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Author Topic: HOT SPOT SPA OR EVOLUTION SPA? HELP!  (Read 33464 times)


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« on: September 11, 2011, 10:33:39 pm »
Hello! I am a first time hot tub buyer. I would like a 6-7 person spa, and I have a couple of questions.

I was looking at the Evolution Casablanca 110-jet Six Person (double) lounger spa sold at Costco (see http://reviews.costco.com/2070/11642088/evolution-spas-evolution-spas-casablanca-110-jet-6-person-lounger-spa-reviews/reviews.htm). It is on sale for $6k. I believe that Strong Spas makes the Evolution line.

However, I heard great things about the quality of Hot Springs spas. Hot Springs (parent company) apparently makes Hot Spot. In particular I was interested in either the Tempo or the Relay (both are six person spas) (You can see them here: http://www.hotspothottubs.com/relay). I can get a Relay from my local dealer for around $6k (I haven't asked about the price of the slightly larger Tempo).

I am 6'1" and 190lbs. We like the Evolution Casablanca (or the other model sold at Costco, the Centurion Extreme) because it has 110 jets (wow!). It is also 91" by 91" which is nice and large. The Relay has only 35 jets and is only 84" by 84" (but the Tempo is 89"by 89" and has 45 jets).

What is the story? Is the quality of Hot Spot really the same as Hot Springs, and is therefore much better than Strong Spas/Evolution? I don't want to buy a spa that will break in two years! There is a Hot Springs location by my house for service, which is a plus. There is no brick and mortar Evolution location here (I guess I can call them and they will send out someone around here). Is it true that the frames of Hot Spots/Hot Springs are made of wood? Why?

What do you people think? What is better for a big guy like me?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 10:36:59 pm by spaman1212 »

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« on: September 11, 2011, 10:33:39 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2011, 02:03:27 am »
People are always impressed by big numbers... My point, jet counts means nothing. 

People ask me all the time, why would I get a Hot Spring/Jacuzzi for $10,000 when I can get a Costco spa for $5-6k?  One of the biggest reasons is service.  The fact is that Strong/Costco could give a crap of what happens with your spa after you get it.  Dealers (typically) care deeply about your well being and want you to thoroughly enjoy your experience.  The culture is also different.  Your local dealers and their chosen manufactures deeply care about making a quality product, where big-box stores want to slap something together that they can pass as a spa.

To answer your question, yes... the Hot Spot gets the same quality... but with less features than the Hot Spring. 

Want to know the best thing about dealing locally?  Wet-testing...  You can't do that with Costco.  I highly suggest trying them out.  You wouldn't buy a car without trying it out would you?


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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2011, 07:06:50 am »
The only thing I can add about the Costco tubs is if someones buys one, they aren't on here talking about it two or three years later.  Since I've not been in the market for 7 years, people's experiences here are a big source of info for me.
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« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2011, 11:03:57 am »
"110 jets" are not words that wow me when I’m reviewing spas. I could not care less the number of jets in the stat line, it’s about sitting in the spa, closing your eyes and getting a sense of how those jets feel and I question the affectivity of those 100 jets. In fact there have been many comments from people who own them that the jets are weak in the Costco spa line they are carrying. They put that many in to "wow" you on paper but if they are small jets without sufficient pumps to give you proper flow it’s just a number. I'd also feel FAR more comfortable knowing I was getting full service from the Hot Spot and I'd imagine better energy efficiency as well. I get my toilet paper, snacks, and other items from Costco but their spa lines have been duds historically and while their latest offering MAY be a step up from the wretched past history they’ve had they are not wow-worthy IMO.
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« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2011, 05:42:30 pm »
"110 jets" are not words that wow me when I’m reviewing spas. I could not care less the number of jets in the stat line, it’s about sitting in the spa, closing your eyes and getting a sense of how those jets feel and I question the affectivity of those 100 jets. In fact there have been many comments from people who own them that the jets are weak in the Costco spa line they are carrying. They put that many in to "wow" you on paper but if they are small jets without sufficient pumps to give you proper flow it’s just a number. I'd also feel FAR more comfortable knowing I was getting full service from the Hot Spot and I'd imagine better energy efficiency as well. I get my toilet paper, snacks, and other items from Costco but their spa lines have been duds historically and while their latest offering MAY be a step up from the wretched past history they’ve had they are not wow-worthy IMO.

It's impossible to make a wow worthy tub for less than about 8 grand. Wow has to do with Hydrotherapy. Not jet count or low price.


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« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 09:25:24 pm »
So should I not give the Costco spa another thought? It is on sale for $6k until this weekend (where it goes back to 7k). I am worried that if I miss out on this deal, but don't like the Hot Spot, I will regret it.

If I end up spending $10k on another spa, shouldn't I might as well just have a spa built into my pool for $15k (I am redoing my pool right now), but I heard that the in-pool spas are not nearly as comfortable.

Is it true that if I don't get a Hot Spot or other local dealer then I won't be able to have the spa serviced if it breaks? Aren't there freelance spa repair company's that will cost the same? The Hot Spot only has a two year "bumper to bumper" warranty.


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« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 03:18:39 am »
There are always sales, so I wouldn't rush this decision.  Those Evolution spas are always going on sale, so don't worry about missing out.  I get my costco flyer every month and I see one of them for $1k off.  Here are some thing to think about:

Big Box stores try to impress you on paper, since that is the only way they can convince you.  I've had a number of customers return their spas because of a number a reasons. 

To name a few, energy efficiency is huge.  They are not nearly as energy efficient as they claim.  The Evolution seem to be mildly better than what it has been in the past for Costco spas, but they are still not in the realm of what I would call "reputable" manufacturers. 

Jet placement and how the jets feel.  As I said before jet count doesn't matter.  All that matters is what they do and how they feel.  If you have 110 jets that are all the same jet, or feel like crap... well then that's 110 jets that are completely meaningless.  For instance, if you were to argue with me that an Evolution Spa feels better than my Hot Spring Vanguard... I would have no choice but to feel bad for you.  110 jets (Evolution) vs 33 jets (Vanguard.)  Test them out for yourself to get an idea!

Lack of service.  Costco doesn't fix your spa.  You have to contact the manufacture and they have the right to hire an independent service guy to repair your spa.  Most dealers will not work on the Big Box spas because it will void your warranty, or that they cannot guarantee anything.  If the independent hire is the way to go, he could be a plumber and know nothing about spas, or it could take months for service.  (Could be, as in not always the case.)

Should you have spent the money on an in-ground hot tub?  Not if you want to use your spa for hydrotherapy.  Jets in concrete tubs suck.  Not to mention you definitely can't keep that hot 24/7 unless you want to through your hard earned cash out the window.

Last part, I urge you to wet-test.  Wet testing gives you an idea of what you like and don't like.  Would you buy a car without test driving it?  Costco is a great store, and I buy a ton of candy, chicken, and toilet paper from them.  However, in the event I can I do all my business locally with reputable companies so I know I get the best quality product & service.


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« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 10:57:27 am »
So should I not give the Costco spa another thought? It is on sale for $6k until this weekend (where it goes back to 7k). I am worried that if I miss out on this deal, but don't like the Hot Spot, I will regret it.

If I end up spending $10k on another spa, shouldn't I might as well just have a spa built into my pool for $15k (I am redoing my pool right now), but I heard that the in-pool spas are not nearly as comfortable.

Is it true that if I don't get a Hot Spot or other local dealer then I won't be able to have the spa serviced if it breaks? Aren't there freelance spa repair company's that will cost the same? The Hot Spot only has a two year "bumper to bumper" warranty.

1) You should not feel a need to rush. While I'm not big on Costco spas they rotates their spa deals, it will be on sale another time anyway.

2) No one is saying you should spend $10k on a spa. You can get quality good sized spas for $8k or 7k (and even 6k if you skip a lot of the bells and whistles). In ground spas look nice but fall far short of portable spas on performance, comfort and convenience/energy efficiency (you gotta plan their use since you can't leave them up to temp.

3) The nice thing about buying local is they will have a service person available when needed who should be well versed in your brand/model. You can find independent techs and some are very good. They may want payment up front, they may not be familiar with the brand, you may not be a priority...
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« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 02:42:28 pm »
Hi want to chime in because I have owned an Evolution spa from Costco.  I had the 80 jet spa, and it was awesome.  My only issue was that the spa did not have the shoulder jets.  After about 6 months, I decided that it was an option I really wanted.  I called Costco and they accepted a return for a FULL REFUND on the spa, I only had to pay for it to be returned to the curb for pick up.  I was thrilled with the service and the quality of the spa, so much so, that I am purchasing the 110 jet spa this weekend. 

Do not be fooled by price and also dealers giving reasons why you should buy locally and support them.  This is a quality piece, and if you are unhappy, there is no risk...Costco takes it back. I doubt any local guy will give you that option.

The reason that the Costco prices are so low is not lesser quality, but rather, because it is a corporate strategy to take a markup of under 20%,   they make most of their money on membership fees and their credit cards,  the products dont generate much profit, but cover overhead. 


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« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 06:09:41 pm »
Hi want to chime in because I have owned an Evolution spa from Costco.  I had the 80 jet spa, and it was awesome.  My only issue was that the spa did not have the shoulder jets.  After about 6 months, I decided that it was an option I really wanted.  I called Costco and they accepted a return for a FULL REFUND on the spa, I only had to pay for it to be returned to the curb for pick up.  I was thrilled with the service and the quality of the spa, so much so, that I am purchasing the 110 jet spa this weekend. 

Do not be fooled by price and also dealers giving reasons why you should buy locally and support them.  This is a quality piece, and if you are unhappy, there is no risk...Costco takes it back. I doubt any local guy will give you that option.

The reason that the Costco prices are so low is not lesser quality, but rather, because it is a corporate strategy to take a markup of under 20%,   they make most of their money on membership fees and their credit cards,  the products dont generate much profit, but cover overhead. 

Everyone has a different opinion of what true hydrotherapy is. Mine is much different than yours. I have not tested this 110 jet tub but I can see the jets. Not for me. Looks like 20 or so real jets and a lot of nothing.


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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 07:33:05 pm »
My only issue was that the spa did not have the shoulder jets.  After about 6 months, I decided that it was an option I really wanted.  I called Costco and they accepted a return for a FULL REFUND on the spa, I only had to pay for it to be returned to the curb for pick up... if you are unhappy, there is no risk...Costco takes it back. I doubt any local guy will give you that option.

People who buy spas from Costco have this situation where they've bought based on a picture only to later get an idea of what they're getting such as jets not being where they want them. When you're buying from a picture or catalog I can see where this issue would come up from time to time as well as the oft seen complaint of weak jets.

When they buy from a dealer the customer can see the spa in person, sit in it dry to get a feel for seating and jet placement and if they're smart they'll wet test it as well.
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« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2011, 10:26:43 am »
Hi want to chime in because I have owned an Evolution spa from Costco. 

Forgive me if this seems insulting. But do you have any affiliation with Costco beyond as a consumer?  Your IP address and your email address implies your into Internet Marketing.  When someone logs in for the first time to defend a brand that takes some heat (not saying its justified, or a good pun)  I get suspicious.  Just asking and my apologies if it does offend.
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« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2011, 11:15:42 am »
I take no insult at all.  I was a fashion designer for 20 years and at that time, I sold suede jackets to Costco for a few seasons.  That is how I know what their markup structure is.  I recall selling them a jacket and the same one to Nordstrom the previous season.  They both paid me approx. $38 wholesale for it. Same EXACT jacket was retailed at Nordstrom for $179, at Costco, they sold it for $46.  Only difference was the label in the neck.  I know this becuase I manufactured them both.

Not sure what the ip address shows, but I know work for the United Cerebral Palsy.  I have no affiliation with Costco other than the fact that I am a customer that is very happy with they quality of all I have purchased there.  I bought a bedroom set from them online last year.  I paid $4k for it.  The set that was equal in quality and design from Thomsville furniture would have cost me between $9k and $10k.  I do a lot of research, and this is one company that has NEVER let me down...Perhaps I am a "spa novice" but I am just sharing my personal experience with them.


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« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2011, 12:13:16 pm »
I take no insult at all.  I was a fashion designer for 20 years and at that time, I sold suede jackets to Costco for a few seasons.  That is how I know what their markup structure is.  I recall selling them a jacket and the same one to Nordstrom the previous season.  They both paid me approx. $38 wholesale for it. Same EXACT jacket was retailed at Nordstrom for $179, at Costco, they sold it for $46.  Only difference was the label in the neck.  I know this becuase I manufactured them both.

But that’s not how spas have worked with Costco. Costco isn't selling the same quality spas sold at dealers. They for years have been selling lower quality spas typically not available at dealers (often because the manufacturer has such a limited dealer network) and when they have carried a unit that can be found at a dealer it certainly isn't discounted like your coat so its not like it'll sell for $6k at Costco and $10K at a dealer. Of course if Costco were to ever carry quality spas that were also sold at a dealer it would be more at a dealer since they deliver it, service it and have a store they maintain that you can go to when issues arise but while spa dealers may have a higher markup than Costco its not anything like the Nordstrom example so that same extreme difference isn’t seen. The other difference is your coat doesn't need delivery or service after the sale. In the end the analogy fails short but I don't doubt it was true, especially since Nordstrom's was involved lol.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 01:30:56 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2011, 08:04:56 am »
I bought a bedroom set from them online last year.  I paid $4k for it.  The set that was equal in quality and design from Thomsville furniture would have cost me between $9k and $10k. 

Same quality in your opinion. I have never seen a tub from Costco the same quality as the top brands. And I have seen every tub Costco has sold. Both inside and out. And the 5-6 year old ones are currently getting disposed of.

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« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2011, 08:04:56 am »


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