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Author Topic: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...  (Read 5780 times)


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Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:46:53 pm »
... and I could see this being helpful in deciding what/where to purchase.

My wife and I have decided to make the leap into the hot tub arena and I've seen all the stories and fact sheets related to why hot tubs are great but what I can't seem to find is the opposite.

And this may not be the best place to ask but I am struggling with whether I am really a hot tub person.

So ... if you had to compile a list of reasons for a person to NOT buy a hot tub, what would that list look like ?

And then I have 2 questions:

1) Looking back on your purchase, what is the one thing you spent extra money on that you look back on and say, "Well, THAT was a waste of <insert dollar figure>"

2) Looking back on your purchase, what is the one thing that you look back on and say, "Man I wish we had went ahead and spent the extra <insert dollar figure> and gotten <insert item/service>"

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hot Tub Forum

Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:46:53 pm »


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 04:21:00 pm »
Reasons why not:
1.  Expensive.
2.  Requires love and attention. 
3.  Local rules may prohibit it

(I bet if you copy and pasted a top ten list of reasons not to get a dog, it would be very similar to the list of reasons not to get a tub)


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 04:37:36 pm »
I would never tell anyone not to buy a hottub because I truly believe in the therapeutic benefits, however if you or anyone else has doubts in their mind whether they are "hottub people" I always advise to start "entry level" or even a nice older used rather than throw down 10-12k on the biggest and best.  If you can get into something in the 3-6k range and find out if it is something you and your family love and use on a regular basis, if not you can resell it and not take a monster hit to your wallet, and if you love it use the heck out of it for a couple years then upgrade to something nice and new...just my .02

as far as your 2 questions go I know some regret spending the extra $ on expensive accessories and upgrades..ie the $500 upgraded lighting, the $1500 faux rock cabinet, the $1500 wireless stereo, etc. etc. the biggest thing I can tell you is to not be sold on something, ask yourself if it is truly something you need/will use...good luck


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 04:42:19 pm »
... and I could see this being helpful in deciding what/where to purchase.

My wife and I have decided to make the leap into the hot tub arena and I've seen all the stories and fact sheets related to why hot tubs are great but what I can't seem to find is the opposite.

And this may not be the best place to ask but I am struggling with whether I am really a hot tub person.

So ... if you had to compile a list of reasons for a person to NOT buy a hot tub, what would that list look like ?

And then I have 2 questions:

1) Looking back on your purchase, what is the one thing you spent extra money on that you look back on and say, "Well, THAT was a waste of <insert dollar figure>"

2) Looking back on your purchase, what is the one thing that you look back on and say, "Man I wish we had went ahead and spent the extra <insert dollar figure> and gotten <insert item/service>"

Thanks in advance for your help.

The main reason to not buy a hot tub is your budget won't allow the purchase or the cost of ownership (energy usage is key when shopping around). After that it comes down usage. I've met people who tell me they still go in multiple times per week years later and even some who say they still go in 300+ days a year, 10 years after they bought it. I also see people who say their usage lessened over time. Which are you? Only you can guess at that one but many don’t know until they have one.

As far as the two questions:
1) "Well, THAT was a waste" - I've heard many people say that in hindsight they got a spa bigger than they needed. Besides that I'd say the stereo options are regretable to many.
2) "Man I wish we had went ahead and spent the extra" - I've heard many people say that in hindsight they wish they had gotten the bigger spa of the couple they were choosing from (this is the one I’d regret).

You see, its different for everyone.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 04:43:53 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2011, 12:13:57 pm »
  I've owned 5 hot tubs and the only one that I regreted was the first one.  It was a spa attached to a gunnite/cement in the ground pool.  The pool was a waste of money.  Unfortunately, the only way to fix the situation was to sell the house.  :(  I guess the $20,000 pool was an accesory that I regreted. :)


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2011, 01:41:04 pm »
Only reasons I could think of to not get a hot tub is money and if you do not look after things. Hot tub is an investment of money and some time, cleaning it and keeping the water just right. Personally I almost like looking after it as much as being in it, my neighbor and I almost have a completion on who can keep their water the best. we go to the shop together with water samples and the one who has to add more buys a beer.

What I regret maybe...and I have not owed long enough yet to be sure is I bought a 7 seat tub with no lounger instead of a smaller tub that seated 5 with a lounger. What I liked about the one I purchased was the two pumps and separate controls where the other tub only had one pump. The price was the same as the smaller due to it had a "self clean" system which I am not sure the self part would still not end up being me. I could have special ordered but I was looking for a deal and saved close to 4K on a warehouse sale.


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2011, 01:48:13 pm »
So much good information here. Making me think, which is a good thing. I can easily get sucked into an idea and then regret it later.

I do realize that I won't really know if we are HT people until we actually get one so we are locked and loaded to get one.

We have an established dealer here locally (Rich's Home Furnishings) and I've met with them and I really get a good vibe from them. They deal exclusively with the Clearwater brand (also manufactured locally in Woodinville, WA.)

I've done some searching here for reviews on the Clearwater brand and there is not a ton of info so if anyone has any views, that'd be great information as well.

Glad I ran into this forum. Always good to talk to others that have forged ahead of me.

Thanks to all !



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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2011, 02:13:44 pm »
A better question might be "When did you realize you were a spa person".  Personally, I've wanted one since I was in middle school.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 05:05:55 pm »
 Clearwater is a pretty good brand we sell them they have some very good features....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2011, 08:06:52 pm »
Well, the decision was made about 2 hours ago ! Decided to go with the Clearwater Pebble Beach model. We wet tested 2 other different models but it was strange. After all the angst and uncertainity, when I walked over to the Pebble Beach, there was something in my head that said ... That's your tub. All the stress and mind thinking I've been doing just melted away.

I really appreciate the information you guys have provided so far and I'll continue to gather information here.



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Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2011, 06:54:48 pm »
Did you wet test the pebble beach or just 2 different models?  Clearwater is a brand I have never sat in and would love to hear reviews!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Here's a question I have not seen on Hot Tub forums before ...
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2011, 06:54:48 pm »


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