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Author Topic: IS MY OZONATOR REALLY WORKING?  (Read 15134 times)


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« on: December 23, 2011, 10:21:28 pm »
I have a new spa, December 5Th, with the Balboa Ozonator Ozone Generator Model # 54449.  I believe this model has a chip in it.  The dealer said that it operates trouble free for about three years, so I left the subject at that.  Today I started to wonder how I can really tell if it is working or how well it is working.  Searching the written material that came with the spa turned up nothing.  Searches on the Net didn't help either.  I have noticed that some posts indicate that not everyone purchases the ozonator to begin with.  Our water is fine and we have no problems, but how do any spa owners know if this type of ozonator is working properly or not?

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« on: December 23, 2011, 10:21:28 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2011, 10:38:39 am »
I thought there were no consumer test kits for ozone, but Dr. Spa has shown me the error of my way! Good job Andrew.

I tell folks to watch the basics: keep your spa filter clean, and be sure you have airflow through the system. That is: there should be bubbles somewhere. On our tubs (Watkins products) there are bubbles similar to carbonation emanating from the bottom drain fitting right in the floor of the spa. In other systems you may have a small jet, usually low in the tub, which blows bubbles when the low-speed pump is running, or you may have to spot the bubbles in tubing leaving the injector.

Once you establish that air is flowing, you have to determine if the generator is actually making ozone, or if you just have air going into your water.

I use my nose for that - most people can detect the smell of ozone if it exists. Go out after the tub has run whatever cycle is needed to assure the ozone system is running (ours run 24-7, some only during filter cycles, or heating cycles). Lift the lid slowly, and sniff.

The chip on most ozone systems is visible, and it should be glowing a sort of ultra-violet color. You may have to see this at night.

Finally - if you notice you are using more chlorine to get the same readings as before, your system may be breaking down.


« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 10:53:00 pm by Chas »
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« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 03:36:22 pm »
You can acquire a test for ozone from Del Ozone.  The test is a glass vile with the internal contents blue.  Clip each end of the test vile and put the vile in the suction line supplying ozone to the spa.  IF your ozonator is putting out ozone the blue will turn white.  The volumn of ozone is determined by how quickly it turns white.  IF it remains blue = NO ozone being produced by the ozonator, time to replace.

Without the test vile, you should be able to smell or taste ozone as it comes from the supply tube.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 07:56:18 pm »

30 Second Spa Ozone Detection Kit
Instructions and Use


The purpose of this kit is to detect if there is Ozone present in the output stream from the Ozone Generator (Ozonator) to your Spa. The extent to which the blue indicator material in the glass tube ‘bleaches’ to white, will give you a good indication if your unit is producing an effective level of Ozone. This kit is intended as a qualitative guideline for the presence of Ozone and does not quantify the amount of Ozone present. When Ozone, from the Ozonator on your Spa, bleaches the blue indicator material to white, in 30 seconds or less, the unit is making enough Ozone. If it does not, it is time to put in a new Ozone generator.
A ‘bleached-out’ Ozone detection tube cannot be reused, while an unbleached one can be reused.

Included in the Kit are: A glass Ozone Detection Tube with blue indicator material; 5¾” of small (1/4” O.D.) clear plastic tubing; and, 5¾” of larger (1/4” I.D.) clear plastic tubing. Items Required are: A pair of pliers; and a knife or scissors.

Test Procedure – Three Easy Steps

    * Get Ready to Test;
         1. Turn the power to your spa & Ozonator off;
         2. Open the Spa door and locate the Ozonator under the Spa skirt (see figure 1);
         3. Using pliers, break 1/8” to 1/4”off both tips of the Ozone Detection Tube (see figure 2). This will allow an air/ozone flow through the tube;
         4. Using scissors or a knife, cut the smaller clear tubing in half and carefully push one piece 1/2” over each end of the Ozone Detection tube (see figure 3);
         5. Push the larger tubing (provided) over the smaller tubing on the directional arrow end (see figure 4);
         6. Disconnect the tubing attached to the Ozonator adaptor; and,
         7. Push it 1/2” over the small tubing on the other end ‘away from’ the directional arrow of the Ozone Detection Tube (see figure 4). The arrow on the Ozone Detection Tube must point towards the Spa and away from the Ozonator.
    * Do the Test:
         1. Turn the power to the spa & Ozonator on, making sure the Ozonator is on and there are air bubbles returning to the Spa from the Ozone jet;
         2. Get ready to time the test;
         3. Push the larger tubing 1/2” over the Ozonator tubing adaptor (see figure 5). Ozone/air will now be passing through indicator media in the Ozone Detection Tube;
         4. Allow 30 seconds and immediately disconnect the tubing from the Ozonator adaptor;
         5. Remove the Ozone detection tube from the Spa-Ozonator tube and reconnect it to the ozonator;
         6. Set the Ozone detection tube aside;
         7. Put the Ozonator back in place & close up the Spa door so the Spa is ready to use.
    * Reading the Test Results:

       1. The Ozonator is working if the entire length of the indicator media is bleached from blue to white, in 30 seconds (see figure 6) – this indicates there is sufficient Ozone present to clean your Spa water. Repeat every 6 to 9 months.
       2. It is time to replace the Ozonator if the indicator media in the Ozone Detection Tube remains blue or is only partially bleached out to white – the Ozone output is not sufficient to clean your Spa water.

If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals

Hot Tub Forum

« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 07:56:18 pm »


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