democracy'.)
3) Have fun. Spas are adult toys and this forum is intended to make the search easier by bringing more information and more opinions in one place. This isnt a place to attack, argue, or endlessly rant.