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Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
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Topic: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry (Read 3817 times)
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Posts: 7
Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
October 25, 2011, 12:21:38 pm »
Hi all!
We are newbies.. this is our first hot tub (in our home at least!) and I think we are having some trouble with the chemistry/balancing of our water.
We filled it on Sunday. We let the tub heat up (which took until Monday afternoon because of the type of tub), then began balancing Monday evening.
First we put in Metal-Free and let that run through for an hour or so. Then we put calcium increaser (calc was low/soft water), put in PH decreaser, and chlorine granule. Our PH was then too low, so we put PH increaser. Our chlorine was high (10ppm!!), so we've let that set and will recheck today because chlorine will dissipate on its own.
We were using a kitchen diet scale to weigh the calcium because that went by weight, and a measuring dish and tablespoon for liquids.. but I think something was wrong because we put less than needed and it went crazy high. Perhaps because our tub is so small, we need even LESS!
We also put in a little clarifier because our water was unseemingly cloudy (possible because it isn't balanced?). We also put "Defense" which protects from oxidation/chalky buildup on equipment.
This morning before heading to work I did a quick check and it seems that all surfaces (floor, seats, divets in seat backs, etc.) have what look like a blue tint. When I touched it, nothing gets on my hands, and it doesn't feel like anything other than bubbles.. but it can't just be bubbles. When we turn on the system it moves the blue tinted stuff around which makes the water cloudy-like.
Being newbies, we are very confused and not sure if we need to do something, or just let the water settle and flow through the filter for a few days.
Any thoughts? We are using Spa Choice Chlorine Kit currently as our startup. Our spa is a LifeSmart Rock Solid Simplicity Plug and Play. It's 190 gallons.
Thank you!
*****Update: I checked it an hour ago and it was the same. It may be white something-or-other settling on the surfaces, but it looks blue. But, I took a sample of the water to bring to get tested at a pool place after work and that has a slight blue tint to it, so this is why I believe the stuff that is settled in the spa looks blue.
Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 05:30:13 pm by chicy724
Hot Tub Forum
Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
October 25, 2011, 12:21:38 pm »
Junior Member
Posts: 7
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #1 on:
October 26, 2011, 03:47:44 pm »
Got a small sample of water tested and all is well chemistry wise. Except, we still have the stuff clouding the water and settling on surfaces.
The person that analyzed the water stated that it could be calcium crystals. Our calcium level was well within the range so the actual calcium level in the water is not an issue.
It has been almost 3 days and the stuff is still floating/settling around in there. I tried wiping it out but all it does is stirs it up. For the amount that is in there, it will take AGES for the filter to get it all out.
Should we just empty it and start all over? Or will it in all reality, clear up on its own? Will using more clarifier help? Any advice... anyone?
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2007 Sundance Optima
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #2 on:
October 26, 2011, 04:50:06 pm »
I am not an expert on this water chemistry stuff...there area a few folks here that are absolutely wonderful and incredibly knowledgeable about it...hopefully they will chime in soon.
Here is what little I have learned, that might be of some help to you...
Calcium Hardness (CH) is not all that important in a hot tub unless there is plaster in the tub...I don't know much about your tub, but I doubt there is any plaster. Since it is unlikely there is plaster in your tub, the only reason to add calcium would be to reduce foaming. Otherwise, increasing the calcium can cause scaling. Personally, I never even check my calcium levels anymore.
Also consider what you are using to test the water...the test strips are not always accurate. Personally, I had trouble differentiating between the various shades of some colors. Instead, I use the Taylor FAS-DPD Complete Test Kit. It is much more accurate than the strips. It is more expensive, but it removes all questions. If you are interested in obtaining one of these kits, be sure to get the correct one:
If you use chlorine =
If you use bromine =
Search the internet, you can probably find it a little cheaper.
Lastly, since a hot tub has considerably less water when compared to a pool, it does not require much chemical to get a change in the water condition. So, start off with small amounts first...wait for the water to adjust...add more if necessary.
Junior Member
Posts: 7
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #3 on:
October 26, 2011, 05:21:50 pm »
Thank you! After a computer analysis @ a pool/spa place, they determined I had soft water and had to add calcium. Low calcium can cause corrosion to spa equipment. High calcium can cause scaling. As of right now, they say my calcium levels are good. Not too low, not too high. It is important to ensure your calcium levels are good in order to reduce possible damage to spa equipment.
We are using AquaCheck strips. I agree, it is not the best way. I might swing by the pool place on my way home and pick up the cheapy residential Taylor kit and their fine mesh leaf skimmer to try and "catch" the particles.. by lining it with panty hose! (no joke!
We may have added chemicals too quickly, one right after the other.. or the fact that we didn't put anything in the water for 24 hrs after filling screwed us up. The directions were confusing to us. It said to turn off all equipment after putting in the "metal free" which was the first chemical to add before anything else, and let it run through for 1-2 hours. Well, since our spa was heating up, we couldn't turn off the equipment, so we had to wait to add anything.
I personally think we just need to drain and start all over.
Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 05:25:53 pm by chicy724
marky mark
Junior Member
Posts: 22
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #4 on:
October 26, 2011, 07:18:33 pm »
If it were me, since it is a small tub, I would drain it, clean it and start over. This time being sure I had the right amount of each chemical applied. Otherwise you will fight it for days. (like you are doing now) Once you get the substance out of whack it may be easier, and safer, to start over. Good luck.
Junior Member
Posts: 7
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #5 on:
October 26, 2011, 11:28:25 pm »
Thank you
I agree. After tonight, we have added more clarifier and shock.. we will check in the AM, but a full drain, clean, refill is in the plans for the weekend.
After doing more reading, we will not add calcium until after all else is balanced, and only add a little each day to avoid the cloudy mess.
Another note- we realized we may not have had enough water. The jets were continuously come on and off during the cycle. We didn't know if it was normal or not since we've only had the tub for a few days. Added more water and they stay on continuously now.
So, another part of our problem is that it probably wasn't filtering properly/adequately. The tub instructions said to fill just above the jets, which we did well above the jets.. and now its waaaaay, waaaaay above the jets. The instructions for this thing are HORRIBLE!
Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 10:44:34 am by chicy724
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Newbie Hot Tub Owners Having Trouble with Chemistry
Reply #5 on:
October 26, 2011, 11:28:25 pm »
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