I have had my Arctic Spa, Tuscon hot tub less than 2 months and even after contacting the service dept. and telling them that my tub has been running for 2 days straight, I've flipped the breaker hoping that it would shut off, it's still running, saying FLO and flashing, which I'm guessing may be an air lock, they showed us how to fix this, but last friday we had the same problem and after doing what they told us to fix the air lock (which didn't work) the service guy came in and had to reset something....it's now one week later and I've got the same damn problem and apparently Arctic Spa's service doesn't do weekends, so by monday my tub will be running for 4 days straight, HUGE WASTE of hydro, and I can't use the damn thing - I have a muscle disease and that's why I got the damn thing in the first place, I have no after market stuff installed, and I'm really worried about a fire risk, considering I can't even kill it with the breaker - any idea's would be extremely appreciated! I keep going to check it cause ironically the one thing I'm terrified of is fire...HEEEELLLLPPP!