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Author Topic: Ready, Willing and now...  (Read 9238 times)


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Ready, Willing and now...
« on: May 20, 2004, 02:47:38 pm »
Totally Bewildered...

I found this website while seaching for information regarding buying advise for different makes of spas...so sorry for such newbie types of questions on my search for additional information, but if you don't ask, you will NEVER know.

I am looking to buy a spa for our family to use outdoors (No overhead covering or use in an outbuilding). We live in eastern Pennsylvania (Allentown area) and do not plan on using the spa in the late fall or winter, only during the summer months.

We are looking for a 7' or 8' (6-7 person) spa with a water fall (my wife fell in love with the option when see saw them for the first time...so forgive me here please). I want something that will last and quality is important and I don't mind spending additional money for improved product quality and longevity.

I have read almost every post here about foam vs. no foam, 24 hr. recirc. pumps vs. not, Fiberglass vs. ABS vs. Acrylic, Good plumbing design vs. bad plumbing design, 50 amp vs. 60 amp...and so on...so here goes my request.

#1. I want a spa that won't catch fire (I saw a website about a guy posting about UL listings and telling users how almost every conceivable make of spa is basically junk)

#2. This spa will be used more for soaking and relaxation than a medical neccesity or therapy. A multitude of jets is nice, but I don't need 4000 jets hitting every inch of my body at once.

#3. I want a spa that won't shut off or trip the breaker if both pumps and the heater are all going at the same time.

#4. I don't need a stereo, an icechest, television, satellite dish, DVD, CD player, refrigerator, grille, sunroof, air conditioning or anything else mounted on the tub....sorry, got a little carried away there.

#5. We prefer to have NO lounger in the spa.

#6. A spa that doesn't sound like a Gulfstream ready to takeoff while its running with all the pumps on.

I'm looking for some honest suggestions or recommendations please. I know "wet testing" is important, so we will definitely be doing that  in our search as well.

I know the dealers don't work for free, so I'm not searching for the absolutely "rock bottom", "bankrupt the dealer", "I don't care as long as I get the lowest price possible at all costs" price. I own my own business, so I understand there is no such thing as Something for Nothing...and Price, Service, Quality...pick any two.

I want a quality tub from a quality manufacturer, from a quality dealer who will take care of it if something goes wrong...

Is there such a spa?...or am I living in "FantasyLand" and I would be better off to convince my wife that we should just landscape around my daughters round, inflatable, blue plastic kiddie pool...

Thank you in advance for any comments or suggestions.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2004, 02:51:21 pm by Ready2Buy1 »

Hot Tub Forum

Ready, Willing and now...
« on: May 20, 2004, 02:47:38 pm »


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Re: Ready, Willing and now...
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 04:30:29 pm »
Totally Bewildered...

#1. I want a spa that won't catch fire (I saw a website about a guy posting about UL listings and telling users how almost every conceivable make of spa is basically junk)

#2. This spa will be used more for soaking and relaxation than a medical neccesity or therapy. A multitude of jets is nice, but I don't need 4000 jets hitting every inch of my body at once.

#3. I want a spa that won't shut off or trip the breaker if both pumps and the heater are all going at the same time.

#4. I don't need a stereo, an icechest, television, satellite dish, DVD, CD player, refrigerator, grille, sunroof, air conditioning or anything else mounted on the tub....sorry, got a little carried away there.

#5. We prefer to have NO lounger in the spa.

#6. A spa that doesn't sound like a Gulfstream ready to takeoff while its running with all the pumps on.

#1. Pay no attention to that nutcase on that other website. He hates the major spa companies out of jealousy and uses scare tactics. There is no unbiased info on his site, just sales rhetoric.

#2. I concur. I'm not a person needing 77 jets and 8 HP either as you don't need a hole in your back nor do you need to run a pump capable of pumping out Niagara Falls.

#3. You'll simply need a dedicated 50 amp service for most spas.

#4. It's a spa, add on at your own taste but be careful to get what you truly want/need.

#5. Lounges take up space and unless you wet test often don't fit you well.

#6. Listen to the spas they have wet in the showrooms. Full foam spas are more soundproof but even the thermopane should be ok typically.

What I would recommend is that you go to the spa makers websites and go to their dealer locators to find out who is local to you. I'd recommend (in no particular order) Sundance, Hot Spring, Caldera, Marquis, Jacuzzi and Beachcomber though there certainly are others.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2004, 04:31:13 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Ready, Willing and now...
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 05:54:31 pm »

Just for reference, you might check out the Cal Spas. ;D
They are priced with the other major players and have a wide variety of models.  They have some really impressive tubs with all manner of toys, such as a 32 inch plasma TV that rises out of the side.  They have one that is 96 inches x 206 inches (8 ft x 17 ft 2 in) and allows you to swim against a mad stream.

They are all absolute junk, so remember that as you are being impressed.    :P     :P     :P     :P     :P     :P     :P

This is a case where you do not get what you pay for!



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Re: Ready, Willing and now...
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 06:01:36 pm »
non-lounger spas are hard to come by these days, but you might want to check outthese, in no particular order.  Hot Spring Grandee, Caldera Utopia series Niagra, Dimension One Spas Nautilus, @Home Hot Tubs by D-1 Sojourn HP, Sundance Optima, there are a few Jacuzzi premium models that fit your wish list as well, also might want to look at Saratoga Spas(small company nationally, but high quality), emerald spas, Marquis has mostly non-lounger spas(no waterfalls) and are of excelent quality.  I hope this helps.  The best thing to do is go to spasearch.org and go to the industry listing page.  There you will find websites for about 25 manufacturers or so in the industry.  Those sites usually have a dealeer locator feature so you'll be able to narrow your search down.

Store manager for a D-1 and caldera Spas Dealer

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ready, Willing and now...
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 06:01:36 pm »


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