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Author Topic: Halloween Poll  (Read 11871 times)


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Re: Halloween Poll
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2005, 10:51:06 pm »
I love Halloween too, I really think it is my favorite holiday. The fun for me is designing costumes for my kids. they come up with an idea and I have to find a way to make it work.  We really have a blast and it stimulates the kids imagination like you won't believe!
This year my 13 year old was a giant mushroom ...I told him to say he was just a  "Fun  guy" if anyone didn't recognize him as a huge portabella!  He won prizes at school and at the school dance. we usually set up a haunted trail in our woods, and have a party for the kids. My kids are 13 and 14 and would not ever go trick or treating without a costume This is the first year that they left the men folk(Dads)  at home. Usually the Dads tag along and some of the neighbors treat them to a "cold one"as they try to keep up with the kids. Our neighhborhood is very hilly with long driveways so these guys work hard for their candy!  Next year when we have  the hot tub, it will be right between the rat's nest and the cemetary...that should be interesting!
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Re: Halloween Poll
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2005, 10:51:06 pm »


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