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Author Topic: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith  (Read 12195 times)


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beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:37:28 am »
What would you choose between these two tubs and why?  We like the feel of both tubs and are going to wet test both, but can someone comments on the quality and insulation?  I know beachcomber makes a good product, but a friend of ours told us he has a coast and likes it a lot.  I went to look at them today and liked what i saw, especially the filtration being outside of the tub.  I read a few posts that said coast has some problems in the past and to stay away!? 
Thanks again for everyone's help! hot tub shopping is so confusing!

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beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:37:28 am »


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2011, 09:43:24 am »
I can't speak for Beachcomber as I have never come across one.  As for Coast, I have carried them since 2009 so I can try to help.  As for the Zenith, I personally like the layout but with all Coast's they come in multiple versions (classic, elite, luxury, northwinds) with multiple jet counts, and many other options including the method of insulation.  I would need more specific info about the exact model.

As for the problems and to stay away, I would be be curious as to what issues and why.  Coast is not perfect, but neither is any other manufacturer and for the most part I have been satisfied with the company and product.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2011, 12:36:23 pm »
I can't speak for Beachcomber as I have never come across one.  As for Coast, I have carried them since 2009 so I can try to help.  As for the Zenith, I personally like the layout but with all Coast's they come in multiple versions (classic, elite, luxury, northwinds) with multiple jet counts, and many other options including the method of insulation.  I would need more specific info about the exact model.

As for the problems and to stay away, I would be be curious as to what issues and why.  Coast is not perfect, but neither is any other manufacturer and for the most part I have been satisfied with the company and product.

Castletonia, out of curiousity... do you have one of those seemless edge Coast spas?  I have always been intrigued by those!  The only question I have is... how does the cover work?


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2011, 03:11:38 pm »
Here are two pictures of my floor model.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2011, 07:10:09 pm »
Hey Castletonia, thanks for the reply.  We are looking at a Zenith classic with full foam and ozone.  We live in BC and the dealer told us full foam is the best option for our hot summers and cold winters.  We like the 3 cooling off stations and the two waterfalls that shoot from either side.  A guy named "Stewart" on here wrote that "Coast has had so many quality and engineering issues over the last several years that I would shy away ." 


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2011, 09:45:57 pm »
I have not seen what I consider quality or quality control issues but I don't sell high volumes of Coast as I carry three lines of hot tubs.  Of the insulation methods Coast offers, their full foam will be the most efficient.  Are you comfortable with the dealer because they are the ones who will facilitate the warranty and be the ones who ultimately take care of you.  Overall, I believe Coast makes a quality product that is on par with what you see from your big names (Hot Springs, D1, Jacuzzi, etc).

Have you wet tested both spas?  If not you should because your decision will become clearer because a hot tub can sit completely different wet than dry.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2011, 10:37:33 pm »
yes our intention is to wet test both, and now i'm throwing an h20 banff into the mix because it's the same price and i like the roxul insulation method.  I'm glad to hear you think coast is on par with the big names.  I really like the look and feel of the tub (dry that is).  thanks again for the reply, really helpful!


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2011, 01:14:10 pm »
I agree with Castletonia.  When it comes to the spa itself, that plays an important role in overall satisfaction.  However, this industry is rare in the fact that the dealer can play a bigger role than the product ever will.  Make sure you are comfortable with the dealer, and know that they will take care of you should you need it.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2011, 12:03:46 am »
Just an update:  We were told at beachcomber that we couldn't wet test the model we wanted, but we could test the two tubs that were full of water.....both being WAY over our budget so what would the point of this be.  I'm totally turned off by this.  It's like they are relying on their "name" and we should just buy the tub because it's a beachcomber!!???  or not.  Wet tested the H20 and found the neck jets really annoying and the seats a little uncomfortable.  Sooo then we went to coast and sat in the zenith.  Fell in love, totally comfortable and good seating levels for a family with small children.  Like the way the Ozone is put in the bottom of the tub, the filter being on the outside, and the waterfalls shooting from both sides!  Also the fact that we can order it with canadian western red cedar.  Dealer answered all my questions (and there were many).....so I think this is the one!  Thanks so much for your replies and helping me make this decision.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2011, 11:08:20 am »
Just an update:  We were told at beachcomber that we couldn't wet test the model we wanted, but we could test the two tubs that were full of water.....both being WAY over our budget so what would the point of this be.  I'm totally turned off by this.  It's like they are relying on their "name" and we should just buy the tub because it's a beachcomber!!???  or not.  Wet tested the H20 and found the neck jets really annoying and the seats a little uncomfortable.  Sooo then we went to coast and sat in the zenith.  Fell in love, totally comfortable and good seating levels for a family with small children.  Like the way the Ozone is put in the bottom of the tub, the filter being on the outside, and the waterfalls shooting from both sides!  Also the fact that we can order it with canadian western red cedar.  Dealer answered all my questions (and there were many).....so I think this is the one!  Thanks so much for your replies and helping me make this decision.

Most of the dealers I've known do not make any model available for wet testing. I know that’s not what you want to hear but its reality. Some will of course, I'm just trying to give a general idea of what I see. I'm not saying you shouldn't be disappointed, I'm just saying you shouldn't think this is simply a dealer being uncooperative.

If the Coast seems like the spa that fits you well and the dealer is someone you think will be there after the sale that’s great
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2011, 11:33:17 am »
wow i'm surprised at this!  Jacuzzi, Sundance, H20, Coast, Artesian, even Bullfrog had no problem with this.  THe dealers pumped water out of their running tubs into the one we wanted to test.  I can't imagine buying something that is 7000.00 based upon its "looks" without seeing how it mechanically works.  THis seems odd to me and totally broke the deal with beachcomber regardless of their "fancy" namebrand.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2011, 11:43:53 am »
With the competitiveness of the industry and with the economy, I feel it is stupid to not fill a tub for a wetest.  I have 3 tubs filled on my showroom and if someone who is serious wants to try one of the empty ones I tell them if they give me 24 hours I will get whatever tub they want to try on my showroom filled.


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2011, 11:55:35 am »
wow i'm surprised at this!  Jacuzzi, Sundance, H20, Coast, Artesian, even Bullfrog had no problem with this.  THe dealers pumped water out of their running tubs into the one we wanted to test.  I can't imagine buying something that is 7000.00 based upon its "looks" without seeing how it mechanically works.  THis seems odd to me and totally broke the deal with beachcomber regardless of their "fancy" namebrand.

Thats fine that it ended the deal for you. Many will with a little notice (I would) but I'm just saying it is not uncommon.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2011, 02:41:05 pm »
wow i'm surprised at this!  Jacuzzi, Sundance, H20, Coast, Artesian, even Bullfrog had no problem with this.  THe dealers pumped water out of their running tubs into the one we wanted to test.  I can't imagine buying something that is 7000.00 based upon its "looks" without seeing how it mechanically works.  THis seems odd to me and totally broke the deal with beachcomber regardless of their "fancy" namebrand.

I'm a little surprised that most wont.  I have at least 9 filled at all times, and will fill anything given adequate time...


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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2011, 04:26:33 pm »
wow i'm surprised at this!  Jacuzzi, Sundance, H20, Coast, Artesian, even Bullfrog had no problem with this.  THe dealers pumped water out of their running tubs into the one we wanted to test.  I can't imagine buying something that is 7000.00 based upon its "looks" without seeing how it mechanically works.  THis seems odd to me and totally broke the deal with beachcomber regardless of their "fancy" namebrand.

I'm a little surprised that most wont.  I have at least 9 filled at all times, and will fill anything given adequate time...

I wouldn't say most won't, I just know many don't. I'd expect a lot of the dealers here will because if you're going to take time on these forums to get a feel for what customers/owners/pros are seeing/thinking/wanting you're probably the proactive type that would go the extra mile but I just don't think its totally fair to label those that don't with a wide brush as the type someone might not want to do business with.

Wet testing is very important so while I would not exclude a dealer that only has 3 or so spas to wet test and not the one I wanted, I quite possibly may end up skipping his product in the end if I can wet test others and find something else I like (and I'd probably let him know a good part of not buying his product was the inability to wet test).

220, 221, whatever it takes!

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Re: beachcomber 360 vs coast zenith
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2011, 04:26:33 pm »


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