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Author Topic: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........  (Read 18150 times)


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My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« on: October 24, 2011, 07:09:30 pm »
October 22, 2011

Picked up my brand new 2011 Salina yesterday and set it up per the set-up instructions. Everything seemed to work just fine so I left it to come up to temperature overnight. Checked on it this morning and temp was at 102, which is where I set it so I decided to go for a soak. Took about a 30 min soak to try everything out and the one thing I did notice that this tub is not anywhere near as powerful as my HotSpring Jetsetter but besides that disappointment everything else seem to work ok. Went to check on the tub this afternoon as I was planning to have some guests over for the evening and much to my dismay......THE TUB IS DEAD! The only thing running is the circ pump but that is it......power light is blinking, and I have the 4 bars across the screen. Tried the reset procedure 4 times and still nothing. Thousands on dollars for a “made in Mexico” hot tub that I was highly excited about getting for this weekend and all I have to show for it is a 420 gal tub full of rapidly cooling water.....and some very disappointed "would be" guests. For a first time Caldera owner, I can't even begin to explain how disappointed I am!

Also, when I arrived at the dealer yesterday (Alpin Haus of Amsterdam NY)There was a couple of discrepancies about the deal. Originally I was told I would save $300 (and I have the e-mail correspondence to prove it) if I picked the hot tub up myself. Unfortunately, on the paperwork that was written up the credit was only $225 and I didn't catch it until about a week ago. I brought it to the manager’s attention and was basically told that I was out of luck. Not wanting to make a big deal over $75, I was billed out and went to load the tub. The guys that helped me load the tub were fantastic in their service and care but when they gave me the cover lifter I informed them that I had paid for and was billed out for on the paperwork a Prolift 3. What they gave me was a Prolift 2 and was told there is no such thing as a Prolift 3 for a Salina. I also purchased a Monarch ozone generator for the Salina and when I installed it per the (very poorly written) instructions) I discovered that either I was given the wrong unit  or that the control panel does not accept this unit. The unit has a 4 prong round pin style plug and the place on the control panel where the unit is to be plugged in will only accept a flat blade style plug.

So to sum it up.....Thousands of dollars spent......some questionable dealings......and a now inoperable brand new hot tub.......CALDERA/WATKINS…..NOT A GOOD WAY TO IMPRESS A NEW CUSTOMER!

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My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« on: October 24, 2011, 07:09:30 pm »


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 11:19:58 am »
This is where your dealer needs to take care of business. The issue is probably minor but the timing is not. Not everything goes perfectly on start up but a good dealer will get things straight. Hopefully they will step up.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

marky mark

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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 11:48:39 pm »
I know what I would do. Cancel the check and tell them to come get their Spa. You are protected from this kind of crap legally. If you let this slide, then you have only yourself to blame.


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 12:37:07 pm »
Just a quick update.......it's now wenesday and I'm sad to report that I still don't have a working hot tub.

I'm even more sad to report that Caldera/Watkins still has yet to contact me for a resolution.

It's starting to appear to me that they got their money from me and that's all they care about...........I'll keep you all posted.


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 02:00:48 pm »

I'm even more sad to report that Caldera/Watkins still has yet to contact me for a resolution.

Have you called them or are you relying on someone responding to an e-mail? Hopefully the former.
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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 07:39:02 pm »
Well after several attempts, I finally was able to get throught to a customer service rep at Watkins whom told me that they had no record of the Dealer contacting them. I explained the issues and while I was on the phone with them they contacted the dealer. Long story short they are going to try and put in a new control pack in the spa to see if that solves the issue. The rep was very polite and very sympathetic with me and I politely responded to her by telling her that if they want to try and fix this tub that would be fine but I also informed her that I did not pay  thousands of dollars for a "repaired" hot tub and I am expecting a new one to be shipped ASAP and I would also expect, at this point, some form of compensation on their part to make this right to which she replied......."You will have to take that up with the dealer."

Hopefully no one thinks I am being too demanding here but I am now 6 days into owning this tub and was only able to use it once for a total of 30 mins. before it failed.

I am left to wonder about a few things........Why isn't Watkins and the dealer getting their heads around this to solve the problem, why did I have to take such a proactive role?
Why didn't Watkins offer some sort of resolution i.e. we will get you a new tub and throw in a free stereo for example......?
Why do I feel as if I am getting a run around here with this and just what kind of company is Watkins?

Also can't help but wonder......if the control panel is bad could it have sent a lower voltage to the motors hence the reason that the tub just didn't feel like it had any forceful power to the jets, could the motors be damaged now? Sure wasn't as powerfull as my HotSpring Jetsetter that I had.


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2011, 08:44:06 pm »
Watkins is one of the most reputable manufacturers in the industry.  I don't sell any of their brands but based on their reputation I doubt they are giving you the runaround.  I will fully agree that your dealer needs to step up and take care of the situation.  Things like this can and do happen and I understand your frustration but expecting a replacement hot tub I consider unrealistic.  I would try to get something out of your dealer like chemicals or a in-store credit.

marky mark

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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2011, 09:11:51 pm »
I would agree. This is a dealer problem. Watkins did not become one of the best in the world by side stepping their consumers. Good luck and many happy tubbings!


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2011, 09:24:34 pm »
Watkins has nothing to do with this issue...if anything it sounds like you should have done a little more research on the dealer, but of course I'm only hearing one side of the story...if you buy a brand new shiny BMW and 2 weeks later the transmission goes out, do you call the local dealer?, or do you call Germany?

and also because you had a failed part that can most likely be repaired under warranty within a days time, you want a brand new tub with a stereo thrown in?? cmon man seriously


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2011, 11:09:24 am »
I did not pay  thousands of dollars for a "repaired" hot tub and I am expecting a new one to be shipped ASAP and I would also expect, at this point, some form of compensation on their part to make this right to which she replied......."You will have to take that up with the dealer."

If they replace the controls and thats an issue I wouldn't think of this as a "repaired tub" like there was crack and it was repaired. In reality when these things are built they test them and in the production line they may have to replace a control. Is that spa a "repaired" spa on the Production line as if thats an issue? I don't see much issue with this fix marking it as "damaged goods" in some way.

Why isn't Watkins and the dealer getting their heads around this to solve the problem, why did I have to take such a proactive role?

This doesn't reflect well on your dealer. They are the ones that need to make this right and explain why you had to take it to the next level.

Why didn't Watkins offer some sort of resolution i.e. we will get you a new tub and throw in a free stereo for example......?

Let them solve the issue before you start expecting them to work on the compensation for pain and suffering.

Why do I feel as if I am getting a run around here with this and just what kind of company is Watkins?

You indicated that they knew nothing before your call and immediately you think they're giving you the run around? Give them a day or two before you assume they're not on your side in attempting to fix your issue.

Also can't help but wonder......if the control panel is bad could it have sent a lower voltage to the motors hence the reason that the tub just didn't feel like it had any forceful power to the jets, could the motors be damaged now? Sure wasn't as powerfull as my HotSpring Jetsetter that I had.

That theory does not hold water, the controls did not cause the pumps to reduce flow. As far as it being as powerful as another spa, did they promise it would be? Jet feel is all about jet types, quantity of jets and output of the pumps? Should it be expected to be as good as or better than the other one? Did you wet test both to compare before buying?

You have every reason to be frustrated but you took the proper step to call the Customer Service people, see if the dealer comes through now. Your actual issue you mentioned originally is probably very minor.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 11:11:25 am by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2011, 07:17:14 pm »
The latest update...........After about 1 1/2 hours on the phone today with both the dealer and Watkins, I'm about be become a spa tech tomorrow. The dealer has a new control panel but unfortunatly can't meet my schedule tomorrow and install it and wouldn't be able to get to it until Monday as I'm am unwilling to lose any more time from work for this soooo........Tomorrow the new panel is being delivered to my house by the dealer and I'm going to install it myself as well as program it per instructions that were e-mailed to me by Watkins.

I really want to say I really appreciate everyone's input and sympathy on this board, I truly think this is a great forum with lots of knowledge.

Twincities.......Judging by your remark.....The example I used about the stereo was just that, an example.......I was just trying to say that if I was in the position of Watkins, I would come up with something to make this situation a little more bearable and do something for the consumer.....I guess I didn't convey that idea properly.


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2011, 07:24:14 pm »
BTW........it's been snowing all day here in Upstate NY, my favorite time to go for a soak........hopefully the tub doesn't freeze tonight.......


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2011, 10:54:33 pm »
I'm in Utica and for a short time a year or so back after my long time dealer went out of business, I have to deal with your dealer for a warranty problem (blown heater board).  I can say they were terrible!!! Multiple phone calls with no response finally got Watkins and a local Hot Springs dealer to give me the  board to install! And all was well, luckily another dealer has picked up the Caldera line in Macy and has been fantastic, had a circ pump die 3 months after replacing!! Good luck with those guys!!


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2011, 10:56:11 pm »
BTW........it's been snowing all day here in Upstate NY, my favorite time to go for a soak........hopefully the tub doesn't freeze tonight.......

Watkins is a great company, and I have been a dealer of theirs (Hot Spring) for years and years.  If anything like that were to happen, they would do the right thing.


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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2011, 07:06:49 am »

Hopefully no one thinks I am being too demanding here but I am now 6 days into owning this tub and was only able to use it once for a total of 30 mins. before it failed.

Maybe just a little.  At this point, All I would want is for somebody to make it right. Things can go wrong, and all I expect is someone to make it right, the first time. I would accept a replacement pack, if it was a new one and not a repaired one, I can understand not wanting a repaired tub.  At this point, I would expect more than what I paid for.  Keep me in the loop, get the job done right is all I would ask. 

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Re: My new Caldera Salina and my letter to the company........
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2011, 07:06:49 am »


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