What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: HOT SPOT SPA OR EVOLUTION SPA? HELP!  (Read 33463 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2011, 06:37:27 pm »
I take no insult at all.  I was a fashion designer for 20 years and at that time, I sold suede jackets to Costco for a few seasons.  That is how I know what their markup structure is.  I recall selling them a jacket and the same one to Nordstrom the previous season.  They both paid me approx. $38 wholesale for it. Same EXACT jacket was retailed at Nordstrom for $179, at Costco, they sold it for $46.  Only difference was the label in the neck.  I know this becuase I manufactured them both.

Not sure what the ip address shows, but I know work for the United Cerebral Palsy.  I have no affiliation with Costco other than the fact that I am a customer that is very happy with they quality of all I have purchased there.  I bought a bedroom set from them online last year.  I paid $4k for it.  The set that was equal in quality and design from Thomsville furniture would have cost me between $9k and $10k.  I do a lot of research, and this is one company that has NEVER let me down...Perhaps I am a "spa novice" but I am just sharing my personal experience with them.

If they were selling the same quality, same product, why don't you see Hot Spring, Sundance, D1, Jacuzzi, Arctic, etc.. at Costco?  The fact is none of the "Costco" spas are even remotely close in build quality.  When you have your spa for more than several years, tell me how it is.  As Tman stated, these spas will last you 5-6 years, but you just don't see them lasting as long as any of the Brands held in high regard here.

Hot Tub Forum

« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2011, 06:37:27 pm »


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« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2011, 04:54:41 pm »
If they were selling the same quality, same product, why don't you see Hot Spring, Sundance, D1, Jacuzzi, Arctic, etc.. at Costco?  The fact is none of the "Costco" spas are even remotely close in build quality.  When you have your spa for more than several years, tell me how it is.  As Tman stated, these spas will last you 5-6 years, but you just don't see them lasting as long as any of the Brands held in high regard here.

And your lible to get a bad taste in your mouth thinking that all tubs feel like the one you just purchased from Costco. When it is simply not true.


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« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2015, 08:43:02 am »
I have had a Costco tub for 14 yrs now, its an Aruba tub from BC. During that time the service has been off the wall. I had the tub about 5 yrs when it started spitting ball bearings into the tub. I called the company (Ridgewood/Aruba) and a very pleasant person asked me a list of questions and we soon discovered that I had never used "decalcifier" in  the tub, never even heard of it. But at their instructions I got some and added what they told me to, and was cautioned that the tub might get a bit cloudy..... Poof!! The tub went instantly as white as milk, you literally could not see your hand even if it was 1/2" below the surface! So we had a good chuckle and they sent replacements for every jet in the tub!! FREE! They even shipped them free. This was well out of warranty of these items. About 6 yrs later it started to happen again..... I called got the SAME girl who again sent me all new jets and she even knew the tub in an instant (about 11yrs after my purchase), so I got the right parts etc.... This time I did pay about $7 per jet though, they still shipped for free!! So... in short, and maybe it's a fluke, but this Costco tub was about 1/2 the price of the competitors at the time and I just could not imagine EVER getting better service from ANY local company and the tub is still working after all these years. They actually did things outside the warranty that they didn't have to which it looks like I caused due to my own lack of knowledge, but they consistently far surpassed my expectations!

So I am in the market now for a tub again as my poor Aruba is looking worse for wear after 14 years, yet it soldiers on. I have a local person who has offered to buy it at nearly what I paid for it 14 yrs ago!! Anyway, looking at a new tub, so I started with the BIG GUNS, called Arctic, pompous and overpriced was what came to mind. They dealt with me like I was a moron and that was after chasing them for days to try and get some information... every time I emailed them I got a nice canned informational flyer type response.... I tried another local company and they sold tubs I had never heard of and am unable to find anything online about, yet they are still more expensive than the Costco lines. But I keep getting told to buy local as they are better but I am not getting the upfront service before the purchase so I can't imagine it's going to get better after they have my money!

I think Costco might be the way to go again.....

Hot Tub Forum

« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2015, 08:43:02 am »


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