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Author Topic: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?  (Read 3977 times)


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Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« on: October 25, 2011, 06:22:11 pm »

I have a Solana TX two person hot tub that I bought used.  I am loving the tub but the moto jets plastic was so old and brittle that the moto jet does not go up and down any longer, in fact I ended up taking the plastic off because it was useless.  The jet still pumps water/air out but it does not go up/down as its supposed to.  I was sitting there and came up with an idea thus the reason for this post.

Would it be harmful to the tub/motor/jet if I extended the tubing on that jet (both the water line and air line) and had it available OUTSIDE of its enclosure?  The reason for this would be so I could have a single jet that I could use anywhere on my body.  I play soccer and my hamstrings get quite tight as well as my thighs and calves.  I was wanting to extend the tubing and use the same head thats on it and just have it extended out through the lil moto jet enclosure.   Does anyone see a problem with this?  I just wanted to make sure it wouldnt hurt the motor or anything like that.  It would still be doing the exact same thing but it would be having to push the water a bit further down a hose (instead of 12 inches it would probably be like 36" or a bit longer. 

Also if it is ok, do you know of a place online I could get the proper diameter tubing to make this modification?

Thank you in advance,


Hot Tub Forum

Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« on: October 25, 2011, 06:22:11 pm »


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Re: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 09:46:58 pm »
  There are always numerous jets on at the same time, so that restricting any single jet will not harm the pump or other plumbing.  That is why you can lean back against a jet and not worry about blocking it.  As one jet becomes restricted, the flow increases through the other jets.  A 36" extension will only cause a very mimimal restriction to that jet.  The difference in flow and pressure probably won't even be noticable.  I'm not familiar enough with your Moto-jet to give you any advice on the actual modification.  I personally would look for a way to attach a single extension tube to a jet inside the tub and not mess with both air and water tubes outside the tub.


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Re: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 11:09:14 am »
Thanks Waterbug,

I had the feeling that it wouldnt harm but I wanted to ask.  If anyone else could chime in that would be great as well (someone who is familiar w/ the Solana TX).  The actual water and air tubes are both inside the tub waterbug, its a small tube and a large tube that connect to the main head so basically I would just extend both of those, I just need the tubing now.


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Re: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 11:19:07 am »
Thanks Waterbug,

I had the feeling that it wouldnt harm but I wanted to ask.  If anyone else could chime in that would be great as well (someone who is familiar w/ the Solana TX).  The actual water and air tubes are both inside the tub waterbug, its a small tube and a large tube that connect to the main head so basically I would just extend both of those, I just need the tubing now.

I can't see it doing any harm.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 12:51:55 pm »
Thanks guys.  Now I just need to find the tubing.  Should be relatively easy.  I appreciate the input!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Modifying a Solana TX Moto Jet - ?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 12:51:55 pm »


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