General > Beating a dead horse

fresh fodder for a dead horse

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Jesus would be "soaking in a haven hot tub and doing business with Jim"???????  
Did someone over in Jimboland really say that?
This has got to be doing wonders for his business.

All I can say is:
Jesus, please save me from your followers!

I just popped over to Jim's site.  I had to see this stuff in person.  Sure 'nuf, its there in all its glory.  Apparently, the way to heaven now involves a haven tub!

Something else is going on over there and I think it's actually one of Jimbo's recent strategies backfiring on him.  
Lately, Jim has been hyping the Costco tubs over at the Pool and Spa forum.  As I said elsewhere, I think he has been doing this because he thinks it  irritates the spa salemen by trying to send their business to Costco.

Well, a few threads ago, his personal parrot, GregG, started talking about how Jim should set up a new business to take other manufacturer's new tubs and rebuild them "in his image".  (Isn't this essentially what he claim he is doing with Phoenix Spas now?!).  It would be called the "Spa Rescue Service".  Significantly, I have not seen Jim agree with or endorse this idea with new tubs anywhere in his subsequent posts over there.  He talks about doing it for old tubs, but not new ones.

But now, it appears that GregG has convinced a potential customer (SteveL) to buy a Costco tub now and have Jim rebuild it "sometime in the future".  SteveL "has prayed on it", gotten his wife's permission and is buying a Costco tub.  He plans to bring the tub back to Jim to rebuild in about 5 years.   So, with Gregg's urging, it looks like Haven has lost a tub sale and Costco has gained a new customer.  That'll pay the bills!

Don't ya love it when his own BS comes back and bites him in the butt!!


--- Quote ---I just popped over to Jim's site.  I had to see this stuff in person.  
--- End quote ---

It is indeed a scary place.    

--- Quote ---Don't ya love it when his own BS comes back and bites him in the butt!!
--- End quote ---

That happens so often I think he's on his 5th or 6th butt.  


--- Quote ---....

Something else is going on over there and I think it's actually one of Jimbo's recent strategies backfiring on him.  
Lately, Jim has been hyping the Costco tubs over at the Pool and Spa forum.  As I said elsewhere, I think he has been doing this because he thinks it  irritates the spa salemen by trying to send their business to Costco.

--- End quote ---

and over at pool and spa, a costco customer who had problems for day 1 finally shipped back his spa. Folks asked jim, who endorses these spas, what he had to say, (and I quote)

"Most of the people on this forum are sales people. Do you understand? There are hundreds of readers but the post are mostly sales jerks.

God bless you all. Getting information from a bunch of desparate sales people is not a good idea.



He's a complete tool.


--- Quote ---

 Folks asked jim, who endorses these spas, what he had to say

--- End quote ---

 There's your problem.  Asking him a question.  DON'T DO THAT!  EVER.

--- Quote ---He's a complete tool.

--- End quote ---



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