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Author Topic: fresh fodder for a dead horse  (Read 41087 times)

mike in arkansas

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fresh fodder for a dead horse
« on: June 30, 2007, 06:27:58 pm »
Ok -- I was going to drop the whole issue of another forum (where I was banned) but I just got an e-mail from said individual and I feel compelled to let you know what he says in private. Now you need to realize that I was just a customer who wanted to buy a spa!! This is the way he treats CUSTOMERS. CAn you imagine what he thinks of not customers. By the way, he criticises me for hanging out in other forums but he forgets that his WIFE banned me from HIS forum! I have no idea what he means by the comment "[my] usual angry idiotic statements. by the way the wicked and evil are everyone on this website!!  :o
Here it is:

Hey Mike:  I see that you are on the evil side of life these days.  Slumming with the wicked and thinking they are good.


God’s laws are immutable.  It doesn’t matter what you think. It is like gravity, it doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity or not, you are going to be subject to it.

The same with God’s laws.   God hates liars and you have become one.


I hope that the results and God’s punishment is not so bad that you can’t bear it.

Many people have tried to harm me, and most are dead by unusual circumstances.


The funny thing is, all I do is just stay on the path of righteousness and for some reason, I get to hear about them.


Even people who have harmed me over 20 years ago I get to hear about them.  One guy wound up with his wife leaving him, lost his business, and all of his possessions.  Became a drunk and died in the streets before he was 40 years old.

He was a fellow who screwed me on my wages.


You are not smart enough to understand what I represent, because your ego is so HUGE and you think you are a messenger of God, but you are not. You are a spiritual idiot.  You need to set down and read the Bible from front to back about six times so you can understand what I am saying.  You mind and emotions are your worst enemy, so get your life under God’s control, NOT WHAT YOUR STUPID EGO WANTS TO BELIEVE.


If you respond with your usual angry idiotic statements, then I know you are going to hell.

The worst sinners are those who think they know God.


Love to you.




who says I am senile?

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fresh fodder for a dead horse
« on: June 30, 2007, 06:27:58 pm »


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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 06:47:17 pm »
Mike - But aren't YOU the preacher?   Heck, based on Jimbo's limited understanding of the Bible I can tell you for a FACT that he hasn't read it and what he may have read, he mis-inturpted.  Heck, I've only read it front to back twice and Jimbo can't even debate BASIC religious fact with ME, much less a formal man of the cloth.  LOL!

Unfortunately,   Jimbo's rants are a fairly common occurrence.   I see he even got the "magic sweater" line in there as well (don't cross me or something BAD will happen to you, LOL)!    It shows that he needs "attention" he is not getting from normal sources.  You can take the high road and try to show him logic but he won't hear it.  He CAN'T be saved because he doesn't perceive what it really means.  In Jimbo's perverted, demented world everything revolves around him (or should) which simply demonstrates that he really does need medical intervention.   He is TRULY a sad, sad case.
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2007, 08:18:07 pm »
Ok -- I was going to drop the whole issue of another forum (where I was banned) but I just got an e-mail from said individual and I feel compelled to let you know what he says in private. Now you need to realize that I was just a customer who wanted to buy a spa!! This is the way he treats CUSTOMERS. CAn you imagine what he thinks of not customers. By the way, he criticises me for hanging out in other forums but he forgets that his WIFE banned me from HIS forum! I have no idea what he means by the comment "[my] usual angry idiotic statements. by the way the wicked and evil are everyone on this website!!  :o
Here it is:

Hey Mike:  I see that you are on the evil side of life these days.  Slumming with the wicked and thinking they are good.

God’s laws are immutable.  It doesn’t matter what you think. It is like gravity, it doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity or not, you are going to be subject to it.

The same with God’s laws.   God hates liars and you have become one.

I hope that the results and God’s punishment is not so bad that you can’t bear it.

Many people have tried to harm me, and most are dead by unusual circumstances.

The funny thing is, all I do is just stay on the path of righteousness and for some reason, I get to hear about them.

Even people who have harmed me over 20 years ago I get to hear about them.  One guy wound up with his wife leaving him, lost his business, and all of his possessions.  Became a drunk and died in the streets before he was 40 years old.

He was a fellow who screwed me on my wages.

You are not smart enough to understand what I represent, because your ego is so HUGE and you think you are a messenger of God, but you are not. You are a spiritual idiot.  You need to set down and read the Bible from front to back about six times so you can understand what I am saying.  You mind and emotions are your worst enemy, so get your life under God’s control, NOT WHAT YOUR STUPID EGO WANTS TO BELIEVE.

If you respond with your usual angry idiotic statements, then I know you are going to hell.

The worst sinners are those who think they know God.

Love to you.


Hey Mike:

I've heard of "Preaching to the Choir", but "Preaching to the Preacher" is a new one on me!  

That letter from Jim gives us all a real picture of who this guy really is.  If he actually believes half of what he wrote, he is in need of help very badly.  It must be a very sad little world in which he lives.  I can't believe the people around him see this behavior as normal, and are not worried about his welfare.  

I could not imagine being tied up in a business transaction with him.  Someone was definately watching over you!  If you haven't seen it at his site, he is once again focused on "another one that got away", Erik Selberg.  He obviously screwed up in how he handled that transaction with a customer, but can't admit it to himself.  Now it's years later and he can't let it go.

Very sad.  
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2007, 08:58:52 pm »
 Not that there was ever any doubt but he has totally flown over the cuckoo's nest.  

I'm sure that he spends a harmful amount of time dwelling over you, since you managed to escape from his web, thus being an actual one who got away.


mike in arkansas

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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2007, 09:06:51 pm »
yep -- someone (the LORD) was watching over me. And yes he is sad (not the LORD LOL). And yes he needs help, and he really has no understanding of the Grace Christ offers -- and he also understands nothging about forgiveness. And debating with him is really not going to be productive. As I told him, I am the best thing that ever happened to hiim -- I am PRAYING for him!!

Be patient with the man.

Blessings,  Mike
who says I am senile?

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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 09:31:00 am »
If anyone needed proof of Jim's delusions, that letter to Mike in Arkansas is it.



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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 10:24:53 am »

Jim tells us this:

You are a spiritual idiot.  You need to set down and read the Bible from front to back about six times so you can understand what I am saying.

But then tells us this:

The worst sinners are those who think they know God.

Um Jim, aren't you claiming to "know" God?

He's lost it.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 02:19:27 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 11:30:23 am »
Just be glad that what he's got isn't contagious.


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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 12:11:48 pm »
I wish I would have saved his email message to me, it was of a similar theme.  For $15 we could start  www.therealjimarjuna.com and just post messages he has sent.

By the way, Happy reading Jim!   I wonder when I should be getting those checks from Hot Springs that he thinks I get?
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2007, 04:08:31 pm »
So things are really heading off on a tangent over there....

"You cannot destroy the foundation of a country, destroy morals and ethics,  and expect to have any economically good lifestyle.  What you have is slums, crime, and if the people are not too stupid, brainwashed and still have power, they can stop this crap before their children go hungry.  All of the fascist countries do not allow any power to the people.   The rich, evil bastards,  take it away gradually and in the "name of good" or "politically correctness".   And as smaller and smaller groups of people have the power, they become more and more corrupt, just like all countries who followed this path of destruction in history.
Does anybody ever read history?  The kids seem really politically stupid today."

Do people actually believe it is a good idea for a mother to leave her children away from her nurturing duties?  Then when your children grow up, you have very dysfunctional people, with a huge gap in their hearts, where "MOM" is supposed to be.  They they grow up and do the same crap to their kids.
Pretty soon "big brother" becomes the parents.  (Do you know what sort of people are often found in day care centers?  Not all but there are too many to risk your child.)  What the hell is the matter with mothers today.  You need to stay home and sacrifice for your children.  It is not much of a sacrifice to not have the big home, with the 90 inch TV so you can have a family that loves each other, instead of mistrusting each other.  The biggest, most selfish, betrayal you can do to your babies is to leave them in day care. You can't even take care of your own babies for the first years??"  

Then the flock chimes in....

"Corporations are raping the American worker and will move onto greener pastures soon.  When they have taken all that they can take from us they will leave us high and dry and this wasteland once known as America will be a savage hostile land.  Corporations have killed Jesus and the lord will strike down on those with great vengance and fury.
God has commanded some to lead and warn and to stand up, and warn us and regardless of the consequnces those that have been chosen must speak out.  Not to do so is the worst sin. I you Jim have been called.  It shines cleary in your words and its message supersedes all else. It's clear. It's timeless. It's pure.  When you speak the truth it is pure.  
Love is pure
Brillance is pure
God has consecrated you with a mind and talent he reserves for very few! Truely we are blessed.

Well if there's a God that will have anything to do with saving America, My vote goes to the one that can't be spoken of by name at all in the old testament, according to Jewish law, because any mention at all is in vain and considered a sin.  All I have to do is look to the Jewish community down the street that has created a booming economy where there was once only abandoned factories.  My recommendation is that if you want to save the world economy with religion and ethics, then become a practicing Kosher Jew and move to a Jewish community.

The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
I honeslty belive if Jesus was alive today he would be soaking in a haven hot tub and doing business with Jim. There would be no other way.
When the truth is uttered it is clear and easy to understand."

This all on a forum from a website of a HOTTUB company?..... ::)


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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2007, 05:52:42 pm »

Jesus would be "soaking in a haven hot tub and doing business with Jim"???????  
Did someone over in Jimboland really say that?
This has got to be doing wonders for his business.

All I can say is:
Jesus, please save me from your followers!
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2007, 06:20:01 pm »
I just popped over to Jim's site.  I had to see this stuff in person.  Sure 'nuf, its there in all its glory.  Apparently, the way to heaven now involves a haven tub!

Something else is going on over there and I think it's actually one of Jimbo's recent strategies backfiring on him.  
Lately, Jim has been hyping the Costco tubs over at the Pool and Spa forum.  As I said elsewhere, I think he has been doing this because he thinks it  irritates the spa salemen by trying to send their business to Costco.

Well, a few threads ago, his personal parrot, GregG, started talking about how Jim should set up a new business to take other manufacturer's new tubs and rebuild them "in his image".  (Isn't this essentially what he claim he is doing with Phoenix Spas now?!).  It would be called the "Spa Rescue Service".  Significantly, I have not seen Jim agree with or endorse this idea with new tubs anywhere in his subsequent posts over there.  He talks about doing it for old tubs, but not new ones.

But now, it appears that GregG has convinced a potential customer (SteveL) to buy a Costco tub now and have Jim rebuild it "sometime in the future".  SteveL "has prayed on it", gotten his wife's permission and is buying a Costco tub.  He plans to bring the tub back to Jim to rebuild in about 5 years.   So, with Gregg's urging, it looks like Haven has lost a tub sale and Costco has gained a new customer.  That'll pay the bills!

Don't ya love it when his own BS comes back and bites him in the butt!!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 06:53:02 pm by Richs100 »
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 10:36:08 pm »
I just popped over to Jim's site.  I had to see this stuff in person.  

It is indeed a scary place.    

Don't ya love it when his own BS comes back and bites him in the butt!!

That happens so often I think he's on his 5th or 6th butt.  

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 10:36:30 pm by Brewman »


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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2007, 09:05:40 am »

Something else is going on over there and I think it's actually one of Jimbo's recent strategies backfiring on him.  
Lately, Jim has been hyping the Costco tubs over at the Pool and Spa forum.  As I said elsewhere, I think he has been doing this because he thinks it  irritates the spa salemen by trying to send their business to Costco.

and over at pool and spa, a costco customer who had problems for day 1 finally shipped back his spa. Folks asked jim, who endorses these spas, what he had to say, (and I quote)

"Most of the people on this forum are sales people. Do you understand? There are hundreds of readers but the post are mostly sales jerks.

God bless you all. Getting information from a bunch of desparate sales people is not a good idea.



He's a complete tool.
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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2007, 10:53:32 am »

 Folks asked jim, who endorses these spas, what he had to say

 There's your problem.  Asking him a question.  DON'T DO THAT!  EVER.
He's a complete tool.



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Re: fresh fodder for a dead horse
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2007, 10:53:32 am »


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