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Ok -- I was going to drop the whole issue of another forum (where I was banned) but I just got an e-mail from said individual and I feel compelled to let you know what he says in private. Now you need to realize that I was just a customer who wanted to buy a spa!! This is the way he treats CUSTOMERS. CAn you imagine what he thinks of not customers. By the way, he criticises me for hanging out in other forums but he forgets that his WIFE banned me from HIS forum! I have no idea what he means by the comment "[my] usual angry idiotic statements. by the way the wicked and evil are everyone on this website!!  Here it is:Hey Mike:  I see that you are on the evil side of life these days.  Slumming with the wicked and thinking they are good.God’s laws are immutable.  It doesn’t matter what you think. It is like gravity, it doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity or not, you are going to be subject to it.The same with God’s laws.  God hates liars and you have become one.I hope that the results and God’s punishment is not so bad that you can’t bear it.Many people have tried to harm me, and most are dead by unusual circumstances.The funny thing is, all I do is just stay on the path of righteousness and for some reason, I get to hear about them.Even people who have harmed me over 20 years ago I get to hear about them.  One guy wound up with his wife leaving him, lost his business, and all of his possessions.  Became a drunk and died in the streets before he was 40 years old.He was a fellow who screwed me on my wages.You are not smart enough to understand what I represent, because your ego is so HUGE and you think you are a messenger of God, but you are not. You are a spiritual idiot.  You need to set down and read the Bible from front to back about six times so you can understand what I am saying.  You mind and emotions are your worst enemy, so get your life under God’s control, NOT WHAT YOUR STUPID EGO WANTS TO BELIEVE.If you respond with your usual angry idiotic statements, then I know you are going to hell.The worst sinners are those who think they know God.Love to you.Jim
You are a spiritual idiot. You need to set down and read the Bible from front to back about six times so you can understand what I am saying.
The worst sinners are those who think they know God.
I just popped over to Jim's site. Â I had to see this stuff in person. Â
Don't ya love it when his own BS comes back and bites him in the butt!!
....Something else is going on over there and I think it's actually one of Jimbo's recent strategies backfiring on him. Lately, Jim has been hyping the Costco tubs over at the Pool and Spa forum. As I said elsewhere, I think he has been doing this because he thinks it irritates the spa salemen by trying to send their business to Costco.
Folks asked jim, who endorses these spas, what he had to say
He's a complete tool.