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Author Topic: Costco spas  (Read 48981 times)


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2011, 01:25:08 pm »
Here's a good thread to read. This shows why Costco buyers should be DIYers for one thing and that one way Costco keeps prices down is by offering less whether it’s in the form of a lesser brand (effecting quality and energy efficiency) or a shorter warranty on a good brand. It also shows that you can't simply return it for no good reason to Costco at any time.

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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2011, 01:25:08 pm »


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2011, 02:48:40 pm »
ahhh i new you were a dealer....


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2011, 04:09:31 pm »
yes thats right i have a six year old he loves hot tubs he dont care about how comfortable the seats are..he likes the jets the bubbles and the warm water and being outside in it when its snowing and cold. im the same way the seats i dont care how comfortable the seats are really how long am i going to sit in it..30 min. this is not like buying a car i dont need crash test reports ...airbags..how it handels on the road..its a tub. and if it were a car i dont need a lexsus to get to the store a kia will do. and i dont perfer dealers they try to talk you up to huge price tubs..and try to scare you off on line shopping and i can see that cause there losing money.

The Hydrotherapy a quality hot tub delivers is important to a lot of folks. But obviously not you. Hell you can get hot bubble water in a bathtub! Do you have one of those? Stick one of those deals over the side that plugs in and you have exactly what your looking for.


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2011, 04:36:29 pm »
ahhh i new you were a dealer....

I'm not sure what it was about that thread I posted that got you to conclude I was a dealer (assuming that was pointed at me) but I assure you I am not now nor have I ever been one.

I just know the past decade of Coscto spas have been very dissapointing and buying a spa from Costco should not be considred similar to buying a TV from them. I post based on my experience. I give no different opinion whether its to a stranger or my brother and I am not steering people to a specific brand, though at times I may tend to steer them away from some.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 04:38:02 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2011, 04:57:23 pm »
ahhh i new you were a dealer....

I'm pretty sure that was directed at my Spatech.

And yes gordborg, I am.  However, I am a bit surprised that out of all I wrote that is all you got.  Your condescending remarks show your bias against all dealers.  I'm not sure what your personal experience is with private businesses and dealers, but I have to assume they treated you like garbage... which is unfortunate. 

I do not, and would never treat any one like that, and I apologize on their behalf.  If you do want to continue to treat me like crap however, you are more than welcome.  All I am trying to do is give you some more perspective, which is why (I assume) you joined the forum.


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2011, 07:11:47 pm »
no im not  giving anyone a hard time just think costco is getting a harder rap then it deserves from manly spa dealers. The dealer i delt with was great till i got out the door the service ended...i had broken jets he told me i did it and tough luck and taking jets in and out is nothing. then i went to beachcomer, appolo and polar spas they looked at me like i was rich and when i told them i would like something under 6000.00 they laugh at me and were not intrested in helping me. So this is whey im going to costco and they maybe not as good as the dealer tubs but so far ive been treated better. There going to deliver it right to my door and i dont live in the big citys im out in a small town. the dealer wouldent deliver unless i paid big bucks. its not your fault or anyone in this forum. i do find the canadian dealers the tubs are more for us because they come from the usa and costco takes out the middle man and you get a bit of a price break.

and i do have a jacuzzi tub but its made for indoors :)


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2011, 08:28:41 pm »
Fair enough.  As I said, I can't apologize enough for on their behalf, but lets not lump us all in together.  I sometimes can't believe how some people stay in business by the way they treat people.  I do not think I would be here today if I didn't care and go the extra mile. 

We also just give Costco crap because of their track record.  Which is hardly impressive.  Now, with that said, I believe the Evolution Spas are a strong step forward.  You seem like someone who is more than capable to get your hands dirty with some spa-grunt work, and that may be the perfect way for you to go. 


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2011, 02:00:00 pm »
no im not  giving anyone a hard time just think costco is getting a harder rap then it deserves from manly spa dealers. The dealer i delt with was great till i got out the door the service ended...i had broken jets he told me i did it and tough luck and taking jets in and out is nothing. then i went to beachcomer, appolo and polar spas they looked at me like i was rich and when i told them i would like something under 6000.00 they laugh at me and were not intrested in helping me. So this is whey im going to costco and they maybe not as good as the dealer tubs but so far ive been treated better. There going to deliver it right to my door and i dont live in the big citys im out in a small town. the dealer wouldent deliver unless i paid big bucks. its not your fault or anyone in this forum. i do find the canadian dealers the tubs are more for us because they come from the usa and costco takes out the middle man and you get a bit of a price break.

and i do have a jacuzzi tub but its made for indoors :)

I'm not a dealer and I give the Costco offerings a D- simply because of the past track record. The fact that they are underinsulated, noisy, not quite mediorce in build quality and fit and finish. Underpowered and the simple fact that they have no service guys or quality sales people at Costco. The good points are the price and the return policy if it still exsists. I'm not sure those 2 things alone can offset the rest??? If it's hydrotherapy your looking for you won't get it from Costco.


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2011, 02:36:03 pm »
yes that is the opinion of some about costco. others say diffrent its all a matter of preferance like you said NOT made for hydrotheropy and thats not what im getting it for. Its about family time and fun. and if it only lasts a few years oh well shame on me. all i was looking for was if anyone had one and what there like. i got lots of great feed back and i will keep you posted on how it goes!!! could be good could be bad we will all find out soon enough..lol


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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2011, 04:22:29 pm »
yes that is the opinion of some about costco. others say diffrent its all a matter of preferance like you said NOT made for hydrotheropy and thats not what im getting it for. Its about family time and fun. and if it only lasts a few years oh well shame on me. all i was looking for was if anyone had one and what there like. i got lots of great feed back and i will keep you posted on how it goes!!! could be good could be bad we will all find out soon enough..lol

It's likely you will enjoy it very much if it is your only experience with hot tubs. Please don't assume they are like the one you got.

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Re: Costco spas
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2011, 04:22:29 pm »


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